Surah Hashr

All in the heavens and the earth glorify God, who is the almighty, the supremely wise. [59:1]
God is the one who got those among the people of scripture who scoffed out of their homes for the first gathering: you didn’t think they would get out, while they thought their fortresses would defend them against God. But God came to them from where they weren’t expecting, and cast terror into their hearts, so they demolished their homes with their own hands, and by the hands of the believers. So let those with eyes take warning: [59:2]
for if God had not decreed banishment for them, God would have punished them in this world; and in the hereafter they would have the agony of the fire. [59:3]
That is because they opposed God and the messenger of God; and if anyone opposes God, then God is severe in retribution. [59:4]
Whether you cut palm trees down or left them standing on their roots, it was by God’s permission, to disgrace the corrupt. [59:5]
For what of theirs God has awarded to the messenger of God, you did not drive horses or camels for it; rather, God gives the messengers of God authority over anyone God will, as God is in control of all things. [59:6]
Whatever God has awarded to the messenger of God from the people of the cities is for God, and the messenger of God, and for relatives, and orphans, and the destitute, and travelers, so that it won’t circulate among the wealthy in your midst. So take whatever the messenger gives you, and refrain from anything he forbids you. And be conscious of God, for God is severe in requital. [59:7]
It is for the poor refugees who were driven from their homes and their properties while seeking grace and acceptance from God, helping God and the messenger of God. They are the ones who are truly sincere. [59:8]
And those who had settled in Medina and in the faith before them, they care for those who have taken refuge with them, and have no desire in their hearts for what has been given them, preferring them to themselves, even if it means hardship for them: and those who are preserved from their own avarice are the ones who succeed. [59:9]
As for those who came after them, they say, “Our Lord, forgive us, and those who preceded us in the faith; and put no malice in our hearts toward those who believe, our Lord, for You are most kind, most merciful.” [59:10]
Haven’t you seen the hypocrites saying to their brethren who scoff among the people of scripture, “If you are driven out, we will leave with you, and we will never obey anyone in regard to you. And if you are attacked we will help you.” But God testifies that they are liars. [59:11]
If the others are driven out, these will not leave with them; and if the others are attacked, these will not help them. And if they do help them, they will turn their backs, and so the others will not be helped. [59:12]
You are surely stronger, with terror in their hearts from God. That is because they are people who do not comprehend. [59:13]
They won’t fight you all except in fortified cities or from behind walls. Their valor is powerful among themselves; you think them united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are people who are not being reasonable; [59:14]
like those shortly before them, they have experienced the unhealthiness of their condition; and there is intense agony for them, [59:15]
like when Satan says to mankind, “Disbelieve,” then when they disbelieve, he says, “I have nothing to do with you, for I fear God, Lord of the universe.” [59:16]
Both will end up in hellfire, where they will remain; that is the reward of oppressors. [59:17]
Believers, be conscious of God; and let every soul see what it has sent forth for the morrow. And be conscious of God, for God is aware of whatever you do. [59:18]
And don’t be like those who have forgotten God, who therefore has made them forget their own souls; they are the ones who are dissolute. [59:19]
The inmates of the fire and the inhabitants of the garden are not equal; the inhabitants of the garden are the ones who are triumphant. [59:20]
Had We sent this Recital down on a mountain, you would see it humbled, cracking in awe of God. And those are the examples We set forth to humanity, so that they might reflect. [59:21]
This is the God, other than which there is no deity: Knower of the invisible and the evident, the Benevolent, the Merciful. [59:22]
This is the God, other than which there is no deity: the Sovereign, the Holy, Peace, the Giver of Safety, the Protector, the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Overwhelming; glory to God, beyond any association they attribute. [59:23]
This is God, the Originator, the Creator, the Shaper, to whom refer the most beautiful names, celebrated by everything in the heavens and on earth, being the Almighty, the Perfectly Wise. [59:24]