Surah Mursalat

By the winds sent forth in succession [77:1]
that storm tempestuously [77:2]
spreading resuscitation [77:3]
and making differentiation, [77:4]
presenting reminder [77:5]
absolving or warning, [77:6]
what you are promised is sure to take place— [77:7]
when the stars are extinguished [77:8]
and the sky is split open [77:9]
and the mountains blown away [77:10]
and the messengers are appointed their time— [77:11]
to what day has it been put off? [77:12]
To the day of decision. [77:13]
And what will let you know what the day of decision is? [77:14]
Woe to the scoffers on that day! [77:15]
Did We not destroy the ancients? [77:16]
We will make those of latter days follow them too. [77:17]
That is what We do with sinners. [77:18]
Woe to the scoffers on that day! [77:19]
Didn’t We create you from an insignificant fluid, [77:20]
which We then put in a secure place [77:21]
for a determined term? [77:22]
For We decide, being the best at deciding. [77:23]
So woe to the scoffers that day! [77:24]
Haven’t We made the earth a gathering place [77:25]
for the living and the dead, [77:26]
putting towering mountains on it, and giving you Sweetwater to drink? [77:27]
Woe to the scoffers that day— [77:28]
“Rush off to what you used to deny— [77:29]
“rush off into a triple shadow [77:30]
“that gives no shade and is of no avail against the blaze, [77:31]
for it shoots sparks like castles, [77:32]
“like a herd of yellow camels.” [77:33]
Woe to the scoffers that day! [77:34]
That will be a day they do not speak, [77:35]
as they won’t be allowed to make excuses. [77:36]
Woe to the scoffers that day! [77:37]
That will be the day of decision; We will assemble you all, and the ancients too. [77:38]
So if you have a scheme, go on and scheme against Me. [77:39]
Woe to the scoffers that day! [77:40]
As for the conscientious, they will be in the shade around springs, [77:41]
with fruits as they desire— [77:42]
“Eat and drink with enjoyment, for what you have done. [77:43]
“For that is how We reward those who do good.” [77:44]
Woe to the scoffers that day— [77:45]
“Eat and enjoy yourselves a little, for you are sinners.” [77:46]
Woe to the scoffers that day! [77:47]
When told to bow, they do not bow. [77:48]
Woe to the scoffers that day! [77:49]
What message beyond that will they believe? [77:50]