Surah Hijr

A.L.R. Those are signs of the Book, of a clarifying Recital. [15:1]
The scoffers often wish they had submitted to God: [15:2]
let them consume and enjoy, and let hope divert them; for they will come to know. [15:3]
We never destroyed a population that did not have a determined destiny. [15:4]
No people can go before its time, nor outlast it. [15:5]
They say, “Hey you, the one inspired with The Reminder— you are surely possessed! [15:6]
“Why don’t you bring us the angels, if you are being truthful?” [15:7]
We do not send the angels down except for true duty; and in that case those people wouldn’t be given time. [15:8]
We did send down the Exposition, and We are actually guarding it. [15:9]
And We did send messengers before you, among sects of yore; [15:10]
but they mocked any messenger who came to them. [15:11]
Thus do We inject it into the hearts of the sinners [15:12]
not to believe in it; but the customs of the ancients have already passed away. [15:13]
Even if We opened a door from the sky to them, and they continued to ascend through it, [15:14]
they would say, “Our eyes have merely been intoxicated; no, we are bewitched!” [15:15]
We set out the constellations in the sky, and made them beautiful to beholders, [15:16]
and We have guarded them from every accursed devil, [15:17]
except anyone who steals a hearing; a bright flaming fire follows him. [15:18]
And as for the earth, We spread it out and placed mountains on it, and We produced every thing on it in balance. [15:19]
And We have put means of sustenance there for you, and for those for whom you are not the providers. [15:20]
And whatever there is, its sources are with Us, and We only send it down according to determined measure. [15:21]
And We send the fertilizing winds, and shower water from the sky and let you drink it, though you are not its keepers. [15:22]
It is We who give life and who cause death, and We are the inheritors. [15:23]
And We know who among you are the ones who make progress, and We know those who linger behind. [15:24]
And it is in fact your Lord who will gather them, being most wise, all-knowing. [15:25]
We created the human being from clay, from formed mud. [15:26]
As for the sprites, We created them earlier, from the fire of a penetrating wind. [15:27]
Your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to create a human being from clay, from formed mud. [15:28]
“Now when I have put him in order and breathed some of My spirit into him, then bow down to him.” [15:29]
So the angels bowed, all of them together, [15:30]
except Iblis, the one who despaired, who refused to be with those who bowed. [15:31]
“Hey, you in despair; what is the matter with you, that you are not with those who bow” [15:32]
“I am not about to bow down to a human being, which You made of clay, of mud that’s been formed!” [15:33]
“Then get out of there, for you are rejected! [15:34]
“And the curse is on you, until the day of judgment.” [15:35]
“My Lord, then grant me a stay until the day they are resurrected.” [15:36]
“Then you are granted a stay, [15:37]
“until the day of the determined time.” [15:38]
“My Lord, since you have misled me, I will make things attractive to them on earth and will beguile them all, [15:39]
“except those of them who are Your sincere devotees.” [15:40]
“This is a straight path to Me. [15:41]
“For you have no authority over devotees of Mine, except those deluded ones who follow you.” [15:42]
And hell is promised to them all; [15:43]
it has seven doors: a distinct segment of them is assigned to each of the doors. [15:44]
As for the conscientious, they will be amidst gardens and springs, [15:45]
where they will be admitted in peace and security. [15:46]
And We will remove any hidden enmity in their hearts, and they will be friends facing each other on thrones. [15:47]
No fatigue will affect them there, and they will not be ejected from there. [15:48]
Inform My devotees that I am the most forgiving, most merciful, [15:49]
and that My punishment is the most painful torment. [15:50]
And tell them about the guests of Abraham: [15:51]
When they came to him, they said, “Peace.” He said, “We are afraid of you.” [15:52]
They said, “Don’t be afraid; for we bring you good news of an erudite son.” [15:53]
He said, “Do you announce good news to me in spite of the fact that old age has overtaken me? So what is your good news?” [15:54]
They said, “We bring you good news in truth, so do not be in despair.” [15:55]
He said, “Who despairs of the mercy of his Lord but the lost? [15:56]
“So what is your business, O messengers?” [15:57]
They said, “We have been sent to a sinning people, [15:58]
“except the tribe of Lot; we are to rescue them all, [15:59]
“except his wife, whom we have determined will be one of those who lag behind.” [15:60]
When the messengers came to the clansmen of Lot, [15:61]
he said, “You are outsiders.” [15:62]
They said, “Yes, but we have brought you what others are in doubt about. [15:63]
“We have brought you the truth, and we are being sincere. [15:64]
“Go with your family during the night, following up behind them, and let none of you look back; but proceed on to where you are directed.” [15:65]
And We revealed to him that decree, that the last of them would be cut off by morning. [15:66]
Now people of the city came, rejoicing. [15:67]
Lot said, “These are my guests; so do not disgrace me. [15:68]
“And be mindful of God, and do not dishonor me.” [15:69]
They said, “Did we not forbid you from associating with people of the world at large?” [15:70]
He said, “Here are my daughters, if you are going to commit the act.” [15:71]
Indeed, by your life, they, in their stupefaction, were wandering distracted, back and forth. [15:72]
Then the blast took them by morning, [15:73]
and We turned it upside down and showered them with stones of hardened clay. [15:74]
Surely there are signs in that for those who pay attention, [15:75]
especially since that was by a road still in existence; [15:76]
surely there is a sign in that for the believers. [15:77]
And the people who lived in the woods were wrongdoers too, [15:78]
so We took vengeance on them. For both of them were on an obvious course. [15:79]
The society of the city of stone repudiated the messengers too: [15:80]
We gave them Our signs, but they turned away from them. [15:81]
They used to carve secure dwellings in the mountains, [15:82]
but the blast overtook them one morning, [15:83]
and all they had acquired was of no avail to them. [15:84]
And We only created the heavens and the earth and everything in between them for justice; and since the end of time is sure to come, then forgive with gracious forgiveness. [15:85]
It is your Lord who is the absolute creator, the omniscient one. [15:86]
And We have given you seven verses for repetition, and the great Recital. [15:87]
Don’t stretch your eyes to what We have bestowed on some classes of them, and do not be sad over them; but be liberal to the believers. [15:88]
And say, “I am the open warner,” [15:89]
such as We sent down upon those who divide, [15:90]
those who have made the Recital into separate parts. [15:91]
So, by your Lord, We will question them all [15:92]
about what they have been doing. [15:93]
So openly expound what you have been directed, and turn away from the polytheists: [15:94]
We are enough for you against those who ridicule— [15:95]
those who put another god with the God. But they will come to know. [15:96]
And We are aware that your chest is cramped by what they say. [15:97]
So celebrate praises of your Lord, and be among those who bow. [15:98]
And serve your Lord until the inevitable comes to you. [15:99]