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  • ٱلْمُجَادِلَة
    Surah Mujadilah
    The Reasoning
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    Surah Number 58
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Pleading, The Pleading Woman
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 22
    Number of Rukus 3 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 275
    Total Number of Words 475
    Number of Letters 2046
    Page Number 542
    Juz Number 28
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    Surah Mujadilah

      ​God has heard the statement of she who brings her dispute to you concerning her husband and makes her complaint to God. And God hears both your sides in an argument, for God is all-hearing, all-seeing. [58:1]
      ​If any of you divorce their wives by saying “You are to me like my mother’s back,” they are not their mothers; for their mothers are only those who gave birth to them. Yet they surely make a statement that is objectionable and false. But God is truly magnanimous, very forgiving indeed. [58:2]
      ​As for those who divorce their wives by saying, “You are to me like my mother’s back,” but then go back on their word, they are to free a slave before the couple touch each other. This you are instructed; and God is well aware of whatever you do. [58:3]
      ​Now whoever hasn’t the means is to fast two months in a row before the couple touch; but whoever is unable to do this is to feed sixty of the destitute. That is to evince your faith in God and God’s messenger; for those are ordinances of God, and there is a painful punishment for those who refuse, [58:4]
      ​for those who oppose God and the messenger of God will be restrained as those before them were restrained, as We have already sent down clear signs. And there is a degrading punishment for the scoffers, [58:5]
      ​on the day that God resurrects them all and tells them what they did; God has kept account of it, even if they have forgotten it, for God is witness to all things. [58:6]
      ​Haven’t you seen that God knows what is in the heavens and what is on earth? There is no private conference of three but God is their fourth; and none of five but God is their sixth; nor are there fewer than that or more but God is with them wherever they are. Then on the day of resurrection God will tell them what they did; for God knows everything. [58:7]
      ​Haven’t you seen those who were forbidden from secret conferences but reverted to what they were forbidden, holding secret conferences among themselves in error and enmity and defiance of the messenger? When they come to you, they greet you with what God does not greet you, while they say to themselves, “Why doesn’t God punish us for what we say?” All they deserve is hell, where they will burn; and what a miserable destiny! [58:8]
      ​Believers, when you hold private conferences, do not confer in error and enmity and defiance of the messenger; confer with innocence and conscience, being conscious of God, to whom you will be gathered. [58:9]
      ​Secret conferences are from Satan, to grieve those who believe; but he cannot harm them at all, except by leave of God. So let the believers trust in God. [58:10]
      ​Believers, when you are told to make room in assemblies, then make room; God will make room for you. And when you are told to rise, then rise; God will raise in ranks the believers among you, and those to whom knowledge has been given. And God is aware of whatever you do. [58:11]
      ​Believers, when you consult the messenger privately, give some charity before your conference: that is better for you, and purer. But if you haven’t the means, God is very forgiving, most merciful. [58:12]
      ​Do you shrink from charities before your private consultation? If you fail to perform, yet God relents toward you, then pray and give alms and obey God and God’s messenger. God is aware of whatever you do. [58:13]
      ​Haven’t you seen those who befriend people at whom God is angry? They are not of you, nor you of them, as they swear to falsehood knowingly. [58:14]
      ​God has arranged intense torment for them, for what they have been doing is evil. [58:15]
      ​Taking their oaths as a cloak, they have interfered with the cause of God; so there is a degrading penalty for them. [58:16]
      ​Their property will not avail them against God at all, nor will their children; they will be inhabitants of the fire, where they will remain. [58:17]
      ​One day God will resurrect them all, and they will swear to God as they swear to you, figuring they are based on something. Isn’t it the fact that they are the liars? [58:18]
      ​Satan has overmastered them, making them forget remembrance of God. They are partisans of Satan; aren’t the partisans of Satan the ones who are the losers? [58:19]
      ​For those who oppose God and God’s messenger will be among the most abject. [58:20]
      ​God has decreed, “I will surely prevail, I and My messengers.” For God is powerful, almighty. [58:21]
      ​You won’t find people who believe in God and the last day loving anyone who opposes God and God’s messenger, even be it their fathers or their sons, or their brothers or their kin: God has written faith in their hearts, and supported them with spirit from the divine. And God will admit them to gardens where streams flow below, to abide therein. God will be pleased with them, and they will be pleased with God. They are the partisans of God. Aren’t the partisans of God the ones who succeed? [58:22]
