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  • ٱلْفَتْح
    Surah Fatah
    The Victory
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    Surah Number 48
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Victory, Conquest
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 29
    Number of Rukus 4 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 362
    Total Number of Words 560
    Number of Letters 2510
    Page Number 511
    Juz Number 26
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    Surah Fatah

      ​We have granted you a clear victory, [48:1]
      ​that God may forgive you for your previous and later fault, and to complete divine favor on you, and to guide you on a straight path, [48:2]
      ​and so God may help you with mighty assistance. [48:3]
      ​It is God who sent tranquility down into the hearts of the believers, that they may add faith to their faith —for the forces of the heavens and the earth belong to God, and God is omniscient, supremely wise— [48:4]
      ​in order to admit the believing men and believing women into gardens with streams flowing below, to abide therein, and to erase their evils from them —and that, to God, is supreme success— [48:5]
      ​and to punish the hypocritical men and hypocritical women, and the idolatrous men and idolatrous women, who conceive an evil opinion of God: they are due for an evil turn of fortune as God is angry with them and has cursed them and prepared them hell, a wretched destination. [48:6]
      ​The forces of the heavens and the earth belong to God, and God is almighty, supremely wise. [48:7]
      ​We sent you as a witness, a herald, and a warner, [48:8]
      ​so that you all might believe in God and the messenger of God, honoring and revering God, and celebrating the praise of God morning and evening. [48:9]
      ​For those who pledge their loyalty to you are actually pledging their loyalty to God; the hand of God is over their hands. So if anyone reneges, he only reneges to his own detriment; and whoever fulfills what he has promised to God, God will give a great reward. [48:10]
      ​The desert Arabs left behind will say, “Our flocks and our families occupied us, so ask forgiveness for us.” They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, “Who can preempt God for you if God wishes you loss or wishes you gain? God is aware of whatever you do. [48:11]
      ​“But you thought the messenger and the believers would never return to their families; and that seemed fine to you in your hearts, as you conceived an evil notion, and you are uncivilized people.” [48:12]
      ​And if any won’t believe in God and God’s messenger, We have prepared a blazing fire for the atheists. [48:13]
      ​The dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to God, who forgives anyone at will and punishes anyone at will; and God is the epitome of forgiveness and mercy. [48:14]
      ​Those left behind will say, when you set off to take spoils, “Let us go and we will follow you.” They want to change the word of God. Say, “You’ll never follow us as you are: God has said so before.” Then they will say, “No, you’re just jealous of us.” But they hardly understand at all. [48:15]
      ​Say to the desert Arabs left behind, “You will be called to face a people of great strength: you will fight them, or they will surrender. Now if you comply, God will give you a fine reward; but if you turn back as you turned back before, God will punish you with a painful penalty.” [48:16]
      ​There is no blame on the blind, and no blame on the lame, and no blame on the sick. But anyone who obeys God and God’s messenger God will admit to gardens with streams flowing below; and anyone who turns back God will punish with a painful penalty. [48:17]
      ​God was certainly pleased with the believers when they pledged loyalty to you under the tree, knowing what was in their hearts, sending tranquility down on them, and rewarding them with ready victory, [48:18]
      ​and abundant spoils, which they take; as God is almighty, most wise. [48:19]
      ​God has promised you an abundance of spoils, which you will take, for God has expedited this for you, and held back people’s hands from you that it may be a sign for the believers, and to guide you all to a straight path. [48:20]
      ​And other things, of which you are incapable, God has already encompassed; and God is capable of everything. [48:21]
      ​Even if those who scoff fight you, they will certainly turn and flee, and then they will not be able to find any protector or any helper, [48:22]
      ​according to the custom of God, which has existed since before: and you will find no change in the custom of God. [48:23]
      ​It is God who withheld their hands from you and yours from them inside Mecca after having made you victorious over them: and God sees whatever you do. [48:24]
      ​They are the ones who scoffed and kept you from the sacred mosque, with the sacrificial animals kept from reaching their place of sacrifice. So the restraint was on account of believing men and believing women whom you don’t know and might have trampled on, and thus on whose account you might have been stigmatized unwittingly, so God might admit whom God will into divine mercy: had they been separated out, We would have punished the atheists among them with a painful penalty. [48:25]
      ​The scoffers put fanaticism in their hearts, the fanaticism of ignorance, but God sent divine peace upon the messenger of God, and on the believers, and imposed on them the sentence of conscience, of which they were most worthy and deserving. And God knows everything. [48:26]
      ​God has confirmed the vision for the messenger in reality; you will certainly enter the sacred mosque, God willing, secure, heads shaved or hair cut short, without fear; God knew what you did not know, and granted a ready victory besides. [48:27]
      ​God is the one who sent the messenger with the guide and the religion of truth, to reveal it to all religion. And God is sufficient for a witness. [48:28]
      ​Muhammad is the messenger of God, and those who are with him are strong against atheists and compassionate among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves, seeking grace from God, and acceptance. Their mark is on their faces, from the traces of their prostration. That is their model in the Torah, and their model in the Gospel, like a seed that sprouts its shoot, and makes it strong and sturdy so it stands upright on its stem, delighting the ones who sow, incensing the atheists at them. God has promised those of them who have faith and do good works forgiveness and a tremendous reward. [48:29]
