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  • ٱلتَّغَابُن
    Surah Taghabun
    The Loss & Gain
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    Surah Number 64
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Cheating, The Mutual Disillusion, The Mutual Loss and Gain, Loss and Gain
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 18
    Number of Rukus 2
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 183
    Total Number of Words 242
    Number of Letters 1091
    Page Number 556
    Juz Number 28
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    Surah Taghabun

      ​Everything in the heavens and everything on earth glorifies God, to whom belongs the dominion and who deserves all praise; and who has power over all things. [64:1]
      ​That is the one who created you all; but some of you deny, while some of you believe. And God sees whatever you do. [64:2]
      ​God created the heavens and the earth soundly, and formed you all, fashioning you expertly; and the destination is to God. [64:3]
      ​God knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you reveal. And God knows what is contained in hearts. [64:4]
      ​Has no account come to you of those who scoffed before? They experienced the ill consequence of what they were about, suffering intense agony. [64:5]
      ​That is because their messengers brought them clear explanations, yet they said, “What? Human beings directing us?” And they scoffed and turned away, though God was unaffected, for God is absolutely independent, worthy of all praise. [64:6]
      ​Those who scoff think they’ll never be resurrected: say, “On the contrary—by my Lord, you will surely be resurrected, and then you will be told about everything you did. And that is easy for God.” [64:7]
      ​So believe in God and the messenger of God, and the light that We sent down, as God is aware of whatever you do. [64:8]
      ​The day God assembles you for a day of gathering, that will be a day of outdoing— whoever believes in God and acts with integrity, God will efface their evils from them and admit them to gardens below which rivers flow, to abide therein forever: that is the great success. [64:9]
      ​As for those who scoffed and repudiated Our signs, they will be inmates of the fire, where they will abide; and what a miserable destination! [64:10]
      ​No disaster can occur except by leave of God; and whoever believes in God, God guides his heart. And God has perfect knowledge of everything. [64:11]
      ​So obey God, and obey the messenger. But if you turn away, the only obligation of Our messenger is clear communication. [64:12]
      ​There is no deity but God, so let it be in God that the believers trust. [64:13]
      ​Believers, among your mates and your children are some inimical to you, so beware of them. But if you overlook and pardon and forgive, then God is indeed most forgiving, most merciful. [64:14]
      ​Your possessions and your children are only a test: there is a greater reward in the presence of God. [64:15]
      ​So be conscious of God as much as you can, and listen and obey and contribute, for your own good. And those safeguarded from the avarice of their selves, they are the ones who thrive. [64:16]
      ​If you advance God a good loan, God will multiply it for you, and forgive you; for God is most appreciative, most clement, [64:17]
      ​Knower of the invisible and the evident, the almighty, epitome of wisdom and justice. [64:18]
