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    Surah Qaf
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    Surah Number 50
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Q̈āf
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 45
    Number of Rukus 3
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 280
    Total Number of Words 373
    Number of Letters 1507
    Page Number 518
    Juz Number 26
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    Surah Qaf

      ​Q.: By the glorious Recital! [50:1]
      ​But they think it strange that a warner has come to them from their midst. And those who scoff say, “This is an astonishing thing— [50:2]
      ​“when we have died and are dust...? That’s a remote return!” [50:3]
      ​We know what part of them the earth consumes; and We have an indelible record. [50:4]
      ​But they rejected truth when it came to them, so they are in a state of confusion. [50:5]
      ​Haven’t they observed the sky above them, how We have constructed it and adorned it, without any gap in it? [50:6]
      ​And the earth—We lay it out, and set on it mountains, and made every beautiful species grow there, [50:7]
      ​as enlightenment and reminder for every repentant devotee. [50:8]
      ​And We send down from the sky blessed water, making gardens sprout thereby, and seeds yielding crops, [50:9]
      ​and the lofty date palm, with layers of fruit stalks, [50:10]
      ​as sustenance for the servants. And We enliven thereby a dead land; thus will be the resurrection. [50:11]
      ​The people of Noah rejected truth before them, and so did the company of the well, and the Thamud, [50:12]
      ​and the Ad, Pharaoh, and the brethren of Lot, [50:13]
      ​and the companions of the wood and the people of Tubba’— each of them repudiated the messengers, and thus deserved My threat. [50:14]
      ​Have We despaired of the first creation? No, but they are mystified about a new creation. [50:15]
      ​We did indeed create man and We know what his ego suggests; and We are closer to him than his jugular vein. [50:16]
      ​Two observers are in attendance, sitting on the right and the left: [50:17]
      ​No one utters a word without a ready observer there. [50:18]
      ​And the stupor of death comes for real; that is what you were fleeing from. [50:19]
      ​And the trumpet will be sounded; that is the promised day. [50:20]
      ​And every soul will come with a herder and a witness. [50:21]
      ​You have been heedless of this; so We have removed your covering for you, so your vision today is keen. [50:22]
      ​And the escort will say, “This is what is at hand before me.” [50:23]
      ​Throw into hell every stubborn ingrate [50:24]
      ​who prevented good, who menaced others, who fostered distrust, [50:25]
      ​who fabricated another god beside God; throw him into the intense agony! [50:26]
      ​The escort will say, “Our Lord! I did not make him go wrong; but this one was far astray.” [50:27]
      ​“Do not argue in My presence, since I have already sent you the warning. [50:28]
      ​“The word is not changed with Me, and I am not an oppressor of mortals.” [50:29]
      ​The day We will say to hell, “Are you full?” It will say, “Are there more? [50:30]
      ​And paradise will be brought near the conscientious, not far away: [50:31]
      ​This is what is promised to you, for everyone who keeps turning to God, mindful, [50:32]
      ​who inwardly fears the Benevolent One and comes with a repentant heart. [50:33]
      ​Enter therein, in peace. That is the day of eternity. [50:34]
      ​They will have what they wish there, and a superabundance in Our presence. [50:35]
      ​And how many generations mightier than they have We destroyed before them, so they traveled from country to country; is there any escape? [50:36]
      ​There is indeed a reminder in that for anyone who has heart, or lends an ear, and stands witness. [50:37]
      ​We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days; and never did weariness touch Us. [50:38]
      ​So endure what they say, and extol the praises of your Lord before sunrise and before sunset, [50:39]
      and in the night; then glorify God at the end of devotions. [50:40]
      ​And listen for the day when the caller calls from a place nearby, [50:41]
      ​the day they will really hear the cry; that is the day of resurrection. [50:42]
      ​It is We who give life and death, and the journey is to Us. [50:43]
      On the day the earth will split away from them all at once, that will be a gathering which will be easy for Us. [50:44]
      ​We know best what they say: and you don’t have power over them. So warn with the Recital those who fear My threat. [50:45]
