Surah Hajj

O humanity, be conscious of your Lord, for the shock of the end of time will be a tremendous thing: [22:1]
the day you see it, every nursing woman will forget the child she suckles, and every pregnant female will drop its fetus, and you will see the people intoxicated though they are not drunken: but the punishment of God is severe. [22:2]
Yet some people dispute about God without knowledge: and they follow every defiant devil, [22:3]
of whom it is written that he will misguide anyone who puts him in charge, leading him to the torment of the blaze. [22:4]
O humanity, if you are in doubt about the resurrection, remember that We created you from dust, then from a drop, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed, in order to edify you. And We keep in the womb those We wish, up to a designated term; then We bring you out as infants, and enable you to reach your maturity: but some of you will pass away, and some of you will be kept here until the age of senility, such that they know nothing of what they knew before. And you see the earth lifeless, but then We shower water on it, and it stirs and swells and produces every beautiful species. [22:5]
That is because God is reality itself, giving life to the dead, in command of all things; [22:6]
and the end of time is coming; there can be no doubt about it; and God will resurrect those in the graves. [22:7]
And yet some people still argue about God, without knowledge, without direction, and without enlightening scripture, [22:8]
turning aside in contempt to deflect from God’s way. They are disgraced in this world, and We will have them taste the torment of burning on the day of resurrection: [22:9]
“That is for what you brought about by your own hands—God is not unjust to the servants.” [22:10]
Some people worship God in a fickle way: If something good happens to them, they are satisfied with it, but when a trial happens to them, they are knocked over on their faces. They lose this world and the hereafter; that is the obvious loss. [22:11]
They pray to what can neither cause them harm nor bring them benefit, instead of God; that is outlandish error. [22:12]
They pray to one whose harm is closer than his benefit— surely a wretched protector and a miserable companion! [22:13]
God will admit those who believed and did good works to gardens with streams that flow below; for God does what God wills. [22:14]
If anyone supposes God will not help [the Prophet] in this world and the hereafter, let him provide a way to the sky and traverse it and see if his cunning will remove the cause of irritation. [22:15]
Thus have We sent this revelation down as clarifying signs; and God guides whomever God will. [22:16]
As for the Muslims, the Jews, the Sabians, the Christians, the Magians, and the polytheists, God will decide among them on the day of resurrection, for God is witness to all things. [22:17]
Don’t you see that all beings in the heavens and all beings on earth bow to God, including the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many humans? But many are worthy of punishment too; and no one can dignify those whom God disgraces, for God enacts the divine will. [22:18]
These two adversaries dispute about their Lord: for those who scoff, garments of fire are cut out; boiling water will be poured over their heads, [22:19]
whereby their innards and their skins will be melted; [22:20]
and they will have restraints of iron imposed upon them: [22:21]
whenever they seek to get out of there from anguish, We send them back in there: “Taste the torture of burning.” [22:22]
God will admit those who believed and did good works to gardens where streams flow below, where they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their clothing there will be silk, [22:23]
for they were guided to the good word, and they were guided to the path of the Praiseworthy. [22:24]
As for those who scoffed and obstructed others from the path of God and the sacred mosque—which We made for all humanity equally, the sedentary and the nomad both— and those who seek to misuse it to do wrong in it, We will have them taste of a painful penalty. [22:25]
We prepared a dwelling for Abraham at the site of the House, on condition: “Don’t associate anything with Me; and purify My House for those who circle, and those who stand, and those who bow down. [22:26]
“And announce the pilgrimage to the people: they will come to you on foot, and on every lean mount, coming from every recondite mountain pass, [22:27]
“that they may bear witness to the blessings they have and remembrance the name of God on special days over domestic animals God has provided them. So eat from them, And feed the poor in distress. [22:28]
“Then let them clean themselves up, fulfill their vows, and circle the ancient House.” [22:29]
That is it. And whoever honors the sacred rites of God, that is good for him in respect to his Lord. And domestic animals are permitted to you, except those declared off limits to you. Avoid indecency involving idols, and avoid talk of what is false, [22:30]
in devotion to God without attributing partners to God. For whoever attributes partners to God is as if he had fallen from the sky and a bird had snatched him or the wind had blown him to a distant place. [22:31]
That is it. And if any honor the emblems of God, that is from piety of hearts. [22:32]
There are benefits for you in them for a certain time; then they’re delivered for sacrifice near the ancient House. [22:33]
We ordained a rite for every people, that they would remembrance the name of God over the domestic animals that God provided them. But your God is one single deity, so submit to God. And bring good news to the humble ones, [22:34]
those whose hearts are afraid when mention is made of God, and those who patiently endure what afflicts them, and those who practice prayer and give of what We have provided them. [22:35]
And We have made the sacrificial camels emblems of God for you, in which there is good for you: so recite the name of God over them standing in line, and when they fall down on their sides: and eat of them, and feed the resigned and the wretched. We subject the animals to you this way that you may be grateful. [22:36]
Their meat does not reach God, nor their blood; it is your piety that reaches God. We subjected them to you this way so you would acknowledge the greatness of God for having guided you. And announce glad news to those who do good: [22:37]
God defends those who believe; God does not love any faithless ingrate. [22:38]
Victims of aggression are given license because they have been done injustice; and God is well able to help them— [22:39]
those evicted from their homes without reason except that they say, “Our Lord is God.” For if God did not parry people by means of one another, then monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques wherein the name of God is much recited would surely be demolished. And God will surely defend those who defend God —for God is powerful, almighty— [22:40]
those who institute prayer if We establish them on earth, and give charity, and enjoin the acceptable and forbid the reprehensible: and the outcome of affairs is up to God. [22:41]
Even if they repudiate you, the people of Noah scoffed before them, and ‘Ad and Thamud too, [22:42]
and the people of Abraham and the people of Lot, [22:43]
and the Midianites; and Moses was called a liar too. Sol gave the scoffers time, and then I punished them; and how intense was My rejection! [22:44]
And how many communities have We ruined as they were being unjust, so they tumbled down to their foundations; and how many wells lie abandoned where castles still stand! [22:45]
Haven’t they traveled the earth, that they may have hearts to understand, or ears to hear? Surely it is not their eyes that are blind; what is blind are the hearts that are in their breasts. [22:46]
Though they urge you to hasten the penalty, God never breaks a commitment. And one day to your Lord is like a thousand years by your count. [22:47]
And how many communities have We let be even as they were doing wrong, and then We punished them! And the journey is to Us. [22:48]
Say, “People, I am only a clear warner to you: [22:49]
“For those who believe and do good works there is forgiveness, and a generous provision.” [22:50]
And as for those who strive to thwart Our signs, they will be inmates of the blaze. [22:51]
We never sent a messenger before you, or a prophet, but when he had a desire Satan interjected something into his desire: but God abolishes what Satan interjects, and God confirms the signs of the divine. For God is omniscient, most wise. [22:52]
That is so God may make Satan’s interjections a test for those with disease in their hearts, and those whose hearts are hardened. And those who do wrong are in profound discord. [22:53]
And it is so that those to whom knowledge has been given may know that it is the truth from your Lord, so they may believe in God and their hearts may be humbled to God. For God is the guide of those who believe to a straight path. [22:54]
But those who scoff will not cease to be in doubt about it until the end of time comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the torment of a hopeless day. [22:55]
Dominion on that day will belong to God, who will judge among them. And those who believed and did good works will be in gardens of happiness. [22:56]
As for those who scoffed and repudiated Our signs, for them there is a degrading penalty. [22:57]
As for those who’ve emigrated for the sake of God, and then been killed or died, God will certainly provide them an excellent provision; and God is indeed the best of providers, [22:58]
and will surely admit them to a place with which they’ll be pleased; for God is indeed omniscient, most kind. [22:59]
So it is. And whoever retaliates to the degree he was injured, then is further unjustly oppressed, God will help him: for God does pardon and forgive. [22:60]
That is because God causes the night to enter the day, and the day to enter the night; and because God is all-hearing, all-seeing. [22:61]
That is because God is reality, and whatever else they pray to is vanity; and it is God that is most exalted, most great. [22:62]
Don’t you see that God sends down rain from the sky and the land becomes green? For God is indeed most kind, most aware— [22:63]
in possession of all in the heavens and all on earth; and God is the independent, the praiseworthy. [22:64]
Don’t you see that God has subjected what is on earth to you, even the ships that sail the sea by divine decree? And God prevents the sky from showering on the earth, except by divine leave; for God is truly kind and merciful to humanity. [22:65]
For it is God who gives you life and makes you die, then revives you: man is indeed an ingrate! [22:66]
We have established rites for every community to observe, so don’t let them draw you into dispute about the matter; but appeal to God. For you are certainly following guidance that is sound. [22:67]
If they argue with you, then say, “God knows best what you’re doing. [22:68]
“God will judge among you, on the day of resurrection, regarding what you differed on.” [22:69]
Don’t you know that God knows what is in the sky and earth? For that is in a decree. Indeed, that is easy for God. [22:70]
Yet they worship, instead of God, what God has not authorized, and what they have no knowledge of. And there is no savior for those in error. [22:71]
And when Our clear signs are recited to them, you discern denial in the faces of those who’ve been ungrateful— they nearly assault those who recite to them Our signs. Say, “Shall I tell you of something worse than that for you? The fire, which God has promised to those who’ve been ungrateful. And what a miserable lot!” [22:72]
People, an example is set forth, so listen to it: those to whom you pray instead of God could not create a fly, even if they all cooperated at it. And if a fly should snatch anything from them, they would not recover it from it. The seeker is weak, and so is the sought. [22:73]
They have not assessed the true capacity of God: for God is indeed powerful, almighty. [22:74]
God selects messengers from among the angels and from among humankind; for God is all-hearing, all-seeing. [22:75]
God knows what is before them and what is behind them; and all affairs are referred to God. [22:76]