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  • ٱلْغَاشِيَة
    Surah Ghashiya
    The Overwhelming
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    Surah Number 88
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Overwhelming Event, The Overshadowing Event, The Pall
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 26
    Number of Rukus 1
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 76
    Total Number of Words 92
    Number of Letters 382
    Page Number 592
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Ghashiya

      ​Have you heard tell of the calamity? [88:1]
      ​Some faces will be downcast that day, [88:2]
      ​laboring, exhausted, [88:3]
      ​roasting in a burning fire, [88:4]
      ​given drink from a boiling spring. [88:5]
      ​There will be no food for them but bitter thorn [88:6]
      that neither nourishes nor satisfies hunger. [88:7]
      ​Some faces will be happy that day, [88:8]
      ​satisfied with their endeavor, [88:9]
      ​in a lofty garden, [88:10]
      ​where they’ll hear no nonsense. [88:11]
      ​There’ll be a running spring there, [88:12]
      ​there’ll be elevated couches there, [88:13]
      ​and cups set out [88:14]
      ​and cushions arrayed [88:15]
      ​and rich carpets spread. [88:16]
      ​Don’t they see the camels, how they are made, [88:17]
      ​and the sky, how it is raised, [88:18]
      ​and the mountains, how they are set, [88:19]
      ​and the earth, how it is spread? [88:20]
      ​So remind; you are but one who reminds, [88:21]
      ​not a ruler over them. [88:22]
      ​But whoever turns away and scoffs [88:23]
      ​God will punish him with the greatest torment. [88:24]
      ​It is to Us that they’ll return: [88:25]
      ​then their reckoning is up to Us. [88:26]
