Surah Naba

What are they asking each other about? [78:1]
About the great announcement, [78:2]
on which they differ. [78:3]
In spite of that, they will know; [78:4]
yes, in spite of that they will know. [78:5]
Haven’t We made the earth an expanse [78:6]
with the mountains as pegs? [78:7]
And We created you in pairs, [78:8]
and We made your sleep for rest, [78:9]
and We made the night a cloak, [78:10]
and We made the day a means of livelihood. [78:11]
And We built seven firmaments over you, [78:12]
and We set up a brightly burning lamp, [78:13]
and shower pouring water from the rain clouds [78:14]
to produce thereby grains and vegetables [78:15]
and orchards thickly growing. [78:16]
As for the day of decision, its time is appointed: [78:17]
the day the trumpet is sounded and you come in crowds [78:18]
and the sky is opened as doors, [78:19]
and the mountains are made to pass away as a mirage. [78:20]
As for hell, it is an ambush, [78:21]
a destination for oppressors, [78:22]
where they will remain for eons. [78:23]
They will taste nothing cool there, and no drink [78:24]
but boiling and putrid, [78:25]
a fitting reward, [78:26]
for they hadn’t anticipated an accounting, [78:27]
having scoffed at Our signs, denying their truth. [78:28]
But We have kept a record of everything: [78:29]
So have a taste, for We’ll not give you more of anything but agony. [78:30]
For the conscientious, there will be an abode of felicity [78:31]
with groves and grape vines, [78:32]
and buxom damsels as companions, [78:33]
and a full cup. [78:34]
They will hear no nonsense there, and no falsehood, [78:35]
as recompense, a deserved gift from your Lord, [78:36]
Lord of the heavens and the earth and all in between them, the Benevolent One, whom none will be able to address [78:37]
the day the spirit and the angels stand in ranks and none will speak except whoever God permits and who says what’s right. [78:38]
That day will be reality; so let whoever will take a way back to his Lord. [78:39]
Now We have warned you of an imminent agony, a day when man will see what his two hands have produced, and the atheist will say, “Oh, would that I were dust!” [78:40]