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  • ٱلطَّلَاق
    Surah Talaq
    The Divorce
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    Surah Number 65
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Divorce
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 12
    Number of Rukus 2
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 205
    Total Number of Words 289
    Number of Letters 1203
    Page Number 558
    Juz Number 28
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    Surah Talaq

      ​O Prophet, when you divorce women, release them for their waiting period, and calculate the waiting period, being conscious of God, your Lord; don’t expel them from their houses, nor let them leave, unless they are openly immoral. And those are boundaries of God; and whoever oversteps God’s boundaries has wronged his own soul. You don’t know but God might bring about another order after that. [65:1]
      ​Now when the women come to the end of their term, then either keep them honorably or else part with them honorably, calling to witness two just members of your community, and prove your testimony to God. That is advised to whoever believes in God and the last day. And when someone is conscious of God, God gives him a way out, [65:2]
      ​and will provide for him from where he doesn’t expect. And whoever trusts in God, God suffices him, for God brings about the divine decree. God has given every thing a certain measure. [65:3]
      ​As for those of your wives who are past menstruation, if you are uncertain, their waiting period is three months, as also for those who have not menstruated. As for those who are pregnant, their term is delivery. And whoever is conscious of God, God will give him ease in his concern. [65:4]
      ​That is the decree of God, which God has sent down to you. Whoever is conscious of God, God will efface his evils from him and will increase his reward. [65:5]
      ​Keep those women in the manner you live, according to your means, not depriving them to reduce them to straits. And if they are pregnant, then provide for them until they deliver. And if they nurse for you, then give them their due, and confer with each other reasonably. But if you find it difficult, then let another woman nurse the child. [65:6]
      ​Let those with plenty spend of their abundance; and let one whose provision is limited spend of what God has given him. God does not assign anyone a task beyond what God has given him; God will grant ease after hardship. [65:7]
      ​How many populations defied the decree of their Lord and the messengers! We called them to account with a severe reckoning, and We punished them with an unheard-of torment, [65:8]
      ​and they experienced the unhealthiness of their action, as the outcome of their action was loss. [65:9]
      ​God has arranged intense agony for them; so be conscious of God, you with intelligence, who believe; God has sent you a reminder, [65:10]
      ​a messenger reciting the clarifying signs of God to you, to bring those who believe and do good works out of the darknesses into the light. And any who believe in God and act with integrity God will admit to gardens where streams flow below, where they’ll dwell forever; God has made the best provision for them. [65:11]
      ​God is the one who created seven heavens, and their like of earth, with the order descending between them so that you may know God has power over every thing, and God has already encompassed every thing in knowledge. [65:12]
