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  • نُوح
    Surah Nuh
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    Surah Number 71
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Noah
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 28
    Number of Rukus 1 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 172
    Total Number of Words 227
    Number of Letters 965
    Page Number 570
    Juz Number 29
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    Surah Nuh

      ​We sent Noah to his people: “Warn your people before a painful punishment comes upon them.” [71:1]
      ​He said, “My people, I am an open warner to you, [71:2]
      “that you should serve God conscientiously, and obey me, [71:3]
      ​“so God may forgive you your sins and let you live on till a definite term; for the term of God cannot be put off when it has come, if only you knew.”0 [71:4]
      ​He said, “My Lord, I have called to my people night and day, [71:5]
      ​“but my call only increases their escapism. [71:6]
      ​“And every time I called to them that You might forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears and covered themselves with their cloaks, being obstinate and puffed up with pride. [71:7]
      ​“Then I have called them publicly, [71:8]
      ​“and I have addressed them openly and confided in them privately, [71:9]
      ​“saying, ‘Seek forgiveness of your Lord, for God is most forgiving, [71:10]
      ​“‘ and will send you plenty of rain [71:11]
      ​“‘and furnish you with property and children, and provide you with gardens and rivers. [71:12]
      ​“‘Why don’t you contemplate the dignity of God, [71:13]
      ​“‘who created you in successive forms? [71:14]
      ​“‘Haven’t you observed how God made the seven heavens in ascending order, [71:15]
      ​“‘and set the moon in their midst as a light, and made the sun a lamp? [71:16]
      ​“‘And God has produced you from the earth as an organism, [71:17]
      ​“‘and will return you thereunto, and will bring you forth in resurrection. [71:18]
      ​“‘And God has made the earth a carpet for you, [71:19]
      ​“‘So you may walk on it on roads through the mountains.’” [71:20]
      ​Noah said, “My Lord, they have defied me and taken up after those whose wealth and children do not increase anything for them but loss. [71:21]
      ​“And they have contrived a grandiose deception, [71:22]
      ​“saying, ‘Don’t give up your deities— don’t give up Wadd or Suwa’ or Yaghuth or Ya’uq or Nasr.’ [71:23]
      ​“And they have already misled many; so don’t promote the wrongdoers in any way but confusion.” [71:24]
      ​They were drowned for their offenses, and consigned to fire, as they found themselves no savior without God. [71:25]
      ​And Noah said, “My Lord, don’t leave any of the atheists on earth at all. [71:26]
      ​“For if you leave them, they will mislead Your servants, and they will only breed deviant atheists. [71:27]
      ​“My Lord, forgive me, and my parents, and anyone who enters my house a believer, and the believing men, and the believing women. And don’t promote the wrongdoers in any way but to destruction.” [71:28]
