Surah Jinn

Say, “It has been revealed to me that a band of sprites listened in, then said, ‘We have indeed heard a wondrous Recital! [72:1]
“‘It guides to reason, and we believe in it. So we won’t associate anyone with our Lord. [72:2]
“‘For the status of our Lord is transcendent, admitting of neither mate nor offspring. [72:3]
“‘Though the fools among us used to speak in a manner infringing upon the dignity of God, [72:4]
“‘we think no human or sprite should speak any falsehood of God. [72:5]
“ ‘Yet there were in fact individual humans who resorted to particular sprites, but that increased the pressure on them; [72:6]
“‘for they assumed, as you assume, that God won’t resurrect anyone. [72:7]
“‘But though we searched for heaven, we found it occupied by a fierce guard and filled with shooting stars. [72:8]
“‘We used to sit in seats around there to listen, but whoever listens now will find a shooting star aimed at him. [72:9]
“‘We ourselves don’t know whether ill is intended for those on earth, or if their Lord wants true direction for them: [72:10]
“‘as for us, some of us are virtuous, and some of us are otherwise; we are divergent in our ways. [72:11]
“‘But we assume we cannot thwart God on earth, nor can we thwart God by fleeing; [72:12]
“‘for we believed in the guidance when we heard it. And whoever believes in his Lord fears no withholding of rights or oppression. [72:13]
‘“Now some of us are devout, while some of us are unjust. As for those who are devout, they strove for integrity; [72:14]
“‘while those who are unjust, they are firewood for hell.’” [72:15]
If they had stayed on the path upright, We would have given them plenty of water, [72:16]
to test them with it. And if anyone turns away from mindfulness of his Lord, that will cause him mounting pain. [72:17]
The places of worship are for God; so don’t pray to anyone besides God. [72:18]
When Abdullah, the Servant of God, stands to pray to God, they virtually form a mass around him. [72:19]
Say, “I only pray to my Lord, with whom I associate no one.” [72:20]
Say, “For my part, I don’t have the power to do you harm or guide you right.” [72:21]
Say, “No one can grant me shelter from God, and I could not find any refuge but God, [72:22]
“except communication from God, and divine messages. And for any who defy God and the messenger of God, there is the fire of hell, where they’ll remain forever.” [72:23]
When at last they see what they were warned about, they will know who is weaker in support and is of less account. [72:24]
Say, “I don’t know whether what you are warned of is close, or if my Lord has given it time, [72:25]
“knowing the unseen without revealing the divine secret to anyone, [72:26]
“except a divinely chosen messenger: then God sends scouts before and after him, [72:27]
“so that he may know that they have delivered the messages of their Lord, who encompasses all they have and takes account of everything.” [72:28]