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  • ٱلْقَدْر
    Surah Qadr
    The Night Of Decree
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    Surah Number 97
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Night of Honor, The Night of Decree, Power, Fate, Destiny
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 5
    Number of Rukus
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 25
    Total Number of Words 30
    Number of Letters 115
    Page Number 598
    Juz Number 30
    MP3 Download

    Surah Qadr

      ​We have revealed this during the night of the Decree. [97:1]
      ​And what will convey to you what the night of the Decree is? [97:2]
      ​The night of the Decree is better than a thousand months: [97:3]
      ​the angels and the spirit descend therein, by permission of their Lord, on every matter. [97:4]
      ​It is peace: this till the rise of dawn. [97:5]
