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  • ٱلْإِنْشِقَاق
    Surah Inshiqaq
    The Splitting Asunder
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    Surah Number 84
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Rending Asunder, The Sundering, Splitting Open, The Splitting Asunder
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 25
    Number of Rukus 1
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 91
    Total Number of Words 108
    Number of Letters 445
    Page Number 589
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Inshiqaq

      ​When the sky bursts open [84:1]
      ​and hearkens to its Lord and is given its due, [84:2]
      ​and when the earth is distended [84:3]
      ​and throws up what is in it and becomes empty [84:4]
      ​and hearkens to its Lord and is given its due: [84:5]
      ​O man, you are striving toward your Lord, and you will meet your Lord; [84:6]
      ​then the one who is given his record in his right hand [84:7]
      ​will be called to account for an easy reckoning [84:8]
      ​and return to his people delighted. [84:9]
      ​As for the one who is given his record behind his back, [84:10]
      ​he will cry for destruction [84:11]
      ​as he roasts in a blaze [84:12]
      ​for he used to be happy among his people: [84:13]
      ​he assumed he’d never return. [84:14]
      ​But no, his Lord was watching him. [84:15]
      ​So I swear by the evening glow [84:16]
      ​and the night and what it envelops [84:17]
      ​and the moon when it’s full [84:18]
      ​you will surely mount from one level to another. [84:19]
      ​Now what is the matter with them that they don’t believe, [84:20]
      ​and do not bow when the Qur’an is recited to them? [84:21]
      ​Instead those who scoff repudiate truth; [84:22]
      ​but God knows best what they keep inside. [84:23]
      ​So inform them of a painful penalty, [84:24]
      ​except those who believe and do the right things; for them there is a reward without diminution. [84:25]
