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  • ٱلنِّسَاء
    Surah Nisa
    The Women
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    Surah Number 4
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Women
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 176
    Number of Rukus 24
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 1513
    Total Number of Words 3763
    Number of Letters 16332
    Page Number 77
    Juz Number 4, 5 & 6
    MP3 Download

    Surah Nisa

      ​O humankind, be conscious of your Lord, who created you from one soul, and created its mate from it, and propagated from the two many men and women. And be conscious of God, by whom you ask of each other; and of relationships; for God is watching you. [4:1]
      ​Give orphans their property, without exchanging bad for good; and do not consume their property commingled with your own, for that is a serious sin. [4:2]
      ​And if you fear you cannot do justice by the orphans, then marry women who please you, two, three, or four; but if you fear you won’t be equitable, then one, or a legitimate bondmaid of yours. That way it is easier for you not to go wrong. [4:3]
      ​And give them their dowries as a gift. But if they favor you with anything from it of their own accord, then enjoy it as wholesome and healthy. [4:4]
      ​Do not give the feeble-minded your property, which God has made a means of support for you; but provide for them with it, and clothe them; and speak to them in considerate terms. [4:5]
      ​And test the orphans until they have reached the age of marriage; if you find integrity in them, then hand over their property to them. And do not use it up in extravagance, or in haste before they grow up. And one who is rich should abstain, while one who is poor may use it fairly. Then when you turn their property over to them, have it witnessed for them, though God is sufficient in accounting. [4:6]
      ​Men are to have a portion of what is left by their parents and closest kin; and women are also to have a portion of what is left by their parents and closest kin— an assigned portion of whatever there is of it, be it a little or a lot. [4:7]
      ​And if relatives, orphans, or paupers attend the division, then provide for them from it, and speak to them in considerate terms. [4:8]
      ​And let those be apprehensive who if they left helpless children behind would fear for them; and let them be conscious of God, and let them speak considerate words. [4:9]
      For those who unjustly consume the property of orphans only ingest fire; and they will be exposed to a blaze. [4:10]
      ​God directs you in regard to your children: the male gets the equivalent of the portion of two females. But if they are daughters, more than two, they get two thirds of what one leaves. And if there is only one, she gets half. As for one’s parents, each of the two gets a sixth of what he leaves, if he has children. If one has no children and his heirs are his parents, then his mother gets a third. But if he has siblings then his mother gets a sixth, after the settlement of any bequest thereby, or debt. Of your parents and your children, you do not know which are closer to you in welfare. This is an apportionment from God; truly God is all-knowing, most judicious. [4:11]
      ​And you are to get half of what your wives leave, if they had no children; but if they had children, then you are to have a fourth of what they leave, after the settlement of any bequest thereby, or debt. And they get a fourth of what you leave, if you have no children; but if you have children, they get an eighth of what you leave, after the settlement of any bequest thereby, or debt. And if a man or a woman leaves neither parents nor children, but has a brother or sister, then each of the two gets a sixth; and if there are more than that, then they are to share in a third, after the settlement of any bequest thereby, or debt, excluding harmful bias. This is instruction from God; and God is knowing, clement. [4:12]
      ​Those are ordinances of God; and whoever obeys God and God’s messenger will be admitted to gardens below which rivers flow, wherein they will abide. And that is the great attainment. [4:13]
      ​And whoever disobeys God and God’s messenger, and violates God’s ordinances, will be admitted to a fire, wherein they will remain, having a humiliating punishment. [4:14]
      ​If any of your women act like whores, call for evidence against them from four of you; then if they give evidence confirming it, then keep them in houses until death takes them, or God makes a way for them. [4:15]
      ​And if two men do it, then hurt them both. Then if they repent and act right, then leave them alone. For God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:16]
      ​Repentance is available through God alone, to those who do evil in ignorance then soon repent; for God will relent toward them. And God is all-knowing, most judicious. [4:17]
      But there is no repentance available to those who do evils until death comes to one of them and then he says, “Now I repent,” and none available to those who die atheists. For them We have prepared a painful punishment. [4:18]
      ​O believers, it is not permitted for you to inherit women against their will. And do not oppress them in order to take away some of what you have given them, unless they openly act whorish. And associate with them considerately. And even if you dislike them, it may be that God has put much good in something you dislike. [4:19]
      ​And if you wish to replace one wife with another, even if you have given one of them a fortune, do not take anything away from it. Would you take it by slander and obvious misconduct? [4:20]
      ​And how can you take it when you have been intimate with each other, and they have received a solid commitment from you? [4:21]
      ​And do not marry women your fathers married, except what is already past. For that was indecent and abominable, an unwholesome custom. [4:22]
      ​Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and maternal aunts and your brother’s daughters and your sister’s daughters; and your wet nurses, and your foster sisters from your wet nurses; and the mothers of your wives; and your step daughters under your guardianship born of wives of yours with whom you have been intimate —but if you haven’t been intimate with them, then there is no blame on you— and the wives of your sons from your loins; and marrying two sisters at once, except what is already past —for God is most forgiving, most merciful— [4:23]
      ​and chaste married women, except bondmaids in your legitimate custody. This is God’s prescription for you. And all others besides those are permissible to you, provided you court them with your property, protecting their chastity, not prostituting them. For since you derive enjoyment from them thereby, give them their recompense as prescribed. But there is no blame on you if you come to terms of mutual agreement in this regard after the determination of the allocation. For God is all-knowing, most judicious. [4:24]
      ​And if any of you lack the means to marry free believing women, then wed believing bondmaids in your legitimate custody. And God knows best your faith. You are from each other. And marry them with the permission of their people, and give them their recompense fairly, as chaste women and not as whores, and not any who take paramours. And when they are married, if they commit adultery their punishment is half that of free women. That is for those of you who fear falling into decadence, yet it would be better for you to be patient. And God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:25]
      ​God wishes to make clear to you and to guide you in the ways of those before you, and to turn toward you. And God is most knowing, most wise. [4:26]
      ​While God wants to turn toward you, those who follow desires want you to turn utterly away. [4:27]
      God wants to relieve you, since the human being was created frail. [4:28]
      O believers, do not consume your wealth among yourselves in vain. But let there be trade, out of mutual consent from you. And do not kill yourselves; for God has been merciful to you. [4:29]
      ​And if any do that, with hostility and injustice, then We will burn him in fire. And that is easy for God. [4:30]
      ​If you avoid the worst of what you are forbidden, We will efface your evils from you and introduce you to noble behavior. [4:31]
      And do not desire what God has favored some of you with more than others. Men are to have a portion of what they have earned, and women are to have a portion of what they have earned. And ask God for plenitude from divine grace; for God knows everything. [4:32]
      ​For everyone We have appointed beneficiaries in what is left by parents and relatives; and give the proper portion to those to whom you have pledged your oath. For God is witness to everything. [4:33]
      ​The men are supporters of the women, by what God has given one more than the other, and by what they provide from their property. So women of integrity are humble, guardians in absentia by God’s protection. As for those of whom you fear perversity, admonish them; then leave them alone in bed; then spank them. And if they obey you, then seek no means against them. For God is exalted, great. [4:34]
      ​And if you fear a rift between the two, then delegate an arbiter from his family and an arbiter from her family. If the two wish to reconcile, God will reconcile them. For God is knowing, aware. [4:35]
      ​Worship God, and do not associate anything with God. And be good to your parents and relatives and orphans and paupers and close neighbors and distant neighbors, and the companion by your side, and the traveler on the road, and those in your legitimate custody. For God does not love any who are arrogant and vain, [4:36]
      ​those who are stingy and get people to be stingy, hiding what God has given them from the divine bounty; and We have prepared a humiliating penalty for the atheists, [4:37]
      ​and those who spend their money for public ostentation, not believing in God or the last day. And if anyone has Satan for an intimate, what an evil companion! [4:38]
      ​And what would it burden them if they had faith in God and the last day, and gave of what God has provided them? God knows all about them. [4:39]
      God does no injustice at all, even the slightest bit; and if there is any good, God redoubles it, and gives a magnificent reward from the divine presence. [4:40]
      ​So how now that We have brought forth a witness from every people, and We have brought you forth as a witness against them? [4:41]
      ​On that day, those who scoffed and defied the messenger will wish the earth would swallow them, but they will conceal no account from God. [4:42]
      ​Believers, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated, until you know what you are saying; and not while dirty, except on the road, until you wash. But if you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you comes from a call of nature, or you have been intimate with women, and you cannot obtain water, then find yourself fine earth to wipe your face and hands. For God is very forgiving, most willing to pardon. [4:43]
      Have you not observed those to whom a portion of scripture was given selling delusion, wishing you would lose the way? [4:44]
      ​Yet God knows your enemies best; and God is sufficient as a protector; and God is sufficient as a savior. [4:45]
      ​Some of the Jews pervert words away from their proper usage, saying, “We hear and defy,” and “Listen without hearing,” and “Our Dismay,” distorting with their tongues and insulting the religion. And if they had said, “We hear and obey,” and “Please listen,” and “Please give us your attention,” that would surely have been better for them, and more upstanding. But God has cursed them for their scoffing, for they do not believe, except a small minority. [4:46]
      ​O you to whom scripture has been given, believe in what We have sent down verifying what is with you, before We obliterate faces and turn them backward or curse them as We cursed those who violated the Sabbath. And the order of God is inevitable. [4:47]
      ​God does not forgive idolatry, but forgives anything else for whomever God will. And whoever associates anything with God has concocted a monstrous wrong. [4:48]
      ​Have you not observed those who try to justify themselves? Actually God justifies whomever God will; and they are not wronged in the slightest. [4:49]
      ​See how they concoct a lie against God; and that alone is an obvious sin. [4:50]
      ​Have you not observed those to whom a part of scripture was given, who believe in divination and idols, and say to atheists that they are more guided in a way than are those who believe? [4:51]
      ​They are the ones whom God has cursed; and you will find no savior for anyone God has cursed. [4:52]
      ​Have they a share in the Dominion? If that be the case, they are not contributing anything to humankind. [4:53]
      ​Or do they envy people for what God has given them from the divine bounty? But We have already given scripture and wisdom to the people of Abraham, and We gave them a mighty kingdom. [4:54]
      ​But while some of them believed in it, some of them rejected it. And hell is sufficient as an inferno. [4:55]
      ​Those who repudiate Our signs We will burn in a fire; when their skins are roasted, We will change their skins, so they can taste the torment. For God is most powerful, most judicious. [4:56]
      ​But those who believe and do good We will admit to gardens below which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. There are pure mates for them there; and We will admit them to a shaded shelter. [4:57]
      ​God commands you to repay pledges to the people due them; and to judge with justice when you judge between people. Excellent is what God instructs you; for God is all-knowing, all-seeing. [4:58]
      ​Believers, obey God, and obey the messenger, and those with authority among you. And if you dispute over anything, refer it to God and the messenger, if you believe in God and the last day. That is best and most excellent as a determination. [4:59]
      Have you not observed those who imagine that they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, yet are willing to seek decisions from idols, in spite of the fact that they have been enjoined to reject them? Satan means to mislead them far astray. [4:60]
      ​And when it is said to them, “Come to what God has revealed, and to the messenger,” you have seen how the hypocrites turn their faces from you. [4:61]
      ​But how about when misfortune befalls them in consequence of their own doings, and then they come to you swearing by God, “We only intended goodwill and peacemaking”? [4:62]
      ​They are those of whom God knows what is in their hearts; so keep clear of them, and admonish them, and speak to them in terms that will touch their souls. [4:63]
      ​For We have never sent a messenger but to be heeded, with God’s permission. And if they had come to you seeking forgiveness of God when they had wronged themselves, and the messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found God most relenting, most merciful. [4:64]
      ​But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they make you the arbiter in controversies among them, and they find in their souls no objection to what you decide, but accept approvingly. [4:65]
      ​Had We prescribed for them, “Sacrifice your lives,” or “Leave your homes,” none but a few of them would have done so. But if only they did what they were instructed, that would have been better for them, and strengthened them more firmly; [4:66]
      ​and We would have given them a mighty reward from Our presence; [4:67]
      ​and We would have shown them a straight path. [4:68]
      ​And those who obey God and the messenger are with those whom God has blessed, among the prophets, the truthful, the witnesses, and the righteous; and they are good company. [4:69]
      ​That is grace from God; and God has all necessary knowledge. [4:70]
      ​Believers, take your precautions, and go out in groups or go out all together. [4:71]
      ​Now there are those among you who delay, then when calamity befalls you they say, “God has favored us, that we were not martyred with you.” [4:72]
      ​And if bounty from God comes to you, they inevitably say, as if there had never been friendship between you, “Oh, if only I had been with them, I would have achieved great success!” [4:73]
      ​So let those who trade the life of this world for the hereafter fight in the cause of God; whoever fights in the cause of God, whether slain or victorious, We will give a tremendous reward. [4:74]
      ​Why would you not fight in the cause of God, and oppressed men, women, and children, who say, “Our Lord, get us out of this town, whose people are oppressors. And provide us a protector from You, and provide us a helper from You.” [4:75]
      ​Believers fight for the sake of God, while atheists fight for the sake of idols; so fight the friends of Satan, for the strategy of Satan is weak. [4:76]
      ​Have you not observed those who were told to restrain their hands, pray regularly, and give alms, then when fighting was prescribed for them a faction of them feared people as much as God is to be feared, or even more, and said, “Our Lord, why have You prescribed fighting for us? If only You would postpone it for us for awhile!” Say, “Enjoyment of this world is little; the hereafter is better for the conscientious, as they will not be wronged in the slightest. [4:77]
      ​“Death will overtake you wherever you may be, even if you are in fortified towers.” And if some good happens to them, they say, “This is from God,” while if something bad happens to them they say, “This is from you!” Say, “All is from God.” And what is the matter with these people, that they hardly understand anything? [4:78]
      ​What good happens to you is from God, and what bad happens to you is from your self. And We sent you to people as a messenger. And God is witness enough. [4:79]
      Whoever heeds the messenger is being obedient to God. As for those who turn away, We have not sent you as a guard over them. [4:80]
      ​While they say, “Obedience,” when they leave your presence a faction of them contemplate by night other than what you say. And God records what they contemplate. So avoid them, and trust in God; God is guardian enough. [4:81]
      ​Do they not consider the Qur’an— were it from other than God, they would have found much contradiction in it. [4:82]
      ​And when some matter of security or alarm comes to them, they broadcast it; whereas had they only referred it to the messenger, and to those of them with authority, their investigators would have found out about it. And if not for the blessing and mercy of God on you, most of you would have followed Satan. [4:83]
      ​So fight in the way of God; you are only in charge of yourself, but rouse the believers. God may curb the harm done by those who scoff, for God is more severe in doing harm, and more severe in punishment. [4:84]
      ​Whoever intercedes for good has a share in it, and whoever intercedes for evil has some responsibility for it. And God is watching over all things. [4:85]
      ​When you are greeted with a salutation, give an even nicer greeting, or reciprocate. For God takes account of everything. [4:86]
      ​God—there is no other deity: God will certainly gather you together to face the day of judgment, on which there can be no doubt. And who speaks more truly than God? [4:87]
      ​Now what is the matter with you, divided in two about the hypocrites? God has overthrown them on account of what they did. Do you mean to guide those whom God has confused? No way will be found for anyone God has confused. [4:88]
      ​They wish you would scoff as they scoff, so you would be the same. So do not befriend any of them until they take refuge in the way of God; but then if they turn traitor, then arrest them and execute them wherever you find them. And do not take any of them for a protector or helper, [4:89]
      except those who join people with whom you have a treaty, or those who come to you with hearts restraining them from fighting you or fighting their own people. And if God had wished, God would have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. So if they keep away from you and do not fight you, but send you peace, then God has made no cause for you against them. [4:90]
      ​You will find others who wish security from you and security from their people. Whenever they are thrown back into trial, they are overcome by it; so if they do not back off from you, send you peace, and stop their attacks, then arrest them and execute them wherever you find them. For in their case We have given you clear authority to oppose them. [4:91]
      ​It is never right for a believer to kill a believer, except by mistake; and one who kills a believer by mistake is to free a believing slave, and compensation is to be handed over to the family of the deceased, unless they forgo it to charity. If the deceased was from a people warring against yours, yet was a believer, then free a believing slave. But if the deceased was from a people with whom you have a treaty, then compensation is to be paid to the family of the deceased, and a believing slave is to be freed. And if one has not the means, then one is to fast for two consecutive months, as an act of contrition granted as a concession from God. And God is all-knowing, most judicious. [4:92]
      ​But whoever kills a believer on purpose has hell for his reward, wherein he will remain; and God will be wroth with him, and curse him, and prepare a tremendous torment for him. [4:93]
      ​Believers, when you strike out for the sake of God, get at the facts, and do not say to anyone who greets you with peace, “You are not a believer,” seeking the goods of this world, for there are plenty of spoils with God. You were thus before, when God bestowed favor on you; so get at the facts. For God is well aware of whatever you do. [4:94]
      ​Those who remain at home, except the disabled, are not equal to those who struggle in the cause of God by means of their property and their persons. God has favored those who struggle by means of their property and their persons with a rank above those who sit at home. God has still promised good to each, but God has favored those who struggle over those who stay home, with a magnificent reward— [4:95]
      ​ranks bestowed by God, and forgiveness, and mercy; and God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:96]
      ​As for those whose souls the angels take while they are wronging themselves, the angels will say to them, “What was your situation?” They will say, “We were downtrodden on earth.” The angels will say, “Was God’s earth not wide enough for you to flee to refuge somewhere?” And their abode will be hell, a miserable retreat. [4:97]
      ​Excepted are oppressed men, women, and children who have no means at their disposal, and who are not shown a way. [4:98]
      ​Then God may pardon them, for God is pardoning and forgiving. [4:99]
      ​Whoever flees for the sake of God will find many a refuge on earth, and plenitude. And anyone who leaves his home taking refuge in God and the messenger of God, and then death overtakes him, his reward is up to God; and God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:100]
      ​When you travel the earth, there is no blame on you if you cut short the prayers when you fear that atheists may attack you; for atheists are clearly hostile to you. [4:101]
      ​And when you are among [believers] and lead them in prayer, let a group of them stand with you, bearing their arms; then when they have done their prostrations, let them be behind you, while another group that has not yet prayed comes and prays with you, keeping their precautions and their arms. The atheistic wish you’d neglect your arms and your equipment, so they can turn on you all at once. But there is no blame on you if you lay down your arms when they are a pain to you because of rain or if you are sick; still be on your guard. For God has prepared a humiliating penalty for the atheists. [4:102]
      ​When you have concluded the prayer judiciously, then remembrance God while standing, sitting, and on your sides; and when you are secure, then pray regularly. For prayer at certain times is prescribed for believers. [4:103]
      ​And do not let up in pursuit of the enemy; if you are suffering, they are suffering as you are suffering, while you have hopes from God that they cannot expect. For God is most knowing, most wise. [4:104]
      ​We revealed the Book to you with truth, that you may judge between people by what God has shown you. And do not plead on behalf of the treacherous. [4:105]
      ​And ask forgiveness of God, for God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:106]
      ​Do not argue on behalf of those who betray themselves, for God does not love anyone who is treacherous and immoral. [4:107]
      ​They hide from people, but they do not hide from God, Who is with them when they connive by night in unacceptable terms; and God comprehends what they do. [4:108]
      ​You there—these are those on whose behalf you argue in the life of the world; but who will argue with God on their account on the day of resurrection, or be their defender? [4:109]
      ​Whoever does evil or wrongs his own soul then asks forgiveness of God will find God most forgiving, most merciful. [4:110]
      ​And whoever commits a sin only sins against his own soul; and God is most knowing, most wise. [4:111]
      ​But if anyone commits an error or a sin and then blames an innocent for it, he has taken on a burden of slander and open iniquity. [4:112]
      ​If not for the grace and mercy of God on you, a faction of them would have contrived to mislead you. But they only mislead themselves, while they do no harm to you. And God has revealed to you scripture and wisdom, and taught you what you did not know. And God’s grace on you is tremendous. [4:113]
      ​There is no good in most of their private conferences, except those who enjoin charity, or fairness, or reconciliation between people. And whoever does so seeking the pleasure of God, We will give a tremendous reward. [4:114]
      ​If anyone parts with the messenger after guidance has become clear to him, and follows a path other than the way of believers, We will abandon him to what he has adopted, and burn him in hell. And what a miserable destination! [4:115]
      ​God does not forgive deification of anyone or anything, but forgives all else for whomever God wills. And whoever deifies anyone or anything has wandered far astray. [4:116]
      ​Note how they call exclusively on feminine entities rather than the Deity; and note they are calling on a persistent diversion, [4:117]
      ​which God has cursed. For it has declared, “I will take to myself a certain portion of Your servants; [4:118]
      ​“and I will mislead them, and I will create desires in them, and I will get them to cut off the ears of cattle, and I will get them to alter the creation of God.” And whoever takes to diversion for a protector rather than God has already suffered a manifest loss. [4:119]
      ​It makes them promises, creating desires in them, but what diversion promises them is only delusion. [4:120]
      ​Their place is hell, from which they will find no escape. [4:121]
      ​As for those who believe and do good deeds, We will admit them to gardens below which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. As the promise of God, this is true; for whose word is truer than God’s? [4:122]
      ​It is not a matter of your wishes, nor the wishes of the people of scripture: whoever does evil will be requited for it, and will find no protector or savior without God. [4:123]
      ​And if any do good deeds, whether they are male or female, and they are believers, then they will enter the Garden, and will not be mistreated at all. [4:124]
      ​And who is better in faith than the one who surrenders his being to God, and is a doer of good, and follows the way of Abraham rightly oriented? For God took Abraham as a friend. [4:125]
      ​And to God belongs what is in the heavens and what is on earth; and God encompasses all things. [4:126]
      ​They consult you about the women. Say, “God advises you about them, and what has been declared to you in the Book about the orphans of women you want to marry but to whom you have not given what is prescribed for them, and children who are downtrodden, that you treat the orphans justly. And whatever good you do, God knows it.” [4:127]
      ​If a woman fears abuse or desertion from her husband, there is no blame on them if they settle a compromise between them. And compromise is best, though avarice draws souls. If you act kindly and are conscientious, God is aware of what you do. [4:128]
      ​You will never be able to treat women the same, no matter how hard you try; but do not be completely partial, so as to leave a woman in suspense. And if you reconcile and are conscientious, God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:129]
      ​But if they split up, God provides for each from the divine abundance; and God is infinite in capacity, most judicious. [4:130]
      ​And God owns everything in the heavens and everything on earth. And We have already enjoined those to whom scripture was given before you, and all of you too, to be conscious of God. Even if you deny it, nevertheless God does own everything in the heavens and everything on earth. And God is rich in a praiseworthy way. [4:131]
      ​For to God belongs what is in the heavens, and what is on earth; and God is sufficient in management. [4:132]
      ​If God willed, God would remove you, humankind, and bring forth others. And God is able to do that. [4:133]
      ​If anyone wants the reward of the world, God has the reward of the world and of the hereafter; and God is all-hearing, all-seeing. [4:134]
      ​Believers, be supporters of justice, as witnesses to God, even be it against yourselves, or your parents or relatives; whether one be rich or poor, God is closer and more worthy than either. And do not follow desire, lest you swerve from justice; and if you pervert it or neglect it, God is aware of what you do. [4:135]
      ​Believers, believe in God and God’s messenger, and the Book that God has sent down to the messenger, and the Book that God sent down before. And whoever repudiates God and God’s angels, Books, and messengers, and the last day, has already gone far astray. [4:136]
      ​As for those who believe and then scoff, and then believe, and then scoff, and then scoff more and more, God is not committed to forgiving them or guiding them in any way. [4:137]
      ​Inform the hypocrites that there is a painful torment in store for them. [4:138]
      ​Those who take atheists for friends instead of believers— do they seek honor among them? But honor belongs entirely to God. [4:139]
      God has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear the signs of God being scoffed at and ridiculed, do not sit with them until they enter into a different topic, for then you would be like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the atheists in hell, all of them: [4:140]
      ​those that watch for something to happen to you, and if you have success from God they say, “Were we not with you?” And if the atheists have some, they say, “Did we not get the better of you, and did we not defend you from the believers? God will judge between you on the day of resurrection. And God will not make a way for the atheists to prevail over the believers. [4:141]
      ​As for the hypocrites, they try to deceive God, but God has deceived them; when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, to be seen by the people, hardly remembering God, [4:142]
      ​wavering in the midst of it, neither here nor there; and no way will be found for anyone God confuses. [4:143]
      ​Believers, do not befriend atheists rather than believers; do you want to provide God an obvious argument against you? [4:144]
      ​For hypocrites will be in the lowest pits of hellfire; and you will not find a savior for them, [4:145]
      ​except those who repent and make amends, and cleave to God, and purify their way of life for God; they are with the believers. And God will give the believers a tremendous reward. [4:146]
      ​Why would God punish you if you are grateful and faithful, since God is most appreciative, most cognizant? [4:147]
      ​God does not love public talk of evil, unless one has been wronged; for God is all-hearing, all-knowing. [4:148]
      ​Whether you let a good work be known or you conceal it, or you pardon an evil, God is most forgiving, most powerful. [4:149]
      ​Those who repudiate God and God’s messengers, and want to separate God and God’s messengers, and say, “We believe in some but reject others, and wish to take a path in between, [4:150]
      ​they are really unbelievers; and We have a humiliating penalty in store for unbelievers. [4:151]
      ​But those who believe in God and God’s messengers, and do not make a distinction between any of them, they will be given their reward. And God is most forgiving, most merciful. [4:152]
      ​The people of scripture ask you to make a book descend from the sky; they asked Moses for something even greater than that, saying, “Show us God manifest.” And they were thunderstruck for their injustice; then they took to the calf after clarifications had come to them, yet We pardoned that, and We gave Moses evident authority. [4:153]
      ​And We raised Mount Sinai over them for their covenant, and We told them, “Enter the door humbly,” and We told them, “Do not violate the Sabbath,” and We accepted a binding covenant from them. [4:154]
      ​Then, for their violation of their covenant, and their denial of signs of God, and their murder of prophets unjustly, and their saying their hearts are containers, God in fact sealed their hearts with their own denial, so they hardly have any faith, [4:155]
      ​on account of their scoffing too, and their monstrous slander of Mary, [4:156]
      ​and on account of their saying, “We killed the Messiah Jesus, Son of Mary, messenger of God,” whereas they did not kill him, they did not crucify him, although it was made to seem thus to them. As for those who differ on this, they are certainly in doubt about it. They have no knowledge about it, only following conjecture; but they surely did not kill him: [4:157]
      ​rather God raised him up to the divine presence; and God is almighty, most wise. [4:158]
      ​And none of the people of scripture will fail to believe in him before his death; and on the day of resurrection he will be a witness against them. [4:159]
      Now for injustice from the Jews We forbade them good things that had been permitted them, and for their hindering many from the way of God, [4:160]
      ​and their taking usury in spite of having been forbidden it; and their wasteful consumption of people’s wealth. And We have a painful punishment in store for the scoffers among them. [4:161]
      ​Those of them, however, who are firm in knowledge, and the faithful who believe in what has been revealed to you, and what was revealed before you, and those who pray regularly, and those who give alms, and those who believe in God and the last day, We will be giving a tremendous reward. [4:162]
      ​We have inspired you, as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him; We inspired Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon; and We gave David the Psalms. [4:163]
      ​And some messengers We told you about before, while some messengers We have not told you of —and God addressed Moses in words— [4:164]
      ​messengers bringing good news and warning, so that people might have no argument against God after the messengers. And God is almighty, most wise. [4:165]
      ​But God bears witness to revelation to you by divine knowledge; and the angels bear witness, though God is enough of a witness. [4:166]
      ​As for those who scoff and hinder others from the way of God, they have wandered far astray. [4:167]
      ​Those who scoff and do wrong God is not committed to forgive or guide in any way, [4:168]
      ​except the path to hell, to remain there forever. And that is easy for God. [4:169]
      ​People, the messenger has come to you with truth from your Lord, so believe; it is best for you. Even if you scoff, still all in the heavens and on earth belong to God; and God is knowing and wise. [4:170]
      ​People of scripture, do not go to excess in your religion, and do not say anything about God but the truth. The Messiah Jesus Son of Mary was only a messenger, a word, from God, which God sent down to Mary, a spirit from God. So believe in God and God’s messengers. And do not speak of a trinity; it is best for you to refrain. God is one sole divinity, too transcendent to have a son, in possession of all in the heavens and on earth. And God is a good enough patron. [4:171]
      ​The Messiah is not too proud to be a servant of God, nor are the intimate angels. Any too proud to serve God, being self-aggrandizing, God will gather in, all. [4:172]
      ​But those who believe and do good works God will pay their rewards in full, and give them more from the divine bounty. Now as for those who are proud and arrogant, God will torture with a painful torment, and they will not find themselves a protector or a savior apart from God. [4:173]
      ​People, a proof has come to you from your Lord, for We have revealed a clear light to you. [4:174]
      ​As for those who believe in God with steadfast adherence, God will admit them to mercy from the divine, and grace. And God will lead them to the divine by a straight path. [4:175]
      ​They consult you: say God advises you concerning those without lineal heirs. If a man passes away without offspring, but he has a sister, she is to have half of what he left; while he is her heir if she has no offspring. Now if there are two sisters, they get two thirds of what he left. And if there are brothers and sisters, the male is to have the equivalent of the portion of two females. God gives you clarification, lest you be confused. And God is cognizant of everything. [4:176]
