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  • ٱلشَّمْس
    Surah Shams
    The Sun
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    Surah Number 91
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Sun
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 15
    Number of Rukus ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 48
    Total Number of Words 54
    Number of Letters 253
    Page Number 595
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Shams

      ​By the sun and its brilliance, [91:1]
      ​and the moon, following it, [91:2]
      ​and the day, revealing it, [91:3]
      ​and the night, concealing it; [91:4]
      ​by the sky and its construction, [91:5]
      ​and the earth and its extension; [91:6]
      ​by the self and its balance, [91:7]
      and its inspiration with its depravity and its conscience: [91:8]
      ​whoever purifies it is triumphant, [91:9]
      ​and whoever corrupts it is a failure. [91:10]
      ​The Thamud repudiated truth with their oppression: [91:11]
      ​the greatest wretch among them was sent, [91:12]
      ​but the messenger of God said to them, “This is God’s she-camel; so let her drink.” [91:13]
      ​But they called him a liar and hamstrung it. So their Lord destroyed them for their crime, leveling the place, [91:14]
      ​without fearing the consequence. [91:15]
