Surah Hujurat

Believers, don’t put yourselves forward before God and the messenger of God; be wary of God, for God is all-hearing, all-knowing. [49:1]
Believers, don’t raise your voices over the voice of the Prophet and don’t speak loudly to him as you speak loudly to each other, lest your acts be in vain without your realizing. [49:2]
Those who lower their voices in the presence of the messenger of God are those whose hearts God has tested for conscience; there is forgiveness for them, and a tremendous reward. [49:3]
As for those who call to you from outside the private chambers, most of them are not prudent. [49:4]
If only they would be patient until you come out to them, that would be best for them; yet God is very forgiving, most merciful. [49:5]
Believers, if a vicious person brings any news, try to get at the facts, lest you afflict people ignorantly and become regretful for what you have done. [49:6]
And know that among you is the messenger of God: were he to obey you in most matters, you would certainly come to grief; but God has made faith dear to you, and made it pleasing to you in your hearts, making atheism, immorality, and rebelliousness odious to you. Those are the righteous ones, [49:7]
as a favor and a boon from God; and God is omniscient, perfectly wise. [49:8]
If two parties of believers contend with each other, make peace between them. Then if one of the two acts unjustly to the other, fight the side that transgresses until it goes back to the order of God. Then if it goes back, make peace between the two fairly, doing justice, for God loves those who do justice. [49:9]
The believers are one brotherhood, so make peace between two brothers of yours, being conscious of God so that you may receive mercy. [49:10]
Believers, people should not ridicule other people; these may be better than they are. And women should not ridicule other women; these may be better than they are. And don’t defame each other, or call each other insulting nicknames. Evil the name of impiety after faith; and any who do not refrain are doing wrong. [49:11]
Believers, avoid excess imagination, for some imagination is sin. And don’t spy on each other, and don’t defame each other in their absence. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it! So be conscious of God, for God is most relenting, most merciful. [49:12]
O humankind, We created you from a male and a female, and We made you races and tribes for you to get to know each other. The most noble of you in the sight of God are those of you who are most conscientious. And God is omniscient, fully aware. [49:13]
The desert Arabs say, “We believe.” Say, “You don’t believe, you only say, ‘We’ve acquiesced,’ but faith has not entered your hearts. Yet if you obeyed God and God’s messenger, that would not hinder you from your labors; for God is very forgiving, most merciful. [49:14]
“The only believers are those who have faith in God and the messenger of God without wavering, and strive for the sake of God by means of their property and their persons. They are the ones who are sincere.” [49:15]
Say, “Are you going to teach God your religion? God knows what is in the heavens and what is on earth; God has full knowledge of everything.” [49:16]
They claim to be doing you a favor by acquiescing; say, “Don’t claim your Islam a favor to me; rather, God does you the favor of guiding you to faith, if you are sincere.” [49:17]
God knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and God sees whatever you do. [49:18]