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  • ٱلشُّعَرَاء
    Surah Shuara
    The Poets
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    Surah Number 26
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Poets
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 227
    Number of Rukus 11
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 649
    Total Number of Words 1320
    Number of Letters 5630
    Page Number 367
    Juz Number 19
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    Surah Shuara

      ​T.S.M. [26:1]
      ​These are the signs of the clarifying Book. [26:2]
      ​You may be killing yourself with grief that they may not become believers. [26:3]
      ​If We wished, We would send a sign to them from the sky so their necks would bow to it in submission. [26:4]
      ​But whenever a reminder from the Benevolent One comes to them, newly revealed, they turn away from it, [26:5]
      ​so they have repudiated truth; but news of what they used to sneer at will soon come to them. [26:6]
      ​Don’t they see the earth, how many noble species of all kinds We have produced there? [26:7]
      ​There is surely a sign in that, but most of them are not believers. [26:8]
      ​Yet your Lord is surely the almighty, the merciful. [26:9]
      ​Your Lord called to Moses, “Go to the tyrannical people, [26:10]
      ​“the people of Pharaoh; won’t they be conscientious?” [26:11]
      ​He said, “My Lord, I fear they’ll call me a liar, [26:12]
      ​“and my chest will be constricted, and my speech will not be fluent; so address Aaron. [26:13]
      ​“And they hold me responsible for a crime, so I fear they will kill me.” [26:14]
      ​“Certainly not! Now go, both of you, with Our signs, for We are with you, listening. [26:15]
      ​“So go to Pharaoh, the two of you, and say, We are messengers of the Lord of all worlds, [26:16]
      ​‘“that you should send the Israelites with us.’” [26:17]
      ​[Pharaoh] said, “Didn’t we take care of you as a child in our home? You stayed with us for years of your life; [26:18]
      ​“yet you committed that act of yours that you did, as you are an ingrate.” [26:19]
      ​[Moses] said, “I did it then, when I was one of those astray. [26:20]
      ​“So I fled from you when I was afraid of you; but God granted me wisdom, and made me one of the emissaries. [26:21]
      ​“And this is a favor for which you reproach me— that you enslaved the Israelites?” [26:22]
      ​Pharaoh said, “And what is the Lord of all worlds?” [26:23]
      ​[Moses] said, “The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, if your judgment is correct.” [26:24]
      ​[Pharaoh] said to those around him, “Don’t you hear?” [26:25]
      ​[Moses] said, “Your Lord, and the Lord of your ancestors of old.” [26:26]
      ​[Pharaoh] said, “Your messenger, the one who has been sent to you, is certainly insane!” [26:27]
      ​[Moses] said, “Lord of the East and the West and all that is between them, if you realize.” [26:28]
      ​[Pharaoh] said, “If you take to any deity other than me, I will make you a prisoner.” [26:29]
      ​[Moses] said, “Even if I show you something revealing?” [26:30]
      ​[Pharaoh] said, “Then present it, if you are being truthful.” [26:31]
      ​So he tossed his staff and lo— it was a serpent, plain to see. [26:32]
      ​And he drew out his hand and lo— it was white to the onlookers. [26:33]
      ​[Pharaoh] said to the chiefs around him, “This is an expert magician indeed. [26:34]
      ​“He wants to eject you from your land by his magic. So what do you advise?” [26:35]
      ​They said, “Delay him and his brother; meanwhile send recruiters to the cities [26:36]
      ​“to bring you all the expert magicians.” [26:37]
      ​So the magicians were assembled for the appointment on a specified day, [26:38]
      ​and it was said to the people, “Are you all together [26:39]
      “that we may follow the magicians if they are the winners?” [26:40]
      ​Then when the magicians arrived, they said to Pharaoh, “There is a reward for us if we are the winners, isn’t there?” [26:41]
      ​He said, “Yes, and then you will be favorites.” [26:42]
      ​Moses said to them, “Throw what you’re going to throw.” [26:43]
      So they threw their ropes and canes, and they said, “By the power of Pharaoh, we will be the winners.” [26:44]
      ​Then Moses threw his staff, and lo—it seized their counterfeits: [26:45]
      ​and the magicians were thrown down prostrate. [26:46]
      ​They said, “We believe in the Lord of all worlds, [26:47]
      ​“the Lord of Moses and Aaron.” [26:48]
      ​[Pharaoh] said, “You put your trust in him before I give you permission: he must be your chief, the one who taught you magic. Well, you will know— [26:49]
      ​“I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you all.” [26:50]
      They said, “No harm— for we are returning to our Lord. [26:51]
      “We hope our Lord will forgive us our errors, since we were the first of the believers.” [26:52]
      ​And We inspired Moses, “Set out by night with My devotees, for you will be followed.” [26:53]
      ​So Pharaoh sent recruiters to the cities: [26:54]
      ​“These are a small band, to be sure, [26:55]
      ​“but they are certainly vexing to us, [26:56]
      ​“even if we are united on the alert.” [26:57]
      ​Then We expelled them from gardens and springs, [26:58]
      ​and treasures, and an eminent position. [26:59]
      So it was. And We had the Israelites inherit them. [26:60]
      ​Now then, they followed them at dawn, [26:61]
      ​and when the two throngs saw each other, the company of Moses said, “We will surely be overtaken.” [26:62]
      ​He said, “Certainly not! For with me is my Lord, who will guide me.” [26:63]
      ​Then We inspired Moses, “Strike the sea with your staff!” Then it divided, each part like an enormous mountain. [26:64]
      ​Then We caused the others to approach: [26:65]
      ​now We rescued Moses and those with him, all of them, [26:66]
      ​and We drowned the others. [26:67]
      ​Surely there is a sign in that; yet most of them are not believers: [26:68]
      ​still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:69]
      ​Now tell them the story of Abraham: [26:70]
      ​Remember how he said to his father and his people, “What are you worshipping?” [26:71]
      ​They said, “We worship idols; we are constantly devoted to them.” [26:72]
      ​He said, “Do they hear you when you pray? Do they provide you any benefit or do you any harm?” [26:73]
      ​They said, “No, but we found our fathers doing thus.” [26:74]
      ​He said, “Then do you see what you have been worshipping, [26:75]
      ​“you and your ancestors? [26:76]
      ​“They are inimical to me, except the Lord of all worlds, [26:77]
      ​“who created me and who guides me, [26:78]
      ​“and who feeds me and gives me drink, [26:79]
      “and who heals me when I’m sick, [26:80]
      ​“and who will cause me to die and then revive me, [26:81]
      ​“and who I hope will forgive me on the day of requital. [26:82]
      ​“My Lord, grant me wisdom, and admittance to the society of the righteous, [26:83]
      ​“and give me a reputation for truth among later generations, [26:84]
      ​“and make me an heir of paradise, [26:85]
      ​“and forgive my father, as he is among those in error; [26:86]
      ​“and do not disgrace me on the day they’re resurrected, [26:87]
      ​“the day when neither wealth nor children will be of help, [26:88]
      ​“except those who bring God an unblemished heart. [26:89]
      “And the garden will be brought near the conscientious, [26:90]
      ​“while the blaze will be displayed to those astray; [26:91]
      ​“and it will be said to them, ‘Where are those you used to worship [26:92]
      ​“‘besides God? Will they deliver you, or deliver themselves?’ [26:93]
      ​“Then they’ll be toppled into the fire, they and those astray, [26:94]
      ​“and the armies of the devil, all of them. [26:95]
      ​“They will say, disputing there, [26:96]
      ​“‘By God, we were indeed in evident error [26:97]
      ​“‘when we took you for equals to the Lord of all worlds, [26:98]
      ​“‘and no one led us astray but the sinners. [26:99]
      ​‘“So there are no intercessors for us [26:100]
      ​“‘and nary an intimate friend. [26:101]
      ​“‘Now if only we could return, we would be believers.’” [26:102]
      ​Surely in that is a sign; but most of them aren’t believers. [26:103]
      ​Still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:104]
      ​Noah’s people repudiated the emissaries: [26:105]
      ​Remember how their brother Noah said to them, “Won’t you be conscientious? [26:106]
      ​“For I am a faithful messenger to you; [26:107]
      ​“so be conscious of God, and obey me. [26:108]
      ​“I ask you no reward for it, either; for my reward is up to the Lord of all worlds alone. [26:109]
      ​“So be conscious of God, and obey me.” [26:110]
      ​They said, “Should we believe in you, when the most abject follow you?” [26:111]
      ​He said, “What do I know of what they do? [26:112]
      ​“Their account is up to my Lord alone, if you understand: [26:113]
      ​“and I am not about to drive away the believers. [26:114]
      ​“I am only a herald, speaking plainly.” [26:115]
      ​They said, “If you don’t give up, Noah, you will be stoned.” [26:116]
      ​He said, “My Lord, my people have repudiated me; [26:117]
      ​“so judge between us, and deliver me and the believers with me.” [26:118]
      ​So We delivered him and those with him, on the laden Ark. [26:119]
      ​Then We drowned those who stayed behind. [26:120]
      ​Surely there is a sign in that, but most of them aren’t believers. [26:121]
      ​Still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:122]
      ​The ‘Ad repudiated the emissaries: [26:123]
      ​Remember how their brother Hud said to them, “Won’t you be conscientious? [26:124]
      ​“I am a faithful messenger to you. [26:125]
      ​“So be conscious of God, and obey me. [26:126]
      ​“I don’t ask you reward for it; my reward is up to the Lord of all worlds alone. [26:127]
      ​“Do you erect a sign on every hill for fun? [26:128]
      ​“And do you occupy buildings so you might stay forever? [26:129]
      ​“When you attack, you attack as oppressors. [26:130]
      ​“So be conscious of God, and obey me. [26:131]
      ​“Be conscious of the One who supplied you with all you know; [26:132]
      ​“supplied you with cattle and children, [26:133]
      ​“and gardens and springs. [26:134]
      ​“Indeed, I fear for you the torment of a distressing day.” [26:135]
      ​They said, “It is the same to us whether you preach or not; [26:136]
      ​“for this is only an invention of the ancients— [26:137]
      “we are not going to be punished.” [26:138]
      ​Thus they called him a liar, and so We destroyed them. Surely there is a sign in that, but most of them aren’t believers. [26:139]
      Still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:140]
      ​The Thamud repudiated the emissaries: [26:141]
      ​Remember how their brother Salih said to them, “Won’t you be conscientious? [26:142]
      “I am a faithful messenger to you, [26:143]
      “so be conscious of God, and obey me. [26:144]
      ​“I don’t ask you any reward for it; my reward is up to the Lord of all worlds alone. [26:145]
      ​“Will you be left secure in what is here— [26:146]
      ​“in gardens and springs, [26:147]
      ​“and fields, and date palms with heavily laden spathes, [26:148]
      ​“with you nimbly carving houses from the mountains? [26:149]
      ​“So be conscious of God, and obey me; [26:150]
      ​“and don’t obey the command of those who are immoderate, [26:151]
      ​“who corrupt the land and do nothing to improve.” [26:152]
      ​They said, “You are merely bewitched. [26:153]
      ​“You are nothing but a man like us. Produce a sign if you are being truthful.” [26:154]
      ​He said, “Here is a she-camel. There is a portion of water for it, and a portion of water for you on a determined day. [26:155]
      ​“So do it no harm, lest the torment of a distressing day overtake you.” [26:156]
      ​But they hamstrung it, and then they became rueful; [26:157]
      ​and the torment overtook them. There is surely a sign in that, but most of them aren’t believers. [26:158]
      ​Still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:159]
      ​Lot’s people repudiated the emissaries: [26:160]
      ​Remember how their brother Lot said to them, “Won’t you be conscientious? [26:161]
      ​“I am a faithful messenger to you, [26:162]
      ​“so be conscious of God, and obey me. [26:163]
      ​“I don’t ask you any reward for it, either; my reward is up to the Lord of all worlds alone. [26:164]
      ​“Do you approach males, [26:165]
      ​“leaving alone the mates your Lord created for you? You are an immoral people!” [26:166]
      ​They said, “If you don’t stop, Lot, you will be banished.” [26:167]
      ​He said, “I certainly abhor your activity! [26:168]
      ​“My Lord, deliver me and my family from what they are doing!” [26:169]
      ​So we rescued him and his family, all together, [26:170]
      ​except an old woman among those who tarried behind; [26:171]
      ​then We destroyed the rest— [26:172]
      ​We rained a shower on them; and grievous is the shower rained on those who have been warned! [26:173]
      ​There is surely a sign in that, but most of them aren’t believers. [26:174]
      ​Still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:175]
      ​The people of the woods repudiated the emissaries: [26:176]
      ​Remember how Shu‘aib said to them, “Won’t you be conscientious? [26:177]
      ​“I am a faithful messenger to you, [26:178]
      ​“so be conscious of God, and obey me. [26:179]
      ​“And I ask you no reward for it, either; my reward is up to the Lord of all worlds alone. [26:180]
      “Give full measure, and do not cause loss: [26:181]
      ​“weigh with accurate scales, [26:182]
      ​“and don’t withhold from people anything due them, and don’t do harm in the land as spoilers. [26:183]
      ​“And be conscious of the One who created you and the multitudes of yore.” [26:184]
      ​They said, “You are merely bewitched. [26:185]
      ​“You are no more than a man, like us; and we think you are a liar. [26:186]
      ​“Now bring pieces of the sky down on us, if you are telling the truth.” [26:187]
      ​He said, “My Lord knows better what you are doing.” [26:188]
      ​But they still called him a liar. Then the agony of the day of the overshadowing cloud struck them; and that was the agony of a distressing day. [26:189]
      ​There is surely a sign in that, but most of them aren’t believers. [26:190]
      ​Still your Lord is in fact the Almighty, the Merciful. [26:191]
      ​This is a revelation from the Lord of all worlds: [26:192]
      ​the faithful spirit brought it down [26:193]
      ​to your heart, that you may be a herald [26:194]
      ​in clear Arabic speech: [26:195]
      ​and this is in the ancient scriptures too: [26:196]
      ​isn’t it a sign to them that the learned of the Israelites acknowledge it? [26:197]
      ​Even if We had revealed it to some of the non-Arabs, [26:198]
      ​and had he recited it to them, they would not have believed in it. [26:199]
      Thus have We introduced it into the hearts of the sinners: [26:200]
      ​they won’t believe in it until they see the painful penalty; [26:201]
      but it will come to them suddenly, while they are unawares: [26:202]
      ​Then they will say, “Will we be granted a stay?” [26:203]
      Do they seek to hasten Our punishment? [26:204]
      ​Do you see—if We let them enjoy life for years, [26:205]
      then there comes upon them what they were promised, [26:206]
      ​what they had been allowed to enjoy will be of no avail to them. [26:207]
      Yet We never destroyed a population that did not have its warners [26:208]
      to remind; and We have never been unjust. [26:209]
      ​The devils haven’t brought this down: [26:210]
      ​it is not fitting for them, and they are not able; [26:211]
      ​for they are cut off from hearing. [26:212]
      ​So do not pray to any deity besides God, or you will be punished. [26:213]
      ​And warn your closest relatives. [26:214]
      ​And lower your wing to the believers who follow you. [26:215]
      ​Then if they disobey you, then say, “I am innocent of what you are doing.” [26:216]
      ​And trust in the Almighty, the Merciful, [26:217]
      ​who sees you as you stand, [26:218]
      ​and your movements in the company of those bowing down; [26:219]
      for God is all-hearing, all-knowing. [26:220]
      ​Shall I tell you about those on whom the devils descend? [26:221]
      ​They descend on all lying sinners, [26:222]
      ​who listen to them though most of them are liars; [26:223]
      and the seducing poets follow them: [26:224]
      ​don’t you see that they’re in every valley, roaming in rapture, [26:225]
      and that they say what they do not do? [26:226]
      ​The exception are those who believe and do good works and remember God a lot, and defend themselves after they’re oppressed. And as for the oppressors, they’ll find out what turn of fate they’ll undergo. [26:227]
