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  • ٱلنَّازِعَات
    Surah Naziat
    Those Who Pull Out
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    Surah Number 79
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Those Who Tear Out, Those Who Drag Forth, Soul-snatchers, Those That Rise
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 46
    Number of Rukus 1 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 154
    Total Number of Words 179
    Number of Letters 785
    Page Number 583
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Naziat

      ​By those who snatch away violently; [79:1]
      ​and those who let loose gently; [79:2]
      ​and those who float along [79:3]
      ​and those who race ahead [79:4]
      ​and manage some affair, [79:5]
      ​one day the quake will convulse [79:6]
      ​and another will follow: [79:7]
      ​hearts will be troubled that day, [79:8]
      ​their gazes lowered. [79:9]
      ​They say, “What? Are we to be returned to the original state, [79:10]
      ​“when we have become worm-eaten bones?” [79:11]
      ​They say, “That would be a turn for the worse.” [79:12]
      ​Now it will be just a single shout [79:13]
      ​and lo—they’ll be on the alert. [79:14]
      ​Has the story of Moses reached you? [79:15]
      ​His Lord called him in the sacred valley of Tuwa: [79:16]
      ​“Go to Pharaoh, for he is a tyrant: [79:17]
      ​“and say to him, ‘Have you any inclination to become pure, [79:18]
      ​“‘so I might guide you to your Lord, whereat you will be awed?’” [79:19]
      ​Then he showed him the great sign, [79:20]
      ​but he scoffed and defied [79:21]
      ​and turned his back in a hurry [79:22]
      ​and mustered troops and proclaimed [79:23]
      ​“I am your Lord, the supreme!” [79:24]
      ​So God punished him as an example, in the hereafter and before: [79:25]
      ​in that there is a lesson for anyone who’s in awe. [79:26]
      ​Are you harder to create than the sky? God constructed that, [79:27]
      ​raising its ceiling and proportioning it, [79:28]
      ​making its night dark and bringing forth its daylight, [79:29]
      ​unrolling the earth after that, [79:30]
      ​bringing forth its water and its grassland from it, [79:31]
      ​and anchoring its mountains [79:32]
      ​for your convenience, and that of your livestock. [79:33]
      ​Then when the greatest calamity comes, [79:34]
      ​the day that man remembers what he strove for, [79:35]
      ​and hellfire will be exposed for anyone to see. [79:36]
      ​Then, for those who were excessive, [79:37]
      ​preferring the life of the world, [79:38]
      ​hellfire will be the abode. [79:39]
      And for those who dreaded standing before their Lord and restrained the self from caprice, [79:40]
      ​the garden will be the abode. [79:41]
      ​They ask you about the end of time, for when it is set: [79:42]
      ​What have you to do with reminder of that? [79:43]
      Its end is up to your Lord. [79:44]
      ​You are just a warner of those who dread it. [79:45]
      ​It will seem to them, the day that they behold it, that they had stayed but an evening, or till the next day. [79:46]
