Surah Hadid

Everything in the heavens and the earth glorifies God, the almighty, the supremely wise, [57:1]
ruler of the heavens and the earth, who gives life and causes death, and who is in control of every thing; [57:2]
the first and the last, the outward and the inward. God knows everything. [57:3]
God is the one who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then mounted the throne. God knows what goes into the earth, and what emerges from it; and what descends from the sky and what rises to it. And God is with you wherever you are and sees whatever you’re doing: [57:4]
The rule of the heavens and the earth belongs to God, and matters depend on God. [57:5]
God introduces night into day, and day into night; and God knows what is in hearts. [57:6]
Believe in God and the messenger of God, and spend of what We have made you inheritors to. For those of you who do have faith and expend, there is a great reward. [57:7]
So what prevents you from believing in God, when the messenger invites you to believe in your Lord, and he has gotten your agreement, if you are faithful believers? [57:8]
God is the one who sends evident signs down to the servant of the divine, to bring you forth from the darknesses into the light: God is indeed kind to you, and merciful. [57:9]
So what prevents you from spending for the sake of God, when the inheritance of the heavens and the earth belongs to God? Those of you who contributed before victory and fought are not on the same level; they are greater in rank than those who contributed and fought afterwards. But God has promised fairness to each and every one; and God is fully aware of what you do. [57:10]
Who will advance a good loan to God, who will double it for him, so he will have a generous reward? [57:11]
One day you will see the believing men and the believing women with their light streaming before them and by their right hands: “Good news, for you today: a garden with streams flowing below, to abide in forever.” That is the greater success. [57:12]
One day the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women will say to those who believe, “Wait for us, so we make take light from your light.” They will be told, “Turn back behind you to seek light,” but a wall between them will be set up, with a door in it: inside it will be mercy, while right outside will be agony. [57:13]
They will call to them, “Were we not with you?” They will say, “Yes, but you seduced your own selves, and you lay in wait, and you doubted, and wishes deceived you, until the order of God arrived: and the Deceiver deceived you about God. [57:14]
“So today no ransom will be accepted from you, or from those who scoffed. Your place is the fire— that is your master; and what a miserable destination!” [57:15]
Has the time not come for those who believe that their hearts should humble themselves to remembrance of God and the truth that has come down, and that they should not be like those to whom scripture was given before but over a long period of time their hearts hardened and many of them became dissolute? [57:16]
Know that God enlivens the earth after its death; We have made the signs clear to you, so that you may understand. [57:17]
For the men who give charity and women who give charity, advancing a good loan to God, it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a generous reward. [57:18]
And those who believe in God and the messengers of God are the ones who are truly sincere, and the witnesses in the presence of their Lord; they will have their reward, and their light. But those who scoffed and denied Our signs, they will be inmates of blazes. [57:19]
Know that the life of the world is but diversion and distraction, and ostentation and boasting among yourselves, and striving for more and more property and children. It is like rain whose growth pleases the tillers then dies out and you see it turn yellow, and then it crumbles. In the hereafter there is severe agony, and forgiveness from God, and acceptance. So what is the life of the world but the stuff of deception? [57:20]
Race to forgiveness from your Lord, and a garden spacious as heaven and earth, arranged for those who believe in God and the messengers of God. That is the bounty of God, which God bestows on whomever God will; and God is the possessor of the greatest bounty. [57:21]
No calamity occurs on earth, or to yourselves, but is in a decree before We create it. That is easy for God, [57:22]
so that you might not sorrow over what eludes you nor exult over what comes to you; for God loves no one who is pompous and proud, [57:23]
the ones who are stingy and induce people to be greedy; but no matter who turns away, God is the independent one, the one worthy of all praise. [57:24]
We have sent Our messengers with clear proofs, and We sent the Book and the Balance with them, that humanity may stand by justice. And We sent iron, in which is violent force and advantages for humanity, that God may know who will help God and God’s messengers, albeit unseen. God is truly powerful, almighty. [57:25]
We sent Noah and Abraham, and placed prophecy and scripture among their descendants: so some of them were guided; but many of them were dissolute. [57:26]
Then We sent Our envoys after them: We sent Jesus Son of Mary, giving him the Gospel; and We put kindliness and mercy in the hearts of those who follow him. But the monasticism they invented for themselves was not prescribed by Us for them, only seeking the pleasure of God; and they did not adhere to it according to its genuine observance. But We gave those among them who believed their reward; while many of them were dissolute. [57:27]
Believers, be conscious of God and believe in the messenger of God: God gives you a double portion of divine mercy, and provides you light to go by, and forgives you. For God is forgiving, merciful, [57:28]
so the people of scripture may know they have no control over anything of God’s bounty, and that the bounty is in the hand of God, who bestows it on anyone at will; and God is possessor of the greatest bounty. [57:29]