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  • Salli Ya Salam
    Attributed to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yellis
    Length 101 words
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    Salli Ya Salam



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      Salli Ya Salam

      صَلِّ يَا سَلَامْ عَلَى الْوَسِيلَةْ
      وَشَمْسِ الْأَنَامْ طَلْعَةِ لَيْلَى
      Ṣalli yā salām ʿala l-wasīlah
      Wa shamsi l-anām ṭalʿati laylā
      O Source of Peace, send Your prayers upon the Great Intermediary
      The sun of creation and the face of beauty
      يَا سَاقِي الْعُشَّاقْ أَمْلَ الْكُؤُوسَا
      مِنْ خَمْرِ الْأَذْوَاقْ يُحْيِي النُّفُوسَا
      Yā sāqi l-ʿushshāq amla l-ku'ūsā
      Min khamri l-adhwāq yuḥyyī n-nufūsā
      1. O you who serves the true lovers, fill up the cups (hearts)
      With the wine (Allah’s secrets) of taste, that which revives the soul
      حَضْرَةُ الْإطْلَاقْ أَبْدَتْ شُمُوسَا
      مَحَتِ الرَّوَاقْ عَنْ وَجْهِ لَيْلَى
      Ḥaḍratu l-iṭlāq abdat shumūsā
      Maḥati r-rawāq ʿan wajhi laylā
      2. From the Infinite Presence, suns arose
      Effacing the passage away from Layla’s countenance
      مُبْتَغَى الْعُشَّاقْ حِينَ تَجَلَّى
      فِي ذَاتِ الْخَلَّاقْ اَلْمَوْلَى جَلَّ
      Mubtagha l-ʿushshāq ḥīna tajallā
      Fī dhāti l-khallāq al-mawlā jallā
      3. The lovers’ desire at the point of manifestation
      In the Essence of the Creator: the Exalted Master
      مِنْ بَحْرِ الْإِطْلَاقْ حِينَ تَجَلَّى
      بِكُلِّ رَوْنَقْ جَمَالُ لَيْلَى
      Min baḥri l-iṭlāq ḥīna tajallā
      Bi kulli rawnaq jamālu laylā
      4. The Boundary of Infinity that was adorned
      With every splendour, such as Layla’s beauty!
      صَاحَتِ الْأَطْيَارْ فَوْقَ الْمَنَابِرْ
      وَفَاحَ الْأَزْهَارْ وَالرَّوْضُ عَاطِرْ
      Sāḥāti l-aṭyār fawqa l-manābir
      Wa fāḥa l-azhār wa r-rawḍu ʿāṭir
      5. Above the pulpits, birds sang
      The fragrance of flowers diffused; gardens filled with scent
      رَنَّتِ الْأَوْتَارْ وَالْحِبُّ حَاضِرْ
      غَنِّ يَا خَمَّارْ بِحُسْنِ لَيْلَى
      Rannati l-awtār wa l-ḥibbu ḥāḍir
      Ghanni yā khammār bi ḥusni laylā
      6. Strings trill notes as the loved one is present
      Chant O Server of wine, by the beauty of Layla
      يَا عَيْنَ الْعُيُونْ ظَهَرْتَ جَهْرَا
      بِجَمْعِ الْفُنُونْ كَأْسًا وَخَمْرَا
      Yā ʿayna l-ʿuyūn ẓaharta jahrā
      Bi jamʿi l-funūn ka'san wa khamrā
      7. O Fountain of Fountains, you appeared lucid
      In every symbolisation, cup and wine
      زَالَتِ الشُّجُونْ طَابَتِ الْحَضْرَةْ
      بِالسِّرِّ الْمَكْنُونْ مِنْ كَنْزِ لَيْلَى
      Zālati sh-shujūn ṭābati l-ḥaḍrah
      Bi s-sirri l-maknūn min kanzi laylā
      8. Sorrows disappeared, the Presence made sweet
      By the concealed secret of Layla’s treasure
      اِبْنُ يَلِّسْ هَامْ لَمَّا سُقِيَا
      مِنْ خَمْرِ الْأَذْوَاقْ فَانِي بَاقِيَا
      Ibnu Yallis hām lammā suqiyā
      Min khamri l-adhwāq fānī bāqiyā
      9. Ibnu-Yallas was intoxicated when he was served
      From the wine of taste (Allah’s secrets), his desires died and he was reborn
      عَلَيْكَ السَّلَامْ خَيْرَ الْبَرِيَّةْ
      مَا سُقِيَ الْمُدَامْ فِي حَيِّ لَيْلى
      ʿAlayka s-salām khayra l-bāriyyah
      Mā suqiya l-mudām fī ḥayyi laylā
      10. Upon you be peace, Best of Creation
      For as long as the wine is served in the gatherings (of Layla)
