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  • ٱلْجُمُعَة
    Surah Juma
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    Surah Number 62
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Congregation, Friday
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 11
    Number of Rukus 1.5
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 133
    Total Number of Words 177
    Number of Letters 768
    Page Number 553
    Juz Number 28
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    Surah Juma

      ​Everything in the heavens and everything on earth praises God, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Almighty, the Wise: [62:1]
      ​that is who sent the unlettered a messenger from among them to recite the signs of God to them, and purify them, and teach them scripture and wisdom —even if they had indeed been in evident error before— [62:2]
      ​and others of them when they join them. And God is the almighty, the epitome of wisdom. [62:3]
      ​That is the grace of God, which God grants to whomever God will; and God is the holder of the supreme grace. [62:4]
      ​Those who were charged with the Torah but then did not carry it out were like a donkey carrying books. What a miserable example in those who repudiated the signs of God! For God is not guiding people doing wrong. [62:5]
      ​Say, “You who follow Judaism, if you think you are friends of God to the exclusion of humanity at large, then you should wish for death if you are correct.” [62:6]
      ​But they don’t want it ever, because of what they have done; and God knows those who do wrong. [62:7]
      ​Say, “The death you flee will itself come to meet you; then you will be returned to the Knower of the hidden and the manifest, who will tell you of what you’d been doing.” [62:8]
      ​Believers, when the call to pray is given on the day of congregation, hasten to remembrance of God, leaving business aside. That is best for you, if you only knew. [62:9]
      ​Then when the prayer is concluded, disperse through the land seeking the bounty of God, remembering God a lot, that you may thrive. [62:10]
      ​Yet when they see a deal or an amusement they disband for that, leaving you standing. Say, “What is with God is better than amusement or commerce; and God is the best of providers.” [62:11]
