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  • ٱلْمُدَّثِّر
    Surah Muddathir
    The Cloaked
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    Surah Number 74
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The One Wrapped Up, The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing A Cloak, The Enfolded One
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 56
    Number of Rukus 2
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 193
    Total Number of Words 256
    Number of Letters 1035
    Page Number 575
    Juz Number 29
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    Surah Muddathir

      ​You covering yourself, [74:1]
      ​arise and warn [74:2]
      ​and glorify your Lord [74:3]
      and keep your clothing clean [74:4]
      ​and avoid filth; [74:5]
      ​and don’t be generous expecting much, [74:6]
      ​but be constant for your Lord. [74:7]
      ​Then when the trumpet is sounded, [74:8]
      ​that will be, that day, a dire day, [74:9]
      ​not easy on the atheists. [74:10]
      ​Leave Me with the one I created alone [74:11]
      ​and for whom I provided extensive resources [74:12]
      ​and children all around, [74:13]
      ​and for whom I cleared the way, [74:14]
      ​yet who still wants Me to do more: [74:15]
      ​By no means—for he has stubbornly resisted Our signs. [74:16]
      ​We will bring distress down on him, [74:17]
      ​for he thought and calculated. [74:18]
      ​And how he calculated, to his doom; [74:19]
      ​indeed, to his doom, how he plotted! [74:20]
      ​Then he looked [74:21]
      ​and he frowned and scowled; [74:22]
      ​then he turned his back in arrogance [74:23]
      ​and said, “This is just traditional conjury; [74:24]
      ​“this is merely the word of a mortal. ” [74:25]
      ​I will roast him in hellfire. [74:26]
      ​And what will teach you what hellfire is? [74:27]
      ​It leaves nothing, and spares nothing, [74:28]
      ​scorching the human being. [74:29]
      ​Over it are nineteen, [74:30]
      ​and We have made only angels commanders of hell, and We have only made their number a trial for those who scoffed, so those to whom scripture was given may become certain and those who believe may increase in faith, and those given Scripture and believers may have no misgivings; and so those with sickness in their hearts, and the scoffers, may say, “What does God intend by this example?” Thus God leaves anyone stray at will and guides anyone at will; and no one knows the forces of your Lord but God. And this is but a reminder to humanity. [74:31]
      ​No! By the moon [74:32]
      ​and the night, as it recedes, [74:33]
      ​and the morning as it glows, [74:34]
      ​this is certainly one of the most important matters, [74:35]
      ​a warning to humanity, [74:36]
      ​to any one of you who wishes to go ahead or stay behind: [74:37]
      ​every soul is hostage to what it does [74:38]
      ​except the company of the right, [74:39]
      ​in gardens: they will inquire [74:40]
      ​about the sinners: [74:41]
      ​“What made you enter hellfire?” [74:42]
      ​They will say, “We were not in the habit of praying, [74:43]
      ​“and we weren’t in the habit of feeding the poor, [74:44]
      ​“and we used to become obsessive along with the obsessed, [74:45]
      ​“and we used to deny the reality of the day of requital, [74:46]
      ​“until certainty came to us.” [74:47]
      ​So the intercession of intercessors is of no avail to them; [74:48]
      ​and what is the matter with them, that they turn away from the reminder, [74:49]
      ​as if they were frightened donkeys [74:50]
      ​fleeing a lion? [74:51]
      ​What every one of them wants is to be given a page opened up. [74:52]
      ​That won’t happen. But they don’t fear the hereafter. [74:53]
      ​Nevertheless, this is a reminder, [74:54]
      ​so whoever will bears it in mind. [74:55]
      ​But no one is mindful unless it is the will of God, who is caring and forgiving. [74:56]
