Surah Mutaffifin

Woe to the cheaters [83:1]
who demand full measure when they receive from people [83:2]
but short them when they measure or weigh for them. [83:3]
Don’t they think they’ll be resurrected [83:4]
for a trying day, [83:5]
the day when humankind will stand before the Lord of the universe? [83:6]
As for the destiny of the deviants, they will be in a prison. [83:7]
And what will let you know what the prison is? [83:8]
A sealed fate. [83:9]
Woe to the scoffers on that day [83:10]
who deny the reality of the day of requital, [83:11]
which none deny but an aggressive sinner [83:12]
who when Our signs are read to him calls them myths of the ancients. [83:13]
By no means! But what they have been doing has taken possession of their hearts. [83:14]
Oh, no! They will be shut out from their Lord that day, [83:15]
and they will be roasting in hell: [83:16]
and they will be told, “This is what you used to deny.” [83:17]
As for the destiny of the righteous, they will be on high. [83:18]
And what will let you know what is on high? [83:19]
An inscribed appointment [83:20]
for which those granted access to God will vouch. [83:21]
Indeed, the righteous will be in happiness, [83:22]
gazing from atop thrones. [83:23]
You will recognize a refulgence of felicity in their faces; [83:24]
they will be given sealed pure wine to drink, [83:25]
its seal being musk. So let those with longings long for that: [83:26]
its blend will be from a fountain in paradise, [83:27]
a fountain from which those granted access to God will drink. [83:28]
The sinners used to laugh at the believers, [83:29]
winking at each other when they passed by them; [83:30]
and when they went back to their families they’d return jesting: [83:31]
and whenever they saw them they’d say, “They are sure misguided!” [83:32]
But they were not sent to be guards over them. [83:33]
And on this day the believers will laugh at the scoffers, [83:34]
observing from atop thrones; [83:35]
aren’t the scoffers to be paid for what they have been doing? [83:36]