Surah Tariq

By the sky and the Wayfarer: [86:1]
and what will let you know what the Wayfarer is? [86:2]
The penetrating star. [86:3]
There is no soul without a guardian over it. [86:4]
Now let man consider from what he was created: [86:5]
he was created from a liquid pouring forth, [86:6]
issuing from between the loins and the chest. [86:7]
Surely God is capable of restoring him [86:8]
the day that secrets will be known by trial [86:9]
and he will have no power and no helper. [86:10]
By the sky that revolves [86:11]
and the earth that opens [86:12]
this is indeed a discriminating word, [86:13]
and it is not spoken in jest. [86:14]
They are laying a plan, [86:15]
and I too am laying a plan: [86:16]
so give the scoffers time; ease up on them gently. [86:17]