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  • ٱلْقَلَم
    Surah Qalam
    The Pen
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    Surah Number 68
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Pen
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 52
    Number of Rukus 2
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 228
    Total Number of Words 301
    Number of Letters 1289
    Page Number 564
    Juz Number 29
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    Surah Qalam

      ​N.: By the pen, and what they write, [68:1]
      ​you are not, by grace of your Lord, insane: [68:2]
      ​in fact, there is an unending reward for you, [68:3]
      ​and you do indeed have a strong character. [68:4]
      ​So you will see and they will see [68:5]
      ​which of you is demented. [68:6]
      ​It is your Lord that knows best who has strayed from the path, and knows best who is guided. [68:7]
      ​So don’t obey the scoffers: [68:8]
      ​they wish you were a fake so they could then be false. [68:9]
      ​And don’t follow any contemptible swearer, [68:10]
      ​any slanderer going about with calumnies, [68:11]
      ​obstructing good, wicked, sinful, [68:12]
      ​cruel and ignoble besides, [68:13]
      ​because he has wealth and sons; [68:14]
      ​when Our signs are recited to him, he says, “Fables of the ancients!” [68:15]
      ​We will brand him on the nose. [68:16]
      ​We tried them as We tried the company of the orchard: they vowed to harvest it in the morning [68:17]
      ​without any reservation; [68:18]
      ​then a party from your Lord encircled it as they slept, [68:19]
      ​and it became as if stripped. [68:20]
      ​Then they called to each other in the morning, [68:21]
      ​“Go to your plantation if you are going to harvest.” [68:22]
      ​So they hurried off, speaking to each other in hushed tones, [68:23]
      ​“Don’t let any of the poor come in there on you today.” [68:24]
      ​So they set off determined, in an irritated state: [68:25]
      ​then when they saw the orchard, they said, “We are surely lost! [68:26]
      ​“Rather, we are shut out.” [68:27]
      ​The most balanced of them said, “Didn’t I say to you, ‘Why don’t you glorify God?” [68:28]
      ​They said, “Glory to our Lord! We were indeed in the wrong!” [68:29]
      ​Then they turned against each other, blaming one another. [68:30]
      ​They said, “Woe is us, for we were being oppressors! [68:31]
      ​“Perhaps our Lord may give us a better one than this instead; indeed, we ask of our Lord.” [68:32]
      ​Such is the torment; and the torment of the hereafter is greater, if only they knew. [68:33]
      ​For those who are conscientious, there are gardens of happiness in the presence of their Lord. [68:34]
      ​Shall We then treat the acquiescent like the rebellious? [68:35]
      ​What is wrong with you? How do you judge? [68:36]
      ​Do you have a scripture you study [68:37]
      ​wherein you’re assured of what you choose? [68:38]
      ​Or do you have a covenant binding on Us until the day of resurrection assuring you of what you decide? [68:39]
      Ask them which of them will vouch for that! [68:40]
      ​Or do they have supernatural allies? Then let them bring on their allies, if they are telling the truth. [68:41]
      ​The day each leg is bared, and they are called to bow down but cannot, [68:42]
      ​their eyes downcast, abasement will overcome them, as they had been called to bow while they were still well. [68:43]
      So leave Me and those who deny this message; I will proceed against them gradually, from where they do not know: [68:44]
      ​I will let them be for a time, as My plan is unshakable. [68:45]
      ​Do you ask them for compensation, when they are burdened with debt? [68:46]
      ​Or do they have an occult secret they write down? [68:47]
      ​Be patient for the judgment of your Lord, and don’t be like the one in the whale, as he cried out when he was depressed: [68:48]
      ​had grace from his Lord not reached him, he would have been cast on a barren shore, disgraced. [68:49]
      ​But his Lord selected him and made him one of the righteous. [68:50]
      ​So even though scoffers may look at you with stern disapproval when they hear the Recital, saying, “He is surely possessed,” [68:51]
      ​still it is no less than a reminder for the whole world. [68:52]
