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  • ٱلْفَجْر
    Surah Fajr
    The Dawn
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    Surah Number 89
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Break of Day, The Daybreak, The Dawn
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 30
    Number of Rukus 1
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 114
    Total Number of Words 139
    Number of Letters 584
    Page Number 593
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Fajr

      ​By the daybreak [89:1]
      ​and ten nights [89:2]
      ​and the even and the odd [89:3]
      ​and the night when it passes: [89:4]
      ​is there an oath in that for those with understanding? [89:5]
      ​Haven’t you seen how your Lord treated the Ad, [89:6]
      ​of the pillared city Iram, [89:7]
      ​the like of which was never made in any land; [89:8]
      ​and the Thamud, who hollowed rock in the valley; [89:9]
      ​and Pharaoh, Lord of the Stakes; [89:10]
      ​the ones who were tyrannical in the lands [89:11]
      and multiplied corruption therein, [89:12]
      ​so your Lord poured a medley of punishment upon them; [89:13]
      ​for your Lord is on the lookout. [89:14]
      ​And as for man, whenever his Lord tests him by honoring him and pampering him, he says, “My Lord has honored me!” [89:15]
      ​And when his Lord tests him by restricting his provision, he says, “My Lord has insulted me!” [89:16]
      ​It’s not that, but you are not generous to the orphan [89:17]
      ​and don’t encourage each other to feed the poor, [89:18]
      ​and you consume inheritance with all-consuming voracity [89:19]
      ​and you love wealth with concentrated love. [89:20]
      ​Oh, no! When the earth is flattened, demolished and devastated, [89:21]
      ​and your Lord and the angels come, row after row, [89:22]
      ​and hell is brought forth that day, on that day man will take counsel, but how will advice avail him? [89:23]
      ​He will say, “Oh, would that I had prepared for my life!” [89:24]
      ​For no one can inflict the divine punishment that day, [89:25]
      ​and no one can bind the divine bond that day. [89:26]
      ​“O tranquil soul, [89:27]
      ​“return to your Lord, pleased and accepted: [89:28]
      ​“Enter the company of My servants; [89:29]
      ​“enter into My garden” [89:30]
