Surah Jathiyah

H.M. [45:1]
Revelation of the Book from God, the Mighty, the Wise: [45:2]
In the heavens and the earth are signs for believers; [45:3]
and in your constitution, and animals God propagates, are signs for a people who are sure. [45:4]
And in the alternation of the night and day, and the provision God sends down from the sky, by which God enlivens the earth after its death, and in the shifting of the winds, are signs for intelligent people. [45:5]
Those are the signs of God, which We recite to you in truth; so in what tale will they believe, other than God and the signs of God? [45:6]
Woe to every lying sinner [45:7]
who while hearing the signs of God being recited to him still persists in arrogance as if he had not heard them. So announce a painful penalty to him. [45:8]
And when he learns something of Our signs, he takes it as a joke; for his ilk there is a humiliating penalty. [45:9]
Before them is hell, and nothing of what they have earned will help them, nor any patron they have adopted other than God; and there is a severe chastisement in store for them. [45:10]
This is guidance; and for those who reject the signs of their Lord is agony from painful punishment. [45:11]
It is God who has subjected the sea to you, that ships may sail on it by the order of God, and that you may seek of the bounty of God, and that you may be grateful. [45:12]
And God has subjected to you what is in the heavens and what is on earth, all from God; surely there are signs in that for people who reflect. [45:13]
Say to those who believe that they should forgive those who do not look forward to the days of God that God may repay people for what they earned. [45:14]
If one does good, it is for one’s own soul; and if one does evil, it is one’s own responsibility. Then you’ll be returned to your Lord [45:15]
We did give the Israelites scripture, and wisdom, and prophethood; and We provided them with good things, and blessed them above all peoples. [45:16]
And We gave them proofs of divine order; and they did not differ except after knowledge came to them, out of envy among them. Your Lord will judge among them on the day of resurrection in respect to what they differed about. [45:17]
Then We set you on a sacred law from the divine order; so follow it, and do not follow the whims of those who do not know. [45:18]
For they will never avail you aught against God; indeed, the unjust are helpers to one another, while God is the helper of the conscientious. [45:19]
These are insights for humanity, and guidance and mercy for people who are sure. [45:20]
Do those who commit evils reckon We will make them equal in their life and their death to those who believe and do good? What a bad judgment they make! [45:21]
God created the heavens and the earth with justice, that every soul be requited for what it earned, without being wronged. [45:22]
Haven’t you seen someone who deifies his own desires? God has knowingly let him stray, and has sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a veil over his sight. So who guides him aside from God? Will you not then remember? [45:23]
And they have said, “This is nothing but our life in the world; we die and we live, and nothing annihilates us but the passage of time.” But they have no knowledge of that; they are only conjecturing. [45:24]
And when Our clarifying signs are recited to them, they have no argument but to say, “Bring back our ancestors, if you are telling the truth.” [45:25]
Say, “God gives you life, and then makes you die, and then gathers you for the day of resurrection, on which there is no doubt; and yet most people do not know.” [45:26]
To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and the day on which the end of time will happen, a day on which prattlers will lose out. [45:27]
And you will see every people kneeling; every people will be summoned to its record: “Today you are being repaid for what you used to do. [45:28]
“This record of Ours speaks about you in truth; for We have been transcribing what you have been doing.” [45:29]
And as for those who believed and did good works, their Lord will admit them into divine mercy. That is the evident success. [45:30]
And as for those who scoffed, were not My signs recited to you, yet you were arrogant, and were sinning people? [45:31]
And when it has been said that the promise of God is true, and there is no doubt about the end of time, you have said, “We do not understand what the end of time is; we suppose it merely speculation, and we cannot be sure.” [45:32]
And the evils they did will be manifest to them, and what they used to sneer at will have surrounded them. [45:33]
And it will be said, “Today We forget you, as you forgot the meeting of this day of yours; and your abode is the fire, and there are no saviors for you. [45:34]
“That is because you took the signs of God in jest, and the life of the world deceived you.” So that day they will not be extricated from there, and they will not be granted favor. [45:35]
So God deserves all praise: Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth, Lord of all worlds. [45:36]
And God’s is all majesty in the heavens and the earth; being the Mighty, the Wise. [45:37]