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  • ٱلْقَمَر
    Surah Qamar
    The Moon
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    Surah Number 54
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Moon
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 55
    Number of Rukus 2 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 231
    Total Number of Words 342
    Number of Letters 1469
    Page Number 528
    Juz Number 27
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    Surah Qamar

      ​The end of time has drawn near, and the moon has split: [54:1]
      ​But even if they see a sign, they turn away, calling it persisting illusion: [54:2]
      ​they scoff, and follow their whims; but everything ordained is confirmed. [54:3]
      ​And messages have already come to them before, containing restraints, [54:4]
      ​consummate wisdom; but warnings are of no avail. [54:5]
      ​So turn away from them the day the one who summons gives the summons to something horrible, unknown: [54:6]
      ​their eyes lowered, they will emerge from the graves like a swarm of locusts, [54:7]
      ​rushing forth, eyes fixed in horror, toward the one who gives the summons: the atheists will say, “This is a hard day!” [54:8]
      ​The people of Noah scoffed before them, as they repudiated Our servant, calling him mad, and he was rejected. [54:9]
      ​So he prayed to his Lord, “I am overwhelmed, so please come to my aid!” [54:10]
      ​So We opened up the doors of the sky with water pouring down: [54:11]
      ​to flow with springs; then the water met, for the purpose that had been decreed: [54:12]
      ​but We carried him on a craft of planks and dowels, [54:13]
      ​coursing under Our eyes, a recompense for one who had been rejected: [54:14]
      ​and We have left it as a sign; but do any take a lesson? [54:15]
      ​And how was My punishment, and My warning? [54:16]
      ​We have made the Qur’an easy to recite and remember, but does anyone take a lesson? [54:17]
      ​The ‘Ad people scoffed, and how was My punishment and My warning! [54:18]
      ​for We sent a furious gale against them, on a day of enduring disaster, [54:19]
      ​snatching people away like they were uprooted palms; [54:20]
      ​so how was My punishment, and My warning? [54:21]
      ​So We have made the Qur’an easy to recite and remember; but does anyone take a lesson? [54:22]
      ​The Thamud rejected the warning, [54:23]
      ​saying, “Shall we follow a human being from among us, a lone individual? We would then surely be in confusion and madness. [54:24]
      ​“Has the message been sent down to him, among us all? No, he is an arrogant liar!” [54:25]
      ​They will know on the morrow who the arrogant liar is: [54:26]
      ​for We will send the she-camel as a test for them; so watch them, and be patient. [54:27]
      ​And tell them that the water is to be shared between them, each share of drink made available. [54:28]
      ​But they called their friend, and he took and hamstrung her: [54:29]
      ​and how was My punishment and My warning! [54:30]
      ​for We sent a blast against them, and they became like the sticks used by a cowpen builder. [54:31]
      ​We have made the Qur’an easy to recite and remember, but does anyone take a lesson? [54:32]
      ​The people of Lot rejected the warning: [54:33]
      ​We sent a gale with a hail of stones against them, except the family of Lot, whom We spared in the early morning [54:34]
      ​as a blessing from Us. That is how We reward the grateful. [54:35]
      ​He did warn them of Our severity, but they wrangled over the warning. [54:36]
      ​They even lusted for his guests, so We put out their eyes: “Taste My punishment, and My warning!” [54:37]
      ​And everlasting agony came upon them in the morning: [54:38]
      ​“So taste My punishment and My warning!” [54:39]
      ​Yes, We have made the Qur’an easy to recite and remember, but does anyone take a lesson? [54:40]
      ​The warning also came to the people of Pharaoh: [54:41]
      ​They repudiated Our signs, all of them, so We punished them with the punishment of a mighty one able to prevail. [54:42]
      ​Are the scoffers among you better than they; or do you have immunity in the scriptures? [54:43]
      Do they perhaps say, “United we will be triumphant”? [54:44]
      ​The whole lot will be routed, and they will turn their backs. [54:45]
      ​But the end of time is promised them, and the final hour will be more traumatic and more bitter, [54:46]
      ​for the sinners will be in confusion and madness [54:47]
      ​the day they’ll be dragged to the fire on their faces— “Taste the touch of hell!” [54:48]
      ​We created everything by decree: [54:49]
      ​and Our command is but a single order, like the glance of an eye. [54:50]
      ​And We have already destroyed your cults before; but does anyone take a lesson? [54:51]
      ​Every thing they have done is in the scriptures; [54:52]
      ​and every matter, minor and major, is written down. [54:53]
      ​As for the conscientious, they will be in gardens with streams, [54:54]
      ​in the seat of truth in the presence of an omnipotent sovereign. [54:55]
