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  • ٱلتِّين
    Surah Tin
    The Fig
    Click to enlarge and save
    Surah Number 95
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Fig Tree, The Fig
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 8
    Number of Rukus
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 34
    Total Number of Words 34
    Number of Letters 162
    Page Number 597
    Juz Number 30
    MP3 Download

    Surah Tin

      ​By the fig and the olive [95:1]
      ​and Mount Sinai, [95:2]
      ​and this secure city, [95:3]
      ​We have made man in the finest order; [95:4]
      ​then We return him to the lowest of the low, [95:5]
      ​except those who believe and do good works- for them there’s reward without end. [95:6]
      ​So what can belie you, henceforth, regarding the judgment? [95:7]
      ​Isn’t God the wisest of judges? [95:8]
