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    Surah Hud
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    Surah Number 11
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Hud
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 123
    Number of Rukus 10
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 939
    Total Number of Words 1946
    Number of Letters 7817
    Page Number 221
    Juz Number 11 & 12
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    Surah Hud

      ​A.L.R.: A Book, whose signs are confirmed, then explained, from One who is most wise and aware, [11:1]
      ​that you not worship aught but God, from whom I am a warner and a herald of good news. [11:2]
      ​And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to God, that God may grant you a good provision for a determined period, and bestow divine grace on all the virtuous; but if you turn away, then I fear for you punishment on a grievous day. [11:3]
      ​Your return is to God, Who has power over all things. [11:4]
      ​See how they fold up their hearts, to lie hidden from God! Even when they cover themselves with their clothing, God knows what they conceal and what they reveal, for God knows what is in hearts. [11:5]
      ​And there is no moving creature upon the earth but whose sustenance is up to God; and God knows its time and place, and its grave. All is in a clear writ. [11:6]
      ​And it is God who created the heavens and the earth in six days while God’s throne was upon the water, to test which of you is best in conduct. But if you were to say, “You will be resurrected after death,” those who scoffed would say, “This is but obvious witchcraft.” [11:7]
      ​And if We deferred the punishment for them for a determined time, they would surely say, “What holds it back?” Ah, the day it comes to them, it will not be diverted from them; and what they used to ridicule will surround them. [11:8]
      ​If We let man taste of mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, he despairs and is ungrateful. [11:9]
      ​And if We let him taste favor after affliction has touched him, he will say, “The ills have gone from me!” Indeed, he exults and is boastful. [11:10]
      ​The exceptions are those who are patient and do good works; for them there is forgiveness, and a great reward. [11:11]
      ​It may be that you would leave out part of what is revealed to you, and your heart would be constricted, should they say, “Why was a treasure not sent down to him, or an angel come with him?” You are just a Warner; God arranges everything. [11:12]
      ​They may say, “He invented it.” Say, “Then produce ten invented chapters like it, and pray to anyone besides God you can, if you are being truthful. [11:13]
      ​“Then when they don’t answer your prayer, you will know that this is revealed by the knowledge of God alone, and that there is no divinity but God. So will you then acquiesce?” [11:14]
      ​As for those who desire the life of this world and its pomp, We will pay them for their works in it; and nothing will be withheld of what is due to them. [11:15]
      ​They are the ones for whom there is nothing in the hereafter but fire; and what they have done here is futile, and their works are in vain. [11:16]
      ​Are these the ones who are following clarification from their Lord, whose witness recites it to them, with the book of Moses before him as a guide and a mercy? They believe in it, but hellfire is the place appointed for sectarians who repudiate it. So do not be in doubt about it; for it is truth from your Lord, though most people don’t believe. [11:17]
      ​And who is more wrong than one who invents a lie against God? They will be set before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, “These are the ones who lied against their Lord. Behold—the curse of God is on the unjust, [11:18]
      ​“those who divert people from the way of God, and seek distortion in it, being themselves disbelievers in the hereafter.” [11:19]
      ​They will not cause frustration on earth, and they have no protectors but God. The penalty will be doubled for them. They could not hear; and they did not see. [11:20]
      ​They are the ones who have lost their souls; and their inventions have deserted them. [11:21]
      ​There is no doubt that they will be the greatest losers in the hereafter. [11:22]
      As for those who believe and do good works and humbly acquiesce to their Lord, they are the company of paradise, where they will abide. [11:23]
      ​The comparison of the two parties is like the blind and deaf compared to the seeing and hearing— are the two equal? So will you not take a lesson? [11:24]
      ​We sent Noah to his people: “I am an open warner to you, [11:25]
      ​“that you serve none but God; for I fear for you the agony of a painful day.” [11:26]
      ​But the chiefs of those of his people who scoffed said, “We see you as nothing more than a human being like ourselves. And we do not see anyone following you but those who are most abject of us, primitive in their judgment. We do not see you as having any virtue superior to us; on the contrary, we consider you liars.” [11:27]
      ​He said, “My people, do you think if I am following clarification from my Lord and have been granted mercy from God that is hidden from you, we would compel you to it even though you’re averse to it? [11:28]
      ​“Moreover, my people, I don’t ask you money for this; my reward is up to God alone. And I am not one to drive away those who believe; for they will be meeting their Lord. But I see you to be an ignorant people. [11:29]
      ​“And who would protect me from God, O my people, if I drove them away? Will you not take heed? [11:30]
      ​“I do not tell you I have the treasures of God, and I do not know the unseen; and I do not say I’m an angel. And I do not say that God will not grant good to those you despise: I’d be a wrongdoer if I did, for God knows best what is in their souls.” [11:31]
      ​They said, “Noah, you have argued with us, and multiplied your argument against us; now bring us that with which you threaten us, if you are being truthful.” [11:32]
      ​He said, “Only God will bring it upon you, at will; and you will not be capable of thwarting it. [11:33]
      ​“My advice does not benefit you, no matter how I wanted to give you good advice, if God wishes to tempt you. God is your Lord; and to God you will be returned,” [11:34]
      ​Do they perhaps say he invented it? Say, “If I invented it, I would be responsible for my crime; and I am innocent of what you are guilty of.” [11:35]
      ​And it was revealed to Noah, “None of your people will believe but those who believe already. So do not be grieved over what they’ve been doing. [11:36]
      ​“And build an ark, under Our eyes and Our inspiration, and do not talk to Me about the unjust; for they are to be drowned.” [11:37]
      ​So he fashioned the ark; and every time chiefs of his people passed by him, they ridiculed him. He said, “If you ridicule us, we will ridicule you as you ridicule. [11:38]
      ​“And you will know to whom will come a humiliating punishment, and on whom will alight a persistent torment.” [11:39]
      Then when Our command came and the springs welled forth, We said, “Carry a pair of every species and your family in the ark, —except anyone who has been condemned— and whoever believes.” But those who believed with him were only a few. [11:40]
      ​And he said, “Ride in it, in the name of God, whether it goes or stays there. For my Lord is truly forgiving, most merciful.” [11:41]
      ​And it bore them on mountainous waves: and Noah called to his son, who was apart from the rest, “Ride with us, son, and do not stay with the atheists.” [11:42]
      ​His son said, “I will take refuge on a mountain, which will save me from the water.” Noah said, “Nothing can save anyone today, except those on whom God has mercy.” Then waves came between the two of them, and the son was among those drowned. [11:43]
      Then it was said, “Earth, swallow your water,” and “Sky, stop raining” And the water receded and the event was over. The ark sat on Mount Ararat, and it was declared, “Away with the people who do wrong.” [11:44]
      And Noah prayed to his Lord, “My Lord, my son is a member of my family; and Your promise is the truth, and You are the most just of judges.” [11:45]
      ​[God] said, “Noah, he is not of your family, for his action is unsound. So do not ask Me about what you know nothing of I am giving you advice, lest you be one of the ignorant” [11:46]
      ​[Noah] said, “My Lord, I take refuge with You from asking You about what I have no knowledge of; and unless You forgive me and have mercy on me, I am one of the lost.” [11:47]
      ​He was told, “Noah, land with peace from Us; and blessings on you and peoples from those with you. Some peoples We will allow enjoyment, then a painful torment will befall them from Us.” [11:48]
      ​These are some of the stories of the invisible, which We have revealed to you. Neither you nor your people knew them before this. So be constant, for the end is for the conscientious. [11:49]
      ​And the messenger to the Ad was their brother Hud: he said, “My people, worship God; there is nothing worthy of worship for you but God. You are mere mythologers. [11:50]
      “My people, I do not ask you for any reward for this: my reward is up to my Maker alone. Now don’t you understand? [11:51]
      ​“And ask forgiveness of your Lord, my people, and then turn to your Lord, who will charge the sky above you with abundant rain and add strength to your strength; and don’t turn back as sinners.” [11:52]
      ​They said, “Hud, you have not brought us any clarification, and we are not about to abandon our gods at your word; we are not believers in you. [11:53]
      ​“We are only saying that some of our gods have afflicted you with ill.” He said, “I call God to witness, and you to witness, that I am innocent of your deification [11:54]
      ​“of other than God. So scheme against me if you will, all of you, and give me no quarter. [11:55]
      ​“For I put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but God has it by the forelock. Truly my Lord is on a straight path. [11:56]
      ​“So if you turn away, at least I have delivered the message with which I was sent to you; and my Lord will replace you with another people, while you cannot cause God any harm. Indeed, my Lord is guardian over every thing.” [11:57]
      ​And when Our order came, We delivered Hud and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us; We delivered them from a severe torment. [11:58]
      ​That was the ‘Ad: they refused the signs of their Lord, and defied the messengers of God, and followed the direction of every willful tyrant. [11:59]
      And they were followed by a curse in this world, and on the day of resurrection. Ah, see how the ‘Ad disbelieved in their Lord. Ah! Rejected were the ‘Ad, the people of Hud! [11:60]
      ​And the messenger to the Thamud was their brother Salih, who said, “My people, worship God; there’s nothing worth worship for you but God. God is the one who created you from earth and settled you thereupon: so seek God’s forgiveness, and turn to God in repentance; for my Lord is nearby, responsive.” [11:61]
      ​They said, “Salih, we had hopes for you before this. Are you forbidding us from worshipping what our ancestors worshipped? We are indeed in disquieting doubt about what you are calling us to.” [11:62]
      ​He said, “My people, do you see? If I am following clarification from my Lord and have been granted divine mercy, then who would save me from God if I have disobeyed God? So you add nothing for me but loss. [11:63]
      ​“Moreover, my people, this she-camel of God is a sign to you, so leave her to graze on God’s earth, and do her no harm, lest immediate torment take you.” [11:64]
      ​But they hamstrung her, so he said, “Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days. That is an infallible threat.” [11:65]
      ​Then when Our imperative came, We saved Salih and those who had faith with him, by mercy from Ourselves, from the disgrace of that day. For your Lord is the powerful, the mighty one. [11:66]
      ​And the blast overcame those who had done wrong, so they lay prostrate in their homes, [11:67]
      ​as if they had never lived and thrived there. Ah! See how the Thamud disbelieved in their Lord! Ah! Rejected were the Thamud! [11:68]
      ​And Our messengers came to Abraham with good news: they said, “Peace.” He said, “Peace,” and without delay set out a roasted calf. [11:69]
      ​But when he saw they did not touch it, he felt offended by them, and had foreboding fear of them. They said, “Do not fear; for we were sent to the people of Lot.” [11:70]
      ​Then his wife, who was standing there, laughed; but We announced to her good news of Isaac, and of Jacob after Isaac. [11:71]
      ​She said, “Woe is me! Shall I give birth now that I’m an old woman and my husband an old man? This is indeed a strange thing!” [11:72]
      ​They said, “Do you marvel at the order of God? The mercy and blessings of God are on you, people of the house. Truly God is most praiseworthy, most glorious.” [11:73]
      ​Then when the fear had left Abraham, and the good news came to him, he argued the case of Lot’s people to Us: [11:74]
      ​for Abraham was kindly, compassionate, repentant. [11:75]
      ​O Abraham! Leave this alone, for the order of your Lord has come; a punishment that cannot be averted is to come to them. [11:76]
      ​When Our messengers came to Lot, he was distressed on their account, and powerless to do anything for them; he said, “This is a grievous day!” [11:77]
      ​And his people came rushing to him; and they had been doing evil things. He said, “My people, here are my daughters; they are purer for you. Fear God and do not disgrace me on account of my guests. Is there not a righteous man among you?” [11:78]
      ​They said, “You already know we have no need of your daughters; surely you know what it is we want.” [11:79]
      He said, “If only I were able to influence you or resort to a strong support! [11:80]
      ​[The messengers] said, “O Lot! We are envoys of your Lord; they will not get to you. Set out by night with your family, while part of the night remains, and let none of you look back, except your wife; for what will happen to her is what will happen to them. Their doom is at dawn; is not dawn near?” [11:81]
      ​Then when Our order came, We turned them upside down and showered them with layers of stones of baked clay, [11:82]
      ​marked by your Lord, and never far from wrongdoers. [11:83]
      ​And the messenger to the Madyan was their brother Shu‘aib: he said, “My people, worship God; there’s nothing worth worship for you but God. And do not short measure or weight. I see you in good circumstances, but I fear for you the agony of an all-encompassing day. [11:84]
      ​“Give full measure and weight justly, my people, and do not withhold from others what is due to them; and do not do evil on earth as spoilers. [11:85]
      ​“What is left by God is best for you, if you are believers. But I am not your keeper.” [11:86]
      ​They said, “Hey, Shu‘aib! Does your prayer command you that we give up what our ancestors worshipped, or doing what we want with our wealth? Sure—you are the one who is clement and righteous!” [11:87]
      ​He said, “My people, have you seen whether I am following clarification from my Lord, who has provided me a good provision from the divine source itself? I do not wish to violate what I forbid to you. I only wish for reform, to the degree that I am able; and I can only succeed through God, in whom I repose my trust, and to whom I turn. [11:88]
      ​“Moreover, my people, do not let disagreement with me drive you into sin, lest something happen to you as happened to the people of Noah, or the people of Hud, or the people of Salih. And the people of Lot were not far from you. [11:89]
      “Ask your Lord for forgiveness, and turn thereunto in repentance; for my Lord is most merciful, most loving.” [11:90]
      ​They said, “Shu‘aib, we do not understand much of what you say; and we see you powerless among us. If not for your tribe, we would have stoned you! You are not important to us!” [11:91]
      ​He said, “My people, is my tribe more important to you than God, so you disregard God? My Lord comprehends what you are doing! [11:92]
      ​“And do as you may, my people; I am at work. You will know who is to be punished and disgraced, and who is a liar. So watch; for I am watching with you.” [11:93]
      ​Then when Our order came, We saved Shu‘aib and those who had faith with him; While the blast overcame those who had gone wrong, so they lay prostrate in their homes, [11:94]
      ​as if they had never lived and thrived there. Ah! The Madyan were rejected, just as the Thamud were rejected. [11:95]
      ​And We sent Moses with Our signs and a clear mandate [11:96]
      ​to Pharaoh and his chiefs; but they followed the order of Pharaoh. Yet the order of Pharaoh was not intelligent. [11:97]
      ​He will go before his people on the day of resurrection and lead them into the fire. How miserable the place to which they will descend! [11:98]
      ​And they will be followed by a curse in this world, and on the day of resurrection. The gift they’ll be given is miserable. [11:99]
      ​Those are some of the stories of the communities of which We tell you: some of them still exist, some are now extinct. [11:100]
      ​But We did not wrong them; rather, they wronged themselves. And the deities to which they prayed instead of the one God were of no benefit to them on the coming of the order of your Lord. And they added nothing to their lot but loss. [11:101]
      ​Such is the punishment of your Lord when punishing communities who go wrong; divine punishment is truly painful and severe. [11:102]
      ​For in that is a sign for those who fear torment in the hereafter: that is a day for which humanity will be gathered together; and that is a day that will be witnessed. [11:103]
      ​And We will not postpone it, except for a definite term. [11:104]
      ​The day it comes, no soul will speak but by divine permission; some of them will be miserable, and some of them will be happy. [11:105]
      ​As for those who are miserable, they will be in the fire, where they will sob and sigh, [11:106]
      ​staying there as long as the skies and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills; for God can do whatever God wants. [11:107]
      ​As for those who have been blessed, they will be in the garden, where they will abide as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills, as an uninterrupted gift, [11:108]
      ​So do not be in doubt about what these people worship; they only worship as their ancestors used to worship before. And We will indeed repay them their portion without stint. [11:109]
      ​We gave Moses scripture, but differences arose in regard to it; and had it not been for a word gone forth from your Lord before, the matter would have been settled among them. Now they are sure in disquieting doubt about it. [11:110]
      ​Your Lord will requite them all fully for their deeds; for God is indeed acquainted with what it is they do. [11:111]
      ​So be upright, as you have been directed, you and those who turn to God with you; and don’t transgress, for God sees what you do. [11:112]
      ​And do not incline toward those who’ve gone wrong, lest the fire touch you; you have no protectors other than God, and you won’t be saved. [11:113]
      ​Pray regularly at the borders of the day, and the approaches of the night; for good things remove bad things. That is a reminder for the mindful. [11:114]
      ​And be patient, for God will not neglect the reward of the good. [11:115]
      ​Why were there not people of constancy among generations before you who would forbid corruption on earth, except a few of them whom We saved? Those who went wrong pursued the luxuries afforded them, sinners as they were. [11:116]
      ​But your Lord would not destroy a population for one error, if its people would make amends. [11:117]
      ​And your Lord would have made humankind one people, had that been the divine will; but they will not stop disputing, [11:118]
      ​except those to whom your Lord has shown mercy. And it is for this that God created them. And the word of your Lord will be fulfilled: “I will fill hell with sprites and humans all together!” [11:119]
      ​Everything We tell you from stories of the messengers is by way of making your heart firm; and truth comes to you in them, and advice and reminder for the believers. [11:120]
      Say to those who do not believe, “Do what you can; for we are at work. [11:121]
      “And wait, for we are waiting.” [11:122]
      The secret of the heavens and the earth belongs to God, to whom everything is returned. So worship God, and trust in God; your Lord is not unaware of what you do. [11:123]
