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  • ٱلْمُلْك
    Surah Mulk
    The Kingdom
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    Surah Number 67
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Dominion, Sovereignty, Control
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 30
    Number of Rukus 1 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 224
    Total Number of Words 333
    Number of Letters 1347
    Page Number 562
    Juz Number 29
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    Surah Mulk

      ​Blessed is the One who holds the dominion, and Who has power over all things, [67:1]
      ​Who created death and life to test which of you is best in behavior; Almighty, the Forgiving, [67:2]
      ​the One who created seven skies in correspondence; you see no disharmony in the creation of the Benevolent One. Now look: do you see any gap? [67:3]
      ​Then look twice again, and your vision will come back to you weak and weary. [67:4]
      ​We have adorned the sky of the world with lamps, and made them missiles against the devils, for whom We have prepared the agony of the blaze. [67:5]
      ​And for those who reject their Lord, there is the agony of hell, a miserable destination: [67:6]
      ​when they are thrown into it, they will hear its gasp as it flares, [67:7]
      ​nearly exploding with fury. Every time a group is thrown into it, its keepers will ask them, “Didn’t a warner come to you?” [67:8]
      ​They will say, “Yes, a warner came to us, but we scoffed and said, ‘God never sent anything down— you are very much mistaken.’” [67:9]
      ​And they will say, “Had we listened or been rational, we wouldn’t be among the inmates of the blaze.” [67:10]
      ​Then they will acknowledge their fault, but those to be inmates of the blaze will be taken away, condemned. [67:11]
      ​As for those who fear their Lord unseen, they will have forgiveness and great recompense. [67:12]
      ​And whether you keep secret what you say or express it publicly, God knows what is in all hearts. [67:13]
      ​Doesn’t the Creator know, being most subtle, completely aware? [67:14]
      ​That is who made the earth accessible to you, so travel its roads and partake of what God has provided, though the resurrection is to God. [67:15]
      ​Are you secure from the One in heaven causing the earth to swallow you as it quakes? [67:16]
      ​Or are you secure from the One in heaven sending a storm against you so you will know how My warning is? [67:17]
      ​Those before them scoffed too— and how was My reproval! [67:18]
      ​Have they not seen the birds above them, as they draw in their wings, having spread them— the Benevolent One alone holds them up, observing everything. [67:19]
      ​And who is there as a force to help you other than the Benevolent One? The atheists are only involved in illusion. [67:20]
      ​Or who is there to provide for you if God stops providing? Yet they persist in presumption and escapism. [67:21]
      ​Then is one who walks bent on his own design better guided, or one who walks for common cause on a straight path? [67:22]
      ​Say, “God is the one who created you and gave you hearing and seeing and intelligence; little do you give thanks.” [67:23]
      ​Say, “God is the one who multiplied you on earth, and to whom you will be gathered.” [67:24]
      ​They say, “When is this promise to be, if you are telling the truth?” [67:25]
      ​Say, “That knowledge is with God alone; I am just a plain warner.” [67:26]
      ​Then when they see it imminent, the faces of those who scoffed will be troubled as they are told, “This is what you were calling for.” [67:27]
      ​Say, “Do you see? Whether God destroys me and those with me or has mercy on us, who will shelter the atheists from agony?” [67:28]
      ​Say, “God is the Benevolent One, in whom we believe and in whom we trust: so you will know who it is that is in evident error.” [67:29]
      ​Say, “Do you see? If your water happens to run off underground, then who will provide you with flowing water?” [67:30]
