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  • ٱلْقَارِعَة
    Surah Qariah
    The Striking Hour
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    Surah Number 101
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Striking Hour, The Great Calamity, The Stunning Blow, The Sudden Calamity
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 11
    Number of Rukus
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 28
    Total Number of Words 36
    Number of Letters 160
    Page Number 600
    Juz Number 30
    MP3 Download

    Surah Qariah

      ​The catastrophe: [101:1]
      ​What is the catastrophe, [101:2]
      ​and what will convey to you what the catastrophe is? [101:3]
      ​A day when humanity will be like scattered moths [101:4]
      ​and the mountains like fluffed wool. [101:5]
      ​Then those whose balance is heavy [101:6]
      ​will be in a pleasant life, [101:7]
      ​while those whose balance is slight [101:8]
      ​wind up in an abyss. [101:9]
      ​And what will convey to you what this is? [101:10]
      ​Raging fire. [101:11]
