Surah Qasas

T.S.M. [28:1]
These are signs of the clarifying Book. [28:2]
We recite to you truthfully from the story of Moses and Pharaoh, for people who believe. [28:3]
Pharaoh was in the ascendant on earth; he factionalized its people, overbearing and arrogant toward a minority among them, butchering their sons while sparing their daughters. He was truly an evildoer! [28:4]
We wish to be kindly to those who have been treated contemptuously on earth, and make them leaders and make them the heirs, [28:5]
and to empower them on earth, and through them show Pharaoh and Haman and their armies what they had been on guard against. [28:6]
And We inspired the mother of Moses, “Nurse him, but when you fear for him, cast him into the river and don’t be afraid or aggrieved, for We will restore him to you, and We will make him a messenger.” [28:7]
Then Pharaoh’s people took him in, to be an opponent and a sorrow to them; for Pharaoh, Haman, and their troops were sinners. [28:8]
The wife of Pharaoh said, “This is a joy for me and for you; do not kill him. Perhaps he may be useful to us, or we may adopt him as a son.” And they were not aware. [28:9]
But the heart of the mother of Moses came to be desolate; she almost revealed who he was, and would have had We not strengthened her heart, so she would be one of the faithful. [28:10]
So she said to his sister, “Trail him.” So she watched him from a distance, unbeknownst to them. [28:11]
And We forbade him the breast at first; so then she said, “Shall I show you people of a house who will feed him for you, and be counselors to him?” [28:12]
Thus We returned him to his mother, that she might be glad and not grieve, and that she know the promise of God is true; and yet most of them are unaware. [28:13]
When he reached his maturity, and was firmly established, We gave him wisdom and knowledge. Thus do We reward those who do good. [28:14]
He entered the city at a time when its people were unaware, and he found there two men fighting, one of his own group, the other one of his enemies. Then the one of his own group called to him for help against his enemy. So Moses hit him with his fist, and thereby killed him. He said, “This is a work of the devil, for he is an enemy who openly misleads.” [28:15]
He said, “My Lord, I have wronged my own soul; forgive me!” And God forgave him; for God is the epitome of forgiveness and mercy. [28:16]
He said, “My Lord, because of Your gracious blessing on me, I will never be a helper to those guilty of sin.” [28:17]
The next morning he looked around in the city in fear, and there was the one who had asked his help the day before, imploring his assistance. Moses said to him, “You are clearly wrong.” [28:18]
Then when he was going to strike the one inimical to them both, he said, “Moses, do you intend to kill me as you killed someone yesterday? You only want to be powerful on earth, not one of those who reconcile.” [28:19]
Then a man came running from the furthest part of the city, saying, “Moses! The grandees are deliberating about you, to kill you; so get out, for I am giving you good advice.” [28:20]
So he got away from there, looking around in fear: he said, “My Lord, deliver me from oppressors!” [28:21]
And when he turned toward Madyan, he said, “Perhaps my Lord will show me the right way.” [28:22]
And when he came to the oasis of Madyan, he found there a group of people watering their flocks; and he found besides them two women driving their flocks away. He said, “What is the matter with you?” They said, “We cannot water our flocks until the shepherds take theirs back; our father is an elderly man.” [28:23]
So he watered the two women’s flocks for them, then turned back to the shade and said, “My Lord, I am in need of anything good you send me.” [28:24]
Then one of the two women came to him, walking shyly; she said, “My father invites you, that he may reward you for watering our flocks for us.” Then when he went to him and told him the story, he said, “Do not fear; you have escaped the oppressors.” [28:25]
One of the women said, “O father! Hire him; the best employee for you is he who is strong and reliable.” [28:26]
He said, “In fact, I want to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you, on condition that you work in my employ for eight years; and it is up to you if you complete ten. But I do not want to impose hardship on you. You will find me, God willing, one of those with integrity.” [28:27]
He said, “That is between you and me; whichever of the two terms I fulfill, let there be no enmity toward me. And God is witness to what we say.” [28:28]
Then when Moses had fulfilled the term, and was traveling with his family, he perceived a fire by Sinai. He said to his family, “Stay here, for I perceive a fire. Maybe I can bring you some information from there, or a burning coal from the fire, that you may warm yourselves. ” [28:29]
Then when he got there, he was called from the right side of the valley, from a tree on blessed ground, “Moses! It is I, God, Lord of the universe!” [28:30]
And, “Throw your staff!” Then when he saw it in motion, as if it were a snake, he turned away in retreat, but did not retrace his steps. “O Moses! Approach without fear, for you are one of those who are secure. [28:31]
“Move your hand to your side; it will come out white, though without disease. Now fold your arms, free of fear. These are two proofs from your Lord for Pharaoh and his grandees, for they are impious people.” [28:32]
He said, “My Lord, I have killed one of them, and I fear they will kill me. [28:33]
“My brother Aaron is more eloquent than I, so send him with me as a helper confirming my truthfulness; for I fear they will call me a liar.” [28:34]
“We will strengthen you with your brother, and We will give you two authority, and they will not touch you, by virtue of Our signs, you two and those who follow you, the triumphant.” [28:35]
Then when Moses came to them with Our evidentiary signs, they said, “This is nothing but magic, invented, the likes of which we never heard of among our ancestors of yore.” [28:36]
But Moses said, “My Lord knows best who brings guidance from God, and who will end up in paradise. Surely the unjust will not succeed.” [28:37]
Yet Pharaoh said, “O chiefs, I know no god for you but me. So fire clay for me, Haman, and make a tower for me to ascend to the God of Moses, though I consider him a liar.” [28:38]
And he aggrandized himself on earth, he and his troops, without justification; and they presumed they would not be returned to Us. [28:39]
So We seized him and his troops and hurled them into the sea; observe, therefore, how the oppressors ended up: [28:40]
We made them leaders inviting to hellfire. And on the day of resurrection they will not be saved. [28:41]
And We made a curse follow them in this world; and they will be among the detested on the day of resurrection. [28:42]
And We gave Moses scripture after We had destroyed earlier populations, as a set of insights for humanity, and guidance and mercy, that they might bear in mind. [28:43]
And you were not on the West Side when We commissioned Moses, and you were not a witness. [28:44]
But We created generations, and the ages were long to them. And you were not living among the people of Madyan, rehearsing Our signs to them; rather, it is We who send messages. [28:45]
And you were not at the side of Sinai when We called, but here is a mercy from your Lord, that you may warn a people to whom no warner has come before you, so they may bear it in mind. [28:46]
Otherwise, if a calamity befell them as a result of their own actions, they would say, “Our Lord, why did You not send us a messenger? For we would have followed Your signs, and we would have been believers.” [28:47]
But when truth from Us has come to them, they say, “Why has the likes of what was revealed to Moses not been revealed?” Don’t they already scoff at what was revealed to Moses? They have said, “Two sorceries, assisting one another.” And they have said, “We repudiate it all.” [28:48]
Say, “Then bring a book from God that is better guidance than either of them, that I may follow it, if you are truthful.” [28:49]
But if they do not hearken to you, know that they only follow their passions. And who is more astray than one who follows his desire without guidance from God? For God is not guiding people doing wrong. [28:50]
Yet We have caused the Word to reach them, that they may be reminded. [28:51]
Those to whom We sent the Book before this, they believe in it. [28:52]
And when it is recited to them, they say, “We believe in it, for it is the truth from our Lord; indeed, we had already acquiesced before this.” [28:53]
They will be given their reward twice, for being patient, and for averting evil by good, and for giving of what We have provided them. [28:54]
And when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it and say, “Our deeds to us, your deeds to you. Peace upon you! We do not seek the ignorant.” [28:55]
You will not be able to guide everyone you love, but God guides whomever God will. And God knows better who is receptive to guidance. [28:56]
They said, “Were we to follow the guidance with you, we would be swept from our land.” Have We not established for them a secure sanctuary, where fruits of all things are collected, as a provision from Us? But most of them do not know. [28:57]
And how many populations We destroyed were wanton and reckless in their way of life; their habitats were not occupied after them, except for a few— We were the inheritors. [28:58]
But your Lord would not destroy a population without having sent a messenger to its people reciting Our signs to them. And We would not destroy a population unless its people were doing wrong. [28:59]
And whatever thing you are given is but the stuff of the world, and its adornment; while what is with God is better and more lasting. Don’t you understand? [28:60]
Is one to whom We have made a fair promise and who is going to realize it like one to whom We have provided the goods of the world then will be among those summoned on the day of resurrection? [28:61]
On that day God will call to them and say, “Where are the partners you used to believe I had?” [28:62]
Those against whom the testimony is justified will say, “Our Lord! These are those we led astray; we led them astray, as we were astray. We wash our hands of them and turn to You; it was not us they were worshipping.” [28:63]
And it will be said, “Call on your idols,” and they will call on them, but they will not respond to them, and they will see the penalty. If only they had accepted guidance! [28:64]
And that day God will call to them and say, “What reply did you give the emissaries?” [28:65]
And the account will be obscure to them on that day, and they will not be able to question one another. [28:66]
But in the case of those who repented, believed, and did right, it may be that they will be among the happy ones. [28:67]
Your Lord creates and selects at will; they have no choice. Glory to God, who is exalted beyond any association they make. [28:68]
And your Lord knows best what their hearts conceal, and what they reveal. [28:69]
And your Lord is God: there is no other deity. To God belongs all praise, first and last; to God belongs the judgment, and to God you’ll be returned. [28:70]
Say, “Do you see? If God made the night fall over you perpetually until the day of resurrection, what deity other than God could bring you light? Will you not listen, then?” [28:71]
Say, “Do you see? If God made the day last for you until the day of resurrection, what deity other than God would give you night in which to rest? Won’t you then observe?” [28:72]
So from divine mercy God has made for you the night and the day, for you to rest therein, and for you to seek of God’s bounty; and that you may be grateful. [28:73]
And the day God calls them, God will say, “Where are the partners you used to claim that I had?” [28:74]
And We will draw a witness from each people, and We will say, “Bring your proof.” Then they will know that truth is of God, for their inventions will have deserted them. [28:75]
Qarun was of the people of Moses, but he was unjust to them. We gave him treasures such that their keys alone would weigh down a strong group of men; then his people said to him, “Do not exult, for God does not love the exultant. [28:76]
“But seek the abode of the hereafter with what God has bestowed on you, and do not forget your part in this world. And be good, as God has been good to you. And do not seek corruption on earth, for God does not love the corrupt.” [28:77]
He said, “I have just been given this on account of knowledge I have.” Didn’t he know that God had destroyed generations before him who were more powerful than he, and more wealthy? But sinners are not asked about their sins. [28:78]
So he went out among his people in his pomp; those desirous of this world said, “If only we had the likes of what was given to Qarun! For he is possessor of a great fortune indeed!” [28:79]
But those who had been given knowledge said, “Woe is you! The reward of God is best for those who believe and do good. But no one will be granted this except those who are patient.” [28:80]
Then We caused the earth to swallow him and his house; and he had no army to help him against God, and he could not defend himself. [28:81]
And those who had desired his status the day before began to say, “Ah! God expands and regulates the provision of any mortal at will. Had God not been gracious to us, God would have buried us! Ah! Unfaithful ingrates do not prosper!” [28:82]
That home of the hereafter We will give to those who do not desire exaltation on earth, or immorality. And the result is for the conscientious. [28:83]
Whoever brings about good gets what is even better. As for those who bring about ill, evildoers are not requited but for what they did. [28:84]
For the One who prescribed the Recital for you will surely bring you back to the destination. Say, “My Lord knows best who brings direction and who is in evident error.” [28:85]
And you were not requesting the Book to be presented to you, except as a mercy from your Lord; so don’t be a supporter of the atheists. [28:86]
And don’t let anything obstruct you from the signs of God after they have been revealed to you; and pray to your Lord, and don’t be an idolater: [28:87]
don’t pray to any other deity beside God—there is no other god. All things perish but the purpose of God, to whom belongs the judgment, and to whom you will be returned. [28:88]