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  • ٱلْوَاقِعَة
    Surah Waqiah
    The Event
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    Surah Number 56
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Inevitable, The Event, That Which Must Come to Pass
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 96
    Number of Rukus 3 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 271
    Total Number of Words 379
    Number of Letters 1756
    Page Number 534
    Juz Number 27
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    Surah Waqiah

      ​When the inevitable comes to pass, [56:1]
      ​there will be none who deny its happening, [56:2]
      ​humbling and exalting, [56:3]
      ​when the earth is shaken with a shock, [56:4]
      ​and the mountains are crushed, [56:5]
      ​into scattered dust, [56:6]
      ​you will be of three kinds: [56:7]
      ​The company of the right side— what is the company of the right side? [56:8]
      ​And the company of the left side— what is the company of the left side? [56:9]
      ​And those in the forefront will precede: [56:10]
      ​they will be the favorites [56:11]
      in gardens of happiness, [56:12]
      ​a number of the ancients [56:13]
      ​and a few of those of later times; [56:14]
      ​on couches inlaid with gold and jewels [56:15]
      ​reclining on them facing each other [56:16]
      ​circled by immortalized children [56:17]
      ​with goblets and jugs and cups from fountains: [56:18]
      ​they will suffer no headache from that, and will not be exhausted. [56:19]
      ​And there will be fruit for them to choose from, [56:20]
      ​and whatever flesh of fowl they desire. [56:21]
      ​And there will be large-eyed maidens [56:22]
      ​like treasured pearls, [56:23]
      ​as a reward for what they did. [56:24]
      ​They will hear no nonsense there, and no accusation: [56:25]
      ​only the saying, “Peace, peace!” [56:26]
      ​As for the company of the right side, what is the company of the right? [56:27]
      They will be amidst lotus trees without thorns [56:28]
      ​and orderly acacias [56:29]
      ​with extensive shade, [56:30]
      ​and flowing water [56:31]
      ​and abundant fruit [56:32]
      ​that is never unavailable and never out of season; [56:33]
      ​and high cushions. [56:34]
      ​We have created the females as a special creation, [56:35]
      ​making them virgins, [56:36]
      ​loving wives as companions [56:37]
      ​for the company of the right— [56:38]
      ​a number of the ancients, [56:39]
      ​and a number of those of latter days. [56:40]
      ​As for the company of the left side, what is the company of the left? [56:41]
      ​In scorching wind and boiling water, [56:42]
      ​and the shadows of black smoke, [56:43]
      without refreshment, without hospitality; [56:44]
      ​for they had been granted the good things in life before that, [56:45]
      ​yet they persisted in terrible sin; [56:46]
      ​and they used to say, “What? When we have died and become dust and bones, will we really be resurrected? [56:47]
      ​“What? And our ancient ancestors too?” [56:48]
      ​Say, “Indeed—the ancients as well as those of latter days: [56:49]
      ​“they will be gathered together for the deadline of a determined day. [56:50]
      ​“Then you will—you who are confused, imputing falsehood to truth— [56:51]
      ​“you will eat of a bitter tree, [56:52]
      ​“filling your guts from it, [56:53]
      ​“and drinking boiling water on top of that, [56:54]
      ​“drinking the drink of frantic thirst.” [56:55]
      ​This will be their reception on the day of requital. [56:56]
      ​We created you, so why not acknowledge the truth: [56:57]
      ​Do you see the seed you emit? [56:58]
      ​Did you create it, or are We the creator? [56:59]
      We have ordered death among you, and We will not be preempted [56:60]
      ​in Our changing your images and Our resurrecting you in states you do not know. [56:61]
      ​You already know the first creation, so why not take a lesson? [56:62]
      ​Now do you see the seed you sow? [56:63]
      ​Is it you who are making it grow, or are We the producer of growth? [56:64]
      ​If We wished, We would make it disintegrate to dust, and you would be bewildered; [56:65]
      ​“We are burdened with debt, [56:66]
      ​“but we are dispossessed.” [56:67]
      ​Now do you see the water you drink? [56:68]
      ​Do you make it shower from the clouds, or is it We who cause the showers? [56:69]
      ​If We wish, We would make it bitter; so why don’t you give thanks? [56:70]
      ​Now do you see the fire you light? [56:71]
      ​Do you make the tree that fuels it grow, or are We the grower? [56:72]
      ​We have made it a reminder and a convenience for inhabitants of deserts. [56:73]
      ​So celebrate the name of your Lord, the Sublime. [56:74]
      ​I swear by the setting of the stars— [56:75]
      ​and this is a tremendous oath, if you only knew— [56:76]
      ​that this is a noble Recital, [56:77]
      ​in a well-kept Book [56:78]
      ​which none are to touch but those who are clean, [56:79]
      a revelation from the Lord of the universe. [56:80]
      ​So are you glossing over this message? [56:81]
      ​And are you making your living by repudiating it? [56:82]
      ​Then why, when a person breathes his last [56:83]
      ​while you are looking on— [56:84]
      ​though We are closer to him than you, even if you do not see— [56:85]
      ​why then, if you are not under obligation, [56:86]
      ​don’t you revive him, if you are truthful? [56:87]
      ​Now if he was one of the intimates, [56:88]
      ​there will be merciful rest and sweet sustenance, and a garden of happiness. [56:89]
      And if he was one of the company of the right, [56:90]
      ​there will be “Peace to you” from the companions of the right. [56:91]
      ​But if he was one of the wayward who repudiate truth as false, [56:92]
      ​there will be a welcome of boiling water [56:93]
      ​and burning in a blaze. [56:94]
      ​This is the certain truth; [56:95]
      ​so celebrate the name of your Lord, the Sublime. [56:96]
