Surah Najm

By the star when it descends, [53:1]
your companion has not erred and has not gone astray; [53:2]
nor does he speak from desire. [53:3]
It is just an inspiration with which he is inspired: [53:4]
one strong in power taught him, [53:5]
one full of intelligence: he stood up straight [53:6]
at the highest range of view, [53:7]
then he approached and came near, [53:8]
as close as two bow lengths, or closer, [53:9]
and revealed to the servant of God what is divine inspiration. [53:10]
His mind did not imagine what he saw; [53:11]
and yet you argue with him over what he sees? [53:12]
He saw him, in fact, on another descent [53:13]
by the lotus tree none can pass, [53:14]
near which is the garden of eternity. [53:15]
When obscurity veiled the lotus tree, [53:16]
his gaze did not deviate or stray. [53:17]
He actually saw the greatest of the signs of his Lord. [53:18]
But have you seen the goddesses Lat and Uzza, [53:19]
and the other one, Manat, the third? [53:20]
Is it the male for you and the female for the deity? [53:21]
Then that would be unfair division. [53:22]
They are only names, designated by you and your ancestors, for which God has not sent evidence. Indeed, they follow only conjecture, and what their egos desire, even though guidance has indeed come to them from their Lord. [53:23]
Or is the human being to have what he desires? [53:24]
So to God belong the end and the beginning. [53:25]
However many the angels in the heavens, their intercession is of no avail, except after God has given permission to whomever God wants and chooses. [53:26]
Those who do not believe in the hereafter are actually calling the angels female names, [53:27]
without knowing what they’re talking about; for they follow only assumption; and surely assumption is no substitute for truth at all. [53:28]
So avoid those who turn away from Our remembrance and want nothing but the life of the world. [53:29]
That is the extent of their knowledge. It is your Lord who knows best who has strayed from the sacred path; and God knows best who accepts guidance. [53:30]
For to God belongs what is in the heavens and what is on earth, that God may requite those who have done evil for what they have done, and reward those who have done good with what is best. [53:31]
To those who avoid serious sins and vile acts, discounting minor derangement, your Lord is indeed extensive in forgiveness. God knew you best on producing you from the earth, and when you were covered in your mothers’ wombs. So don’t try to justify yourselves; God knows best who is conscientious. [53:32]
Have you see the one who turned back, [53:33]
who gives a little then stints? [53:34]
Does he have knowledge of the invisible, so that he can see? [53:35]
Or is he unacquainted with what is in the scriptures of Moses [53:36]
and of Abraham, who fulfilled his commitments, [53:37]
that no one can bear the burden of another, [53:38]
and that man gets only what he works for, [53:39]
and that his purpose will be seen; [53:40]
then he will be requited with the most complete reward [53:41]
and that the final aim is to your Lord; [53:42]
and that is Who causes laughter and lament, [53:43]
and that is Who causes death and gives life, [53:44]
and that is Who created couples as the male and the female, [53:45]
from a seed when it’s emitted; [53:46]
and that God is committed to another creation; [53:47]
and that it is God who enriches and satisfies; [53:48]
and that God is the Lord of Sirius, [53:49]
and that God annihilated the ancient ‘Ad, [53:50]
and the Thamud, not allowing them to survive, [53:51]
and the people of Noah before that; for they were most unjust and most cruel; [53:52]
and God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, [53:53]
so they were covered over. [53:54]
Now which of the powers of your Lord do you dispute? [53:55]
This is a warner from among the warners of old. [53:56]
The impending approaches: [53:57]
none can reveal it but God. [53:58]
Do you then wonder at this history? [53:59]
And do you laugh but not cry, [53:60]
as idlers? [53:61]
Then bow to God, and worship. [53:62]