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    An online platform dedicated to our master, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ providing a collection of Salawat, Durood Sharif, Adhkar and Prophetic Duas for invocation, reflection and spiritual growth.

    Welcome to

    An online platform dedicated to our master, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ providing a collection of Salawat, Durood Sharif, Adhkar and Prophetic Duas for invocation, reflection and spiritual growth.
    Image Name About Category Attributed to Tariqa Length Words MP3 PDF Video
    Darood Taj Purification, Provision, Protection, Seeing the Prophet ﷺ Abu Bakr bin Salim Ba Alawi Long 140
    Durood Nariya Relief, Anxiety, Problems, Needs Imam al-Qurtubi, Abdul Wahhab al-Tazi NA Medium 40
    Darood Tanjeena
    Darood-e-Tanjeena Relief, Anxiety, Problems, Needs Musa al-Darir NA Medium 38
    salatul fatih
    Salatul Fatih Problems, Needs, Seeing the Prophet ﷺ, Openings, Unveilings Muhammad al-Bakri, Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani Tijani Short 24
    Durood Ibrahim
    Durood Ibrahim Problems, Seeing the Prophet ﷺ Prophet Muhammad ﷺ NA Short 34
    Salat al-Mashishiyya Relief, Peace, Problems, Needs, Purification, Provision, Protection, Seeing the Prophet ﷺ Abdul Salam ibn Mashish Shadhili Long 204
    Salat al-Tibbiyya Healing, Cure Ahmad al-Dardir Khalwati Short 18 NA NA
    Short Salawat Various Various Various Short 5 NA NA NA
    Jawharat al-Kamal Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani Tijani Medium 80
    Salutation of Help Relief, Needs, Healing, Cure Hamid Effendi al-Imadi NA Short 13 NA NA
    Darood Lakhi Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Mahmud Ghaznavi NA Long 343
    Salat al-Azeemiyya Seeing the Prophet ﷺ, Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Ahmad ibn Idris Idrisi, Jafari Medium 93
    Durood Khizri Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Unknown NA Short 7 NA
    Darood Mahi Protection, Seeing the Prophet ﷺ Unknown NA Medium 92 NA NA
    Salat of Imam al-Shadhili Relief, Anxiety, Peace Abul Hasan Ash-Shadhili Shadhili Short 15 NA NA NA
    Salat al-Ali al-Qadar Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Unknown NA Short 18 NA NA NA
    Salatution taught by the Prophet ﷺ Prophet Muhammad ﷺ NA Medium 85 NA NA NA
    Salat Transmitted by Imam al-Ghazali Seeing the Prophet ﷺ Imam al-Ghazali NA Short 8 NA NA NA
    Salutation of the Prophet ﷺ transmitted by Imam al-Sha’rani Seeing the Prophet ﷺ Imam al-Sha'rani NA Short 16 NA NA NA
    Durood-e-Muqaddas Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Unknown NA Long 481 NA
    Darood Hazara Unknown NA Short 16 NA
    Darood Awaisia Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Unknown NA Short 28 NA NA
    Darood Ghousia Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani NA Medium 46 NA NA
    Salat al-Yaqutiyyah Seeing the Prophet ﷺ, Openings, Unveilings, Connection with the Prophet ﷺ Shaykh Muhammad al-Fasi Shadhili Long 274


    Name About Attributed to Words MP3 PDF Video
    Qasida Burda Imam al-Busiri 1915
    Qasida Mudariyya Imam al-Busiri 463
    Qasida Muhammadiya Imam al-Busiri 145
    Salat al-Badriyya Shaykh Ali Mansur 206
    Qasida Salam Imam al-Jazuli 131
    Salli Ya Salam Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yellis 101
    Qamarun Tarek Alarabi 131
    Ya Hanana Unknown 55 NA
    Ya Imam al-Rusli Shaykh Abdur Rahim al-Bura’i 76 NA NA


    Name About Attributed to Words MP3 PDF Video
    The Shimmering Light Mawlid Habib Umar bin Hafiz 1775
    Mawlid al-Barzanji Imam Jafar al-Barzanji 3476 NA


    Name About Attributed to Tariqa Words MP3 PDF Video
    Ratib al-Haddad Imam al-Haddad Ba Alawi 684
    Hizbul Bahr Abul Hasan Ash-Shadhili Shadhili 433
    Dalail al-Khayrat Imam al-Jazuli NA 87 NA NA NA
    Ratib al-Attas Imam al-Attas Ba Alawi 665


    Names of Prophet Muhammad