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  • ٱلرَّعْد
    Surah Ra’d
    The Thunder
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    Surah Number 13
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Thunder
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 43
    Number of Rukus 6
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 511
    Total Number of Words 853
    Number of Letters 3545
    Page Number 249
    Juz Number 13
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    Surah Ra’d

      ​A.L.M.R. Those are signs of the Book. And what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe. [13:1]
      ​God is the one who raised the heavens without pillars you can see, then mounted the throne and subjected the sun and the moon: each runs for a determined period. God arranges the order and elucidates the signs, so you may be certain of meeting your Lord. [13:2]
      ​And God it is who spread out the earth, and placed on it mountains and rivers, and made mated pairs of all fruits; and causes the night to cover the day. Therein are signs for people who reflect. [13:3]
      ​And on earth are neighboring sections, and vineyards of grapes and fields of grain, and date palms, from the same root and otherwise; they are watered by the same water, but We have favored some over others as foods. Truly in that is a sign for people who understand [13:4]
      ​But if you wonder, what is amazing is their saying, “When we are dust, will we be in a new creation?” They are the ones who disbelieved in their Lord, and they will have yokes on their necks, and they will be inmates of the fire, where they will remain. [13:5]
      ​They urge you to hasten evils before good, but the punishments to be made examples have already passed away before them, and your Lord is full of forgiveness for people for their error; but your Lord is indeed severe in retribution. [13:6]
      ​Yet those who scoff say, “Why was a sign not sent down to him from his Lord?” You are only a warner, and a guide to every people. [13:7]
      ​God knows what every female bears; and when the wombs are premature and when they are overdue. And God has every thing on a determined measure. [13:8]
      ​Knower of the invisible and the evident, God is the Greatest, the Exalted. [13:9]
      ​Equal is the one of you who conceals his speech to the one who speaks openly; as is the one who tries to hide himself by night to the one who goes about freely by day. [13:10]
      ​For each there is a succession of angels, in front of him and behind him, protecting him by order of God. God does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition. And when God wants misfortune for a people, there is no averting it; and they have no protection besides God. [13:11]
      ​God is the one who shows you lightning, representing fear and hope, and raises the heavy clouds. [13:12]
      ​And thunder celebrates the praise of God, as do the angels from awe thereof. And God sends the thunderbolts, striking with them anyone at will, while they argue about God, who is mighty powerful. [13:13]
      ​True prayer is to God alone: whoever else they pray to will not answer them with anything, except as one who extends his two hands toward water that it may come to his mouth, but it never does come to him. And the supplication of atheists is invariably in error. [13:14]
      ​And everyone in the heavens and the earth bows to God, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows, in the mornings and the evenings. [13:15]
      ​Say, “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth? Say, “God.” Say, “So do you take to other patrons than God who cannot profit or harm themselves?” Say, “Are the blind and the seeing equal? Or are darkness and light equal?” Or do they attribute partners to God that created the likes of God’s creation, so the creation seemed similar to them? Say, “God is the creator of all things; and God is the One, the Omnipotent.” [13:16]
      ​God sends down water from the sky, and valleys flow according to their measure, with the current carrying swelling froth. And from what they heat in fire for ornaments or utensils comes a similar froth. In this way God exemplifies truth and falsehood. As for the froth, it goes away like foam. And as for what benefits people, it remains on earth. In this way God presents analogies. [13:17]
      ​For those who respond to their Lord is the best; as for those who do not respond to their Lord, even if they had everything on earth and its like besides, they could not redeem themselves with it. They are the ones who will have a painful reckoning; and their abode will be hell. And what a miserable place of rest! [13:18]
      ​So is one who knows that what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth like one who is blind? Only those with reason will think— [13:19]
      ​those who fulfill the promise to God and do not violate the agreement, [13:20]
      ​and those who join what God has ordered be joined and are in awe of their Lord and dread a terrible reckoning. [13:21]
      ​And those who are constant seeking the favor of their Lord and pray regularly, and give of what We have provided them, secretly and openly, and drive off evil by good; for them is the reward of paradise, [13:22]
      ​everlasting gardens, where they will enter, and the upright ones among their parents, their spouses, and their children; and the angels enter their presence from every gateway: [13:23]
      ​“Peace upon you, for you were constant; and how excellent the reward of paradise!” [13:24]
      ​As for those who violate the promise to God after agreement to it, and separate what God has commanded be joined, and cause trouble on earth, the curse is on them, and there is a wretched abode for them. [13:25]
      ​God expands the provision of anyone at will, and limits. Yet they delight in the life of the world. But the life of the world is but a utensil in respect to the hereafter. [13:26]
      ​Those who scoff say, “Why was a sign from his Lord not sent down to him?” Say, “God lets anyone wander, at will, but guides to the divine whoever repents and turns to God— [13:27]
      ​“those who believe and whose hearts are satisfied by remembrance of God. Oh, it is by remembrance of God that hearts are satisfied! [13:28]
      ​“For those who believe and do good works, there is happiness and a beautiful destiny.” [13:29]
      ​Thus have We sent you among a people before whom a plurality of peoples had already passed away, to recite to them what We revealed to you by inspiration; yet they repudiate the Benevolent One. Say, “That is my Lord; there is no other deity: it is God that I trust, and to God that I turn.” [13:30]
      ​Even if there were a recital by which the mountains were removed and the earth were cloven, or the dead were made to speak, nonetheless the order would still be entirely up to God. So have not those who believe acquiesced to the fact that God would have guided all of humanity had that been the divine will? And adversity will not cease to strike those who scoff for what they have done, or it will alight near their homes, until the promise of God arrives; and God never breaks a promise. [13:31]
      ​Messengers were ridiculed before you; We granted respite to those who scoffed, then We seized them— and how was My retribution! [13:32]
      ​So who is it that stands over every soul with what it has earned? And yet they attribute partners to God. Say, “Call on them by name; will they inform God of something God does not know on earth, or is it a show of words?” But their conniving seems fine to those who scoff, though they are diverted from the way; and whoever God leaves astray has no guide at all. [13:33]
      ​There is torment for them in the life of the world, and the torment of the hereafter is even harder. And they have no defender against God. [13:34]
      ​The description of the garden promised to the conscientious: rivers flow below it; its fruit is perpetual, as is its shade. That is the reward for those who were conscientious; while the reward of the scoffers is fire. [13:35]
      ​Those whom We have given scripture rejoice in what We have revealed to you; but there are those among the factions who disavow a part of it. Say, “I have only been instructed to serve God and not attribute any partners to God. It is to God that I call, and to God I’ll return.” [13:36]
      ​So it is that We have sent it down as wisdom in Arabic. If you followed others’ wishes after knowledge came to you, you would have no protector and no defender against God. [13:37]
      ​We have sent messengers before you, and We gave them wives and children. And no messenger could bring a sign but by permission of God. There is a scripture for every era. [13:38]
      ​God abolishes or establishes whatever God will; and the source of scripture is with God. [13:39]
      ​Whether We show you some of what We promised them, or We take your soul, your only duty is delivering the message— the accounting is up to Us. [13:40]
      ​Don’t they see that We affect the land, reducing it from its borders? God decides; none can put off divine judgment. And God is quick to account. [13:41]
      ​Those before them plotted too, but the whole plan is up to God, who knows what every soul earns. And the atheists will know who gets the reward of paradise. [13:42]
      ​Those who scoff say, “You are not an envoy.” Say, “God is sufficient witness between me and you, and those who have knowledge of the Book.” [13:43]
