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  • ٱللَّيْل
    Surah Lail
    The Night
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    Surah Number 92
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Night
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 21
    Number of Rukus ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 59
    Total Number of Words 71
    Number of Letters 314
    Page Number 595
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Lail

      ​By the night when it covers, [92:1]
      ​and the day when it conies to light, [92:2]
      ​and the creation of male and female, [92:3]
      ​your striving is surely diverse. [92:4]
      ​As for those who are generous and conscientious [92:5]
      ​trusting in the happy end, [92:6]
      ​We will facilitate ease for them. [92:7]
      ​As for those who are stingy and complacent [92:8]
      ​repudiating the happy end, [92:9]
      ​We will facilitate hardship for them, [92:10]
      ​and their wealth won’t help them when they fall. [92:11]
      ​Guidance is up to Us: [92:12]
      ​and the end and the beginning belong to Us: [92:13]
      ​so I warn you of a raging fire [92:14]
      ​where none will roast but the most wretched, [92:15]
      ​those who deny truth and turn away. [92:16]
      ​But the most conscientious will be kept from it; [92:17]
      ​those who give of their wealth to become pure [92:18]
      ​without any favor to be repaid to anyone, [92:19]
      ​only seeking the acceptance of their supreme Lord; [92:20]
      ​and they will be satisfied. [92:21]
