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  • ٱلتَّكْوِير
    Surah Takwir
    The Overthrowing
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    Surah Number 81
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Folding Up, The Overthrowing, Shrouding in Darkness
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 29
    Number of Rukus 1
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 84
    Total Number of Words 104
    Number of Letters 435
    Page Number 586
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Takwir

      ​When the sun is rolled up [81:1]
      ​and when the stars fall lusterless [81:2]
      ​and when the mountains are blown away [81:3]
      ​and when the pregnant camels are neglected [81:4]
      ​and when the wild beasts are herded [81:5]
      ​and when the oceans are flooded [81:6]
      ​and when the souls are matched [81:7]
      ​and when the infant girl who was buried is asked [81:8]
      ​for what offense she was killed: [81:9]
      ​And when the pages are opened, [81:10]
      ​and when the sky is stripped [81:11]
      ​and when the blaze is fired up [81:12]
      ​and when the garden is drawn near [81:13]
      ​each soul will know what it has brought about. [81:14]
      ​Yes, I swear by the planets that recede, [81:15]
      ​run, and disappear, [81:16]
      ​and the night as it darkens [81:17]
      ​and the dawn as it breaks [81:18]
      ​that this is the word of a noble messenger, [81:19]
      ​endowed with power, his rank established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne, [81:20]
      ​obeyed and faithful there. [81:21]
      ​So your companion is not insane— [81:22]
      ​he saw him on the clear horizon. [81:23]
      ​And he isn’t grudging with the unseen; [81:24]
      ​and this isn’t the word of an accursed devil. [81:25]
      ​So where are you going? [81:26]
      ​This is a message to all peoples, [81:27]
      ​for any of you who want to be upright. [81:28]
      ​But you won’t want to unless it is the will of God, Lord of the universe. [81:29]
