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  • ٱلشُّورىٰ
    Surah Shuraa
    The Consultation
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    Surah Number 42
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Consultation
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 53
    Number of Rukus 5
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 462
    Total Number of Words 860
    Number of Letters 3522
    Page Number 483
    Juz Number 25
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    Surah Shuraa

      H.M.: [42:1]
      ​‘.S.Q.: [42:2]
      ​Thus does God inspire you, and those before you, God the Mighty, the Wise; [42:3]
      ​to whom belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and who is the Exalted, the Sublime. [42:4]
      ​The heavens are nearly cleft from above, and the angels praise their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on earth. Oh, yes! God is indeed the Forgiving, the Merciful. [42:5]
      ​Even those who adopt other protectors, God is watching over them, and you are not in charge of them. [42:6]
      ​And so We have inspired you, with an Arabic Recital, that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around her, and that you may warn of the day of assembly, in which there is no doubt; some will be in the garden, and some in the inferno. [42:7]
      ​And if God willed, God would have made them one people; but God admits to divine mercy whomsoever God will; and the unjust have no protector and no savior. [42:8]
      ​Have they adopted protectors other than God? But it is God who is the protector, who gives life to the dead, and who has power over all things. [42:9]
      ​Whatever it is you differ on, it is for God to judge; that is God, my Lord, in whom I trust, and to whom I turn; [42:10]
      ​creator of the heavens and the earth, God has made for you mates from yourselves, and pairs of pasturing animals, creating you in this way. There is nothing like God, the Hearing, the Seeing; [42:11]
      ​the keys of the heavens and earth are God’s, who expands the provision of anyone at will, and sets limits; for God knows every thing. [42:12]
      ​God has prescribed for you what God enjoined on Noah, by which We inspired you, and what We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, that you be steadfast in faith and not be disunited in it. What you call them to is too much for idolaters. God chooses for God whomever God wants, and guides to the divine whoever turns to God. [42:13]
      And they did not become disunited, oppressing one another, until knowledge came to them. And had it not been for a word preceding from your Lord for an appointed term, judgment between them would have been made. And those to whom scripture was bequeathed after them are in disquieting doubt about it. [42:14]
      ​So then give the call, and be upright as you have been commanded, not following their wishes. And say, “I believe in any scripture that God has revealed. And I have been commanded to treat you all fairly. God is our Lord and your Lord too. We are responsible for our acts, and you are responsible for your acts. Let there be no argument between us. God will unite us, and the journey is to God.” [42:15]
      ​And as for those who dispute about God after God has been heard, their argument is invalid with their Lord; and they are deserving of wrath, and there is intense agony in store for them. [42:16]
      ​God is the one who sent down the Book in truth, and the balance. And what will make you understand the end of time may be near? [42:17]
      ​Those who would hasten it are those who don’t believe in it. As for those who believe, they are in awe of it and know it is the truth. Oh, yes—those who quarrel about the end of time are certainly far astray! [42:18]
      ​God is kind to mortals, providing at will for anyone; being the almighty, the all-capable. [42:19]
      ​Whoever desires the fruit of the hereafter, We increase his fruit for him; and whoever desires the fruit of this world, We give him some, but he has no share of the hereafter. [42:20]
      ​Have they partners who lay down for them some religious law not permitted by God? Pending only the Word of Judgment, it would be settled between them. And for the wrongdoers there is a painful punishment. [42:21]
      ​You will see the wrongdoers in fear on account of what they have earned, which is falling upon them. But those who believe and do good works will be in the meadows of the gardens; they will have what they wish in the presence of their Lord. That is the great blessing. [42:22]
      ​That is the glad news God gives to faithful servants who do good works. Say, “I do not ask you any compensation for this, except affection among near of kin.” And for anyone who brings about good, We will add goodness to it, for God is forgiving, appreciative. [42:23]
      ​Do they say, “He’s invented a lie against God”? If God willed, God would seal up your heart. And God obliterates the false and verifies the true by the divine Word. For God knows what is in hearts. [42:24]
      ​And it is God who accepts repentance from servants and pardons sins; and God knows whatever you do. [42:25]
      ​And God responds to those who believe and do good deeds, enhancing them from divine bounty. But there is agony for atheists. [42:26]
      ​If God expanded provisions for mortals, they would surely act unjustly on earth; but God sends down what God wills in a measured way. For God is aware of all mortals and sees them. [42:27]
      ​And it is God who sends down the rain after they have despaired, scattering divine mercy; for God is the Protector, the Praiseworthy. [42:28]
      ​And among the signs of God is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creatures propagated between them. And God can gather them all at will. [42:29]
      ​And whatever misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned; and God pardons much. [42:30]
      ​And you are not the ones to interfere on earth; and you have no protector and no savior but God. [42:31]
      ​And among the signs of God are the ships running on the sea, like mountains: [42:32]
      ​God could still the wind at will, and they would become immobile on the surface; surely there are signs in that for everyone with patience and gratitude. [42:33]
      ​Or God could ruin them for what they have earned, and yet pardons much. [42:34]
      ​And let those who dispute Our signs know there is no escape for them. [42:35]
      ​So whatever you are given is but provision for life in this world; what is with God is better, and more lasting, for those who believe and trust in their Lord. [42:36]
      ​And those who avoid major sins and abominations and who forgive when they are angered; [42:37]
      ​and those who hearken to their Lord, and practice regular prayer, and conduct their business by mutual consultation, and give of what We have provided them; [42:38]
      ​and those who defend themselves when oppression afflicts them. [42:39]
      While the requital for an affliction is a like affliction, yet whoever forgives and reconciles has a reward due from God; for God does not love oppressors. [42:40]
      ​But there is no cause against those who do defend after being oppressed. [42:41]
      ​There is cause against those who oppress people and wreak injustice in the land, without right; for them there is a painful penalty. [42:42]
      ​Yet if anyone is patient and forgives, that is determination that will resolve affairs. [42:43]
      And whoever God leaves astray has no protector after that. And you will see the wrongdoers saying, when they see the penalty, “Is there any way to return?” [42:44]
      ​And you will see them set against it, dejected by abasement, looking furtively. And the believers will say, “Truly the losers are those who lose their own selves and their families on the day of resurrection. Indeed, wrongdoers are in a lasting torment!” [42:45]
      ​They have no protector to save them other than God; and whoever God leaves astray therefore has no way. [42:46]
      ​Hearken to your Lord before there comes a day from God that cannot be avoided; you will have no refuge on that day, and you will have no way of denial. [42:47]
      ​So if they turn away, We have not sent you as a guard over them: your only obligation is communication. Whenever We let man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices in it, but when ill befalls him because of what he himself has brought about, then man is a faithless ingrate indeed. [42:48]
      ​The dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to God, who creates at will, bestowing daughters on anyone at will, and bestowing sons on anyone at will, [42:49]
      ​or combining sons and daughters for them; and God makes anyone sterile at will; for God is omniscient and all-powerful. [42:50]
      ​It is not appropriate for a human being that God should speak to him but by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal, by divine permission, what is God’s will, for God is sublime, supremely wise. [42:51]
      ​And that is how We inspired you spiritually by Our order: you didn’t know what scripture was, nor faith, but We made it a light to guide whomever We will among Our servants. So you are certainly showing the way to a straight path, [42:52]
      ​the path of God, to whom belongs what is in the skies and what is on earth; indeed, all matters wind up with God. [42:53]
