Surah Insan

Hasn’t there been a time when man was nothing worth mention, [76:1]
for We made man from a mixed drop, in order to test him, giving him hearing and sight. [76:2]
We have shown him the way, whether he is grateful or ungrateful: [76:3]
We have prepared chains, yokes, and fire for the ungrateful. [76:4]
As for the upright, they will drink from a cup of a blend of camphor, [76:5]
a source from which devotees of God drink, making it flow freely. [76:6]
They fulfill vows, dreading a day whose ill is impending; [76:7]
and they feed, for love of God, the poor, the orphan, and the captive: [76:8]
“We are feeding you solely for the sake of God; we want no compensation from you, not even thanks. [76:9]
“For we dread a dismal day of calamity from our Lord.” [76:10]
So God will preserve them from the adverse effects of that day, imbuing them with health and happiness; [76:11]
and reward them for their constancy with a garden and silk: [76:12]
they will recline on couches there, seeing there neither sun nor frost. [76:13]
And the shade there will be near them, and bunches of grapes will hang low, [76:14]
and vessels of silver will be passed around among them, and cups of glass, [76:15]
of silvery glass, whose measure they determine. [76:16]
And they will be given a cup to drink there of a blend of ginger, [76:17]
of a spring there called delectable. [76:18]
And there will surround them immortalized children, whom you’d think strewn pearls were you to see them. [76:19]
And when you looked you would see happiness, a magnificent dominion. [76:20]
Covering them will be clothing of silk brocade, green and glittering, and they will be adorned with silver bracelets; and their Lord will allow them to drink a beverage that is pure: [76:21]
“This is a reward for you, as your effort is appreciated.” [76:22]
It is We who have sent the Qur’an down to you as revelation: [76:23]
so be constant to the wisdom of your Lord, and don’t be obedient to the sinner or the atheist among them: [76:24]
and invoke the name of your Lord morning and evening, [76:25]
and bow to God at night, and glorify God long into the night. [76:26]
As for these, they love the ephemeral and leave behind them a grave day. [76:27]
We created them and energized them; and whenever We wish We’ll substitute their like by a change. [76:28]
This is a message: let whoever will take a path to his Lord. [76:29]
But none of you have the will unless God wills. For God is all-knowing, completely wise. [76:30]
God admits anyone at will to divine mercy, but for the unjust has arranged an intense agony. [76:31]