Surah Falaq
Surah Falaq (Daybreak) is the third of the 4 Quls and one of the muwwazatayn (the two protectors). Surah Falaq is the 113th surah of the Qur’an consisting of five verses made up of 23 words (71 letters).
The reason why Surah Falaq was revealed
During the time of the Prophet ﷺ there was a Jew by the name of Labid bin Asam who attempted to carry out magic on the Prophet ﷺ. The muwwazatayn were revealed in response to this and the magic did not affect the Prophet ﷺ in its entirety as it effects normal people. The only reason why some effect was observed on the Prophet ﷺ was to show the people the benefit of reading surah Falaq and Naas for protection against such magic.
Benefits of Surah Falaq
The verses are prayed for protection against every evil from human and jinn. It is a protection against envy and the whispering of shaitan, as reflected by the verses themselves. Mother of believers, Aisha J reported that the Prophet ﷺ would recite surah Falaq and surah Naas, blow upon his hands and pass them over his head, face and front of his body. When he ﷺ was too ill, Aisha J would recite them and take the Prophet’s ﷺ hands and pass them over his body.
By reciting the three Quls (surah Ikhlas, surah Falaq and surah Nas) three times a Muslim will be protected throughout the day and during the afternoon. These verses will suffice him for his needs, too.
Hadith on Surah Falaq
- Uqba I was taught by the Prophet ﷺ to recite these two surahs whenever you lie down and whenever you rise (Tirmidhi, Nasai).
- Uqba I narrates that once when he was with the Prophet ﷺ and he put his hands on his ﷺ feet and pleaded, “Teach me Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “You will not read anything more virtuous and near to Allah than Al Falaq (Nasai).
- Abu Saeed Khudri I narrates that the Prophet ﷺ used to seek protection from the evil eye of jinn and humans by reciting other verses of the Qur’an, but after the muwwazatayn were revealed, he began reciting them and stopped all others for protection.

Surah Falaq (Daybreak) is the third of the 4 Quls and one of the muwwazatayn (the two protectors). Surah Falaq is the 113th surah of the Qur’an consisting of five verses made up of 23 words (71 letters).
The reason why Surah Falaq was revealed
During the time of the Prophet ﷺ there was a Jew by the name of Labid bin Asam who attempted to carry out magic on the Prophet ﷺ. The muwwazatayn were revealed in response to this and the magic did not affect the Prophet ﷺ in its entirety as it effects normal people. The only reason why some effect was observed on the Prophet ﷺ was to show the people the benefit of reading surah Falaq and Naas for protection against such magic.
Benefits of Surah Falaq
The verses are prayed for protection against every evil from human and jinn. It is a protection against envy and the whispering of shaitan, as reflected by the verses themselves. Mother of believers, Aisha J reported that the Prophet ﷺ would recite surah Falaq and surah Naas, blow upon his hands and pass them over his head, face and front of his body. When he ﷺ was too ill, Aisha J would recite them and take the Prophet’s ﷺ hands and pass them over his body.
By reciting the three Quls (surah Ikhlas, surah Falaq and surah Nas) three times a Muslim will be protected throughout the day and during the afternoon. These verses will suffice him for his needs, too.
Hadith on Surah Falaq
- Uqba I was taught by the Prophet ﷺ to recite these two surahs whenever you lie down and whenever you rise (Tirmidhi, Nasai).
- Uqba I narrates that once when he was with the Prophet ﷺ and he put his hands on his ﷺ feet and pleaded, “Teach me Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “You will not read anything more virtuous and near to Allah than Al Falaq (Nasai).
- Abu Saeed Khudri I narrates that the Prophet ﷺ used to seek protection from the evil eye of jinn and humans by reciting other verses of the Qur’an, but after the muwwazatayn were revealed, he began reciting them and stopped all others for protection.
Surah Falaq (Daybreak) is the third of the 4 Quls and one of the muwwazatayn (the two protectors). Surah Falaq is the 113th surah of the Qur’an consisting of five verses made up of 23 words (71 letters).
The reason why Surah Falaq was revealed
During the time of the Prophet ﷺ there was a Jew by the name of Labid bin Asam who attempted to carry out magic on the Prophet ﷺ. The muwwazatayn were revealed in response to this and the magic did not affect the Prophet ﷺ in its entirety as it effects normal people. The only reason why some effect was observed on the Prophet ﷺ was to show the people the benefit of reading surah Falaq and Naas for protection against such magic.
Benefits of Surah Falaq
The verses are prayed for protection against every evil from human and jinn. It is a protection against envy and the whispering of shaitan, as reflected by the verses themselves. Mother of believers, Aisha J reported that the Prophet ﷺ would recite surah Falaq and surah Naas, blow upon his hands and pass them over his head, face and front of his body. When he ﷺ was too ill, Aisha J would recite them and take the Prophet’s ﷺ hands and pass them over his body.
By reciting the three Quls (surah Ikhlas, surah Falaq and surah Nas) three times a Muslim will be protected throughout the day and during the afternoon. These verses will suffice him for his needs, too.
Hadith on Surah Falaq
- Uqba I was taught by the Prophet ﷺ to recite these two surahs whenever you lie down and whenever you rise (Tirmidhi, Nasai).
- Uqba I narrates that once when he was with the Prophet ﷺ and he put his hands on his ﷺ feet and pleaded, “Teach me Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “You will not read anything more virtuous and near to Allah than Al Falaq (Nasai).
- Abu Saeed Khudri I narrates that the Prophet ﷺ used to seek protection from the evil eye of jinn and humans by reciting other verses of the Qur’an, but after the muwwazatayn were revealed, he began reciting them and stopped all others for protection.
Surah Falaq (Daybreak) is the third of the 4 Quls and one of the muwwazatayn (the two protectors). Surah Falaq is the 113th surah of the Qur’an consisting of five verses made up of 23 words (71 letters).
The reason why Surah Falaq was revealed
During the time of the Prophet ﷺ there was a Jew by the name of Labid bin Asam who attempted to carry out magic on the Prophet ﷺ. The muwwazatayn were revealed in response to this and the magic did not affect the Prophet ﷺ in its entirety as it effects normal people. The only reason why some effect was observed on the Prophet ﷺ was to show the people the benefit of reading surah Falaq and Naas for protection against such magic.
Benefits of Surah Falaq
The verses are prayed for protection against every evil from human and jinn. It is a protection against envy and the whispering of shaitan, as reflected by the verses themselves. Mother of believers, Aisha J reported that the Prophet ﷺ would recite surah Falaq and surah Naas, blow upon his hands and pass them over his head, face and front of his body. When he ﷺ was too ill, Aisha J would recite them and take the Prophet’s ﷺ hands and pass them over his body.
By reciting the three Quls (surah Ikhlas, surah Falaq and surah Nas) three times a Muslim will be protected throughout the day and during the afternoon. These verses will suffice him for his needs, too.
Hadith on Surah Falaq
- Uqba I was taught by the Prophet ﷺ to recite these two surahs whenever you lie down and whenever you rise (Tirmidhi, Nasai).
- Uqba I narrates that once when he was with the Prophet ﷺ and he put his hands on his ﷺ feet and pleaded, “Teach me Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “You will not read anything more virtuous and near to Allah than Al Falaq (Nasai).
- Abu Saeed Khudri I narrates that the Prophet ﷺ used to seek protection from the evil eye of jinn and humans by reciting other verses of the Qur’an, but after the muwwazatayn were revealed, he began reciting them and stopped all others for protection.
Surah Falaq (Daybreak) is the third of the 4 Quls and one of the muwwazatayn (the two protectors). Surah Falaq is the 113th surah of the Qur’an consisting of five verses made up of 23 words (71 letters).
The reason why Surah Falaq was revealed
During the time of the Prophet ﷺ there was a Jew by the name of Labid bin Asam who attempted to carry out magic on the Prophet ﷺ. The muwwazatayn were revealed in response to this and the magic did not affect the Prophet ﷺ in its entirety as it effects normal people. The only reason why some effect was observed on the Prophet ﷺ was to show the people the benefit of reading surah Falaq and Naas for protection against such magic.
Benefits of Surah Falaq
The verses are prayed for protection against every evil from human and jinn. It is a protection against envy and the whispering of shaitan, as reflected by the verses themselves. Mother of believers, Aisha J reported that the Prophet ﷺ would recite surah Falaq and surah Naas, blow upon his hands and pass them over his head, face and front of his body. When he ﷺ was too ill, Aisha J would recite them and take the Prophet’s ﷺ hands and pass them over his body.
By reciting the three Quls (surah Ikhlas, surah Falaq and surah Nas) three times a Muslim will be protected throughout the day and during the afternoon. These verses will suffice him for his needs, too.
Hadith on Surah Falaq
- Uqba I was taught by the Prophet ﷺ to recite these two surahs whenever you lie down and whenever you rise (Tirmidhi, Nasai).
- Uqba I narrates that once when he was with the Prophet ﷺ and he put his hands on his ﷺ feet and pleaded, “Teach me Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “You will not read anything more virtuous and near to Allah than Al Falaq (Nasai).
- Abu Saeed Khudri I narrates that the Prophet ﷺ used to seek protection from the evil eye of jinn and humans by reciting other verses of the Qur’an, but after the muwwazatayn were revealed, he began reciting them and stopped all others for protection.
Surah Falaq (Daybreak) is the third of the 4 Quls and one of the muwwazatayn (the two protectors). Surah Falaq is the 113th surah of the Qur’an consisting of five verses made up of 23 words (71 letters).
The reason why Surah Falaq was revealed
During the time of the Prophet ﷺ there was a Jew by the name of Labid bin Asam who attempted to carry out magic on the Prophet ﷺ. The muwwazatayn were revealed in response to this and the magic did not affect the Prophet ﷺ in its entirety as it effects normal people. The only reason why some effect was observed on the Prophet ﷺ was to show the people the benefit of reading surah Falaq and Naas for protection against such magic.
Benefits of Surah Falaq
The verses are prayed for protection against every evil from human and jinn. It is a protection against envy and the whispering of shaitan, as reflected by the verses themselves. Mother of believers, Aisha J reported that the Prophet ﷺ would recite surah Falaq and surah Naas, blow upon his hands and pass them over his head, face and front of his body. When he ﷺ was too ill, Aisha J would recite them and take the Prophet’s ﷺ hands and pass them over his body.
By reciting the three Quls (surah Ikhlas, surah Falaq and surah Nas) three times a Muslim will be protected throughout the day and during the afternoon. These verses will suffice him for his needs, too.
Hadith on Surah Falaq
- Uqba I was taught by the Prophet ﷺ to recite these two surahs whenever you lie down and whenever you rise (Tirmidhi, Nasai).
- Uqba I narrates that once when he was with the Prophet ﷺ and he put his hands on his ﷺ feet and pleaded, “Teach me Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “You will not read anything more virtuous and near to Allah than Al Falaq (Nasai).
- Abu Saeed Khudri I narrates that the Prophet ﷺ used to seek protection from the evil eye of jinn and humans by reciting other verses of the Qur’an, but after the muwwazatayn were revealed, he began reciting them and stopped all others for protection.