Surah Sajdah

A.L.M. [32:1]
The revelation of the Book, in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the universe. [32:2]
Do they perchance say, “He made it up”? No, this is the truth from your Lord, that you may warn a people to whom no herald has come before you, so that they may be guided. [32:3]
God is the one who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them in six days, then mounted the Throne. You have no other protector, and no intercessor. So will you not be mindful? [32:4]
God governs order from sky to earth; then it will go up to God on a day that will last a thousand years by your count. [32:5]
That is the Almighty, the Merciful, knower of the hidden and the manifest, [32:6]
who did best by everything created, and began the creation of man from clay, [32:7]
and made his progeny from an extract of a lowly liquid, [32:8]
yet proportioned him and breathed some divine spirit into him, giving you hearing, seeing, and intelligence, You are scarcely grateful, [32:9]
They still say, “What? When we are gone and forgotten under the ground, are we to be in a new creation?” They scoff at the meeting with their Lord, [32:10]
Say, “The angel of death put in charge of you will take your souls, and then you’ll be returned to your Lord.” [32:11]
If you could only see when the sinners are bowing their heads to their Lord: “Our Lord, we have seen and we have heard, so send us back and we’ll make amends, for we are sure.” [32:12]
Had We wished, We would have given every soul its direction; but the declaration from Me will come true: “I will fill hell with sprites and humans, all together.” [32:13]
“So suffer for forgetting the meeting of this day of yours— We have forgotten you, so taste the eternal torment for what you have done.” [32:14]
The only ones who believe in Our signs are those who when reminded of them fall down prostrate, extolling praise of their Lord, without conceit: [32:15]
their sides shun their beds as they pray to their Lord in fear and in hope, and they give of what We have provided them. [32:16]
But no one knows the joy that has been kept secret for them as a reward for what they have done. [32:17]
So is the believer like the deviant? They are not equal. [32:18]
As for those who believed and did good works, there are gardens for them to live in, as a welcome for what they did. [32:19]
And as for the immoral, their abode will be the fire; every time they try to get out of it, they will be returned to it, and they will be told, “Taste the torment of the fire, which you used to deny.” [32:20]
And We will make them taste the more immediate torment besides the ultimate torment, so that they might revert. [32:21]
Who is more wrong than he who is reminded of the signs of God but then turns away from them? We will take vengeance on the sinners. [32:22]
We did give Moses scripture, so don’t be in doubt about finding it, as We made it a guide for the Israelites. [32:23]
And We appointed leaders among them, who guided by Our directive as long as they were constant and were certain of Our signs. [32:24]
It is your Lord who will decide among them on the day of resurrection regarding that wherein they differed. [32:25]
Aren’t they edified by how many populations We destroyed before them, among whose habitations they walk? Surely there are signs in that— so will they not listen? [32:26]
Haven’t they seen how We send water to dry earth, thereby producing crops, of which their livestock eat, as do they themselves? Do they not observe? [32:27]
They even say, “When is this judgment, if you are telling the truth?” [32:28]
Say, “On the day of the judgment, the faith of those who scoffed will be of no avail to them, and they will not be granted a stay.” [32:29]
So turn away from them and wait, for they are waiting. [32:30]