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    Surah Saffat
    Those Ranges In Ranks
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    Surah Number 37
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Those Who Set The Ranks, Drawn Up In Ranks, Those Ranged in Ranks
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 182
    Number of Rukus 5
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 535
    Total Number of Words 865
    Number of Letters 3899
    Page Number 446
    Juz Number 23
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    Surah Saffat

      ​By those who stand together, side by side, [37:1]
      ​and so are forbidding defenders, [37:2]
      ​and who recited revelation, [37:3]
      ​your God is actually One, [37:4]
      ​Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, and Lord of all points of the sunrise. [37:5]
      ​We have adorned the sky of the world with the ornament of the stars, [37:6]
      ​and to guard against every rebellious devil, [37:7]
      ​so they cannot eavesdrop on the supreme council, but will be ousted from every side, [37:8]
      ​repelled and consigned to lasting torment; [37:9]
      ​except one grabbing a snatch— then a piercing fire pursues him. [37:10]
      ​Now ask them if they believe their constitution is more solid than anything We have created, for We made them of cohesive clay. [37:11]
      ​But you marvel, while they jeer. [37:12]
      ​And when they are warned, they pay no mind. [37:13]
      ​And when they have seen a sign, they make a mockery of it, [37:14]
      ​saying it is obvious enchantment, that’s all: [37:15]
      ​“What? When we’re dead and have become dust and bones, are we really to be resurrected? [37:16]
      ​“And our ancestors from ancient times?” [37:17]
      ​Say, “Yes; and you will be contemptible.” [37:18]
      ​Then it will be but a single cry, and lo—they will see: [37:19]
      ​and they will say, “Oh, woe is us! This is judgment day!” [37:20]
      ​This is the day of decision, which you used to deny. [37:21]
      ​Let them be gathered— those who did wrong, and their mates, and those they used to worship [37:22]
      ​instead of God; and let them be led to the path to the blaze: [37:23]
      ​then stop them, for they are to be questioned: [37:24]
      ​“What is the matter with you, that you don’t assist one another?” [37:25]
      ​But that day they will surrender, [37:26]
      ​and turn to one another, questioning each other, [37:27]
      ​saying, “It was you who came to us claiming right.” [37:28]
      ​They will reply, “No, you were not believers, [37:29]
      ​“and we had no authority over you. No, you are an unruly people.” [37:30]
      ​“And now the testimony of our Lord has proven true against us—indeed, we are certainly suffering! [37:31]
      ​“For we misguided you, as we ourselves were misguided.” [37:32]
      ​So on that day they will share the agony, [37:33]
      ​for that is what We will do with sinners, [37:34]
      ​for they were insolent when told there is no deity but God, [37:35]
      ​saying, “Would we really abandon our deities for a poet who’s possessed?” [37:36]
      ​But he has brought truth, and confirmed the veracity of the emissaries. [37:37]
      ​You will surely suffer the painful punishment, [37:38]
      ​but you will not be repaid but for what you have done, [37:39]
      except the sincere servants of God; [37:40]
      ​for them there is a determined provision, [37:41]
      ​fruits; and they will be honored [37:42]
      ​in gardens of felicity, [37:43]
      ​on divans facing each other, [37:44]
      ​while a cup from a fountain is passed around to them, [37:45]
      ​pure water, a delight to those who drink, [37:46]
      ​with no intoxication in it, so they don’t become inebriated from it. [37:47]
      ​And with them there will be demure women with large eyes, [37:48]
      ​delicate, chaste; [37:49]
      ​then they will approach one another, asking after one another. [37:50]
      ​A speaker among them will say, “I had a companion [37:51]
      ​“who said, ‘Are you really one of those who believe?’ [37:52]
      ​“‘When we have died and become dust and bones, are we really to be requited?”’ [37:53]
      ​“Will you look?” [37:54]
      ​Then when he looks, he will see him in the middle of the blaze: [37:55]
      ​he’ll say, “By God, you nearly brought me to destruction! [37:56]
      ​“If not for the grace of my Lord, I would surely have been one of those to be summoned. [37:57]
      ​“Are we then not to die [37:58]
      ​“except our first death, and we are not to be punished?” [37:59]
      This is indeed the great success; [37:60]
      ​so let workers work for the likes of this— [37:61]
      ​is that a better place to stay than the infernal tree of hell? [37:62]
      ​We made that as a trial for the unjust; [37:63]
      ​for it is a tree that emerges from the source of hellfire: [37:64]
      ​its fruit stalk is like devils’ heads. [37:65]
      ​They will eat of it, filling their guts with it. [37:66]
      ​Then, on top of that, they’ll have a concoction with boiling water. [37:67]
      ​Then they’ll be returned to the blaze: [37:68]
      ​for they found their fathers astray, [37:69]
      ​and they hasten to follow their footsteps; [37:70]
      ​and most of the ancients before them had also gone astray— [37:71]
      ​and We’d sent them warners too— [37:72]
      ​so observe the end of those who had been warned, [37:73]
      ​except the sincere devotees of God. [37:74]
      ​Noah called out to Us, surely the perfect respondent, [37:75]
      ​and We rescued him and his family from the great distress, [37:76]
      ​and made his descendants the survivors: [37:77]
      ​and among later generations We left for him [37:78]
      ​“Peace upon Noah among all peoples,” [37:79]
      for that is how We reward those who do good; [37:80]
      ​for he was one of Our faithful devotees; [37:81]
      ​then We drowned the rest. [37:82]
      ​But Abraham was certainly a follower of his: [37:83]
      ​he went to his Lord with a sound heart; [37:84]
      ​he said to his father and his people, “What is it you worship— [37:85]
      ​“is it falsehood, deities other than God, that you have in mind? [37:86]
      ​“Then what is your idea of the Lord of the universe?” [37:87]
      ​Then he took a look at the stars [37:88]
      ​and said, “I am sick,” [37:89]
      and they turned their backs on him. [37:90]
      ​Then he turned on their deities and said, “Don’t you eat? [37:91]
      ​“What is the matter with you, that you don’t speak?” [37:92]
      ​Then he turned on them, striking with the right hand, [37:93]
      ​and [his people] rushed at him. [37:94]
      ​He said, “Do you worship what you carve, [37:95]
      ​“when God made you and what you manufacture?” [37:96]
      ​They said, “Build a structure for it, and throw him into a fire.” [37:97]
      ​Thus they conceived a plot against him, but We made them the lowliest. [37:98]
      ​He said, “As for me, I am going to my Lord, who will guide me. [37:99]
      ​“My Lord, grant me sound progeny.” [37:100]
      ​So We announced joyful news to him, of a good-natured son. [37:101]
      ​Then when he had come of age to work together, he said, “My son, I see in a dream that I sacrifice you. Now let’s see what you think.” He said, “Father, do what you are commanded; you will find me, God willing, bearing it calmly.” [37:102]
      ​Then when both had acquiesced and he lay him down, on his forehead, [37:103]
      ​We called to him, “Abraham! [37:104]
      ​“You have already authenticated the vision For that is how We recompense those who do right; [37:105]
      ​for this was certainly an evident trial, [37:106]
      ​as We redeemed him through a tremendous sacrifice, [37:107]
      ​and We left for him in future generations [37:108]
      ​“Peace upon Abraham!” [37:109]
      ​That is how We recompense those who do right; [37:110]
      ​for he was one of Our faithful servants. [37:111]
      ​We also gave him good news of Isaac, a prophet, a man of integrity. [37:112]
      ​And We blessed him, and Isaac too; but while some of their descendants are good, some are clearly oppressing their own souls. [37:113]
      ​We also blessed Moses and Aaron, [37:114]
      ​and We rescued them and their people from tremendous trouble, [37:115]
      ​and We helped them so they would be the victors, [37:116]
      ​and We gave them the clear scripture, [37:117]
      ​and We guided them to the straight path, [37:118]
      ​and We left for them in future generations [37:119]
      ​“Peace upon Moses and Aaron!” [37:120]
      ​For that is how We recompense those who do good; [37:121]
      ​for those two were among Our faithful servants. [37:122]
      ​And Elias was an emissary too: [37:123]
      ​He said to his people, “Won’t you be conscientious? [37:124]
      ​“Do you pray to Baal, while neglecting the best of creators, [37:125]
      ​“God, your Lord, and Lord of your ancestors of yore?” [37:126]
      ​But they rejected him; and so they will be summoned, [37:127]
      ​except the sincere servants of God. [37:128]
      ​And We left for him in future generations, [37:129]
      ​“Peace on Elias and kind!” [37:130]
      ​For that is how We recompense those who do right; [37:131]
      ​for he was one of Our faithful servants. [37:132]
      ​Lot was an emissary too: [37:133]
      ​We saved him and his people, all [37:134]
      ​except an old woman among those who stayed behind; [37:135]
      ​and We destroyed the rest. [37:136]
      ​You pass by where they were, daily [37:137]
      ​and nightly—so won’t you understand? [37:138]
      ​Jonah was one of the emissaries too. [37:139]
      When he fled to the loaded ship, [37:140]
      ​he cast lots, and was condemned. [37:141]
      ​Then the whale swallowed him, and he was blameworthy. [37:142]
      ​If not for the fact that he was one who glorified God, [37:143]
      he would have remained inside its guts until the day they are resurrected. [37:144]
      ​But We threw him onto a wasteland, ailing; [37:145]
      ​and We caused a gourd vine to grow over him, [37:146]
      ​and We sent him as a messenger to a hundred thousand or more, [37:147]
      ​and they believed, so We let them live for a while. [37:148]
      ​Now ask them their opinion: does your Lord have daughters, while they have sons? [37:149]
      ​Or have We created the angels female, with them as witnesses? [37:150]
      ​Isn’t it from their own falsehood that they say [37:151]
      ​God has begotten children? They are certainly liars! [37:152]
      ​God has chosen daughters over sons? [37:153]
      ​What is the matter with you? How do you judge? [37:154]
      ​Won’t you reflect? [37:155]
      ​Or have you authoritative evidence? [37:156]
      ​Then produce your scripture, if you are telling the truth. [37:157]
      ​They also impute a kinship between God and the sprites, though the sprites themselves do know they are surely subject to the summons. [37:158]
      ​Glory to God, transcendent beyond whatever they assert [37:159]
      ​—excepting the sincere devotees of God; [37:160]
      ​for you and what you worship [37:161]
      ​cannot seduce away from God [37:162]
      ​any but those who actively leap into hellfire. [37:163]
      ​“And there is none among us but has a determined place, [37:164]
      ​“and we are those who stand together, ranged in ranks, [37:165]
      ​“and we are those who are always glorifying God.” [37:166]
      ​Even though there have been those who do say, [37:167]
      ​“If only we had instruction from the ancients, [37:168]
      ​“we would certainly have been sincere devotees of God,” [37:169]
      ​they reject it; and they will find out— [37:170]
      ​Our word has already gone out to Our servants sent as emissaries before, [37:171]
      ​assuring them they were assisted, [37:172]
      ​and that Our forces would be triumphant. [37:173]
      ​So avoid them for a while, [37:174]
      ​and observe them; for they will see. [37:175]
      ​Is it Our punishment they seek to hasten? [37:176]
      ​When it descends into their arena, then miserable the morning for those who were warned. [37:177]
      ​So avoid them for a while, [37:178]
      ​and watch, for they will see. [37:179]
      ​Glory to your Lord, Lord of Power, transcending whatever they describe. [37:180]
      ​And peace upon the emissaries. [37:181]
      ​And praise to God, Lord of the universe. [37:182]
