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  • ٱلطُّور
    Surah Tur
    The Mount
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    Surah Number 52
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Mount, Mount Sinai
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 49
    Number of Rukus 2 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 236
    Total Number of Words 312
    Number of Letters 1324
    Page Number 523
    Juz Number 27
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    Surah Tur

      ​By the mountain [52:1]
      ​and by a written Book [52:2]
      ​in a spread open scroll, [52:3]
      ​and by the populated house [52:4]
      ​and by the roof raised high [52:5]
      ​and by the brimming sea, [52:6]
      ​the punishment of your Lord will surely come about. [52:7]
      ​None can avert it [52:8]
      ​on the day when the sky sways in agitation [52:9]
      ​and the mountains go into motion: [52:10]
      ​So woe to disbelievers on that day, [52:11]
      ​those who are playing with vanities, [52:12]
      on the day they are driven into the fire of hell. [52:13]
      ​“This is the fire, which you used to deny— [52:14]
      ​“So is this sorcery, or don’t you see? [52:15]
      ​“Roast in it; whether you bear up or not, it is the same to you; for you are only recompensed for what you have been doing ” [52:16]
      ​As for the conscientious, they will be in gardens and felicity, [52:17]
      ​enjoying what their Lord has given them; and their Lord preserves them from the torment of the blaze: [52:18]
      ​“Eat and drink with gusto, for what you used to do.” [52:19]
      ​They will be reclining in couches in rows, and We will pair them with large-eyed beauties, [52:20]
      ​As for those who believe and whose children follow them in faith, We will unite them with their children, and We will not cheat them of anything of their deeds; each individual is responsible for what he has earned. [52:21]
      ​And We will supply them with fruit and meat of their desire. [52:22]
      ​They will exchange a goblet there with no frivolity in it, and no accusation. [52:23]
      ​And servants for them will surround them, like treasured pearls, [52:24]
      ​and they will approach each other, asking after one another: [52:25]
      ​They will say, “We were apprehensive for our people before, [52:26]
      ​“then God was gracious to us and kept us from the torment of the burning wind. [52:27]
      ​“Indeed, we have been calling on God from before; for God is the just, the merciful.” [52:28]
      ​So remind, for you are not, by the grace of your Lord, a soothsayer, and not possessed. [52:29]
      ​Do they perhaps say, “A poet! We expect misfortune to befall him in time!”? [52:30]
      ​Say, “Wait—I’ll be waiting with you.” [52:31]
      ​Does their understanding compel them to this, or are they a people out of control? [52:32]
      ​Or do they say, “He made it up!”? They simply don’t believe. [52:33]
      ​Let them come up with a story like it, if they are telling the truth. [52:34]
      ​Were they created from nothing, or are they the creators? [52:35]
      ​Did they create the heavens and the earth? No, they are not certain. [52:36]
      ​Do they hold the treasures of your Lord? Are they the ones in control? [52:37]
      ​Or do they have a ladder by which they can eavesdrop? Then let one of their eavesdroppers bring some clear evidence. [52:38]
      ​And does God have daughters, while you have sons? [52:39]
      Or do you ask them for payment, so they are burdened with debt? [52:40]
      ​Or do they have the mystery and they write it down? [52:41]
      ​Or do they intend a plot? It is the scoffers who are plotted against. [52:42]
      ​Or do they have a deity other than God? God transcends all their associations. [52:43]
      And if they were to see a piece of the sky falling, they would say it is a mass of clouds. [52:44]
      ​So leave them until they meet their day, on which they will be stunned, [52:45]
      ​the day their cunning will avail them naught, and they will not be helped. [52:46]
      ​And for those who have gone wrong there is agony in addition to that, but most of them do not know. [52:47]
      ​So patiently await the judgment of your Lord, for you are in My eyes; and extol the praises of your Lord as soon as you arise; [52:48]
      ​and for part of the night praise God, and when the stars withdraw. [52:49]
