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  • ٱلدُّخَان
    Surah Dukhan
    The Smoke
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    Surah Number 44
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Smoke
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 59
    Number of Rukus 3
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 243
    Total Number of Words 346
    Number of Letters 1474
    Page Number 496
    Juz Number 25
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    Surah Dukhan

      ​H.M. [44:1]
      ​By the clear Book: [44:2]
      ​We have revealed it in a blessed night, for We have been actively warning; [44:3]
      ​in it is distinguished every wise command [44:4]
      ​as a decree from Us: for We have been sending messages, [44:5]
      ​as a mercy from your Lord, the all-hearing, the all-knowing, [44:6]
      ​Lord of the skies and the earth and all that is between them, if you know for sure. [44:7]
      ​There is no God but the One, who gives life and causes death, your Lord and Lord of your ancestors. [44:8]
      ​But they dally in doubt. [44:9]
      ​So expect a day on which the sky will produce a visible smoke [44:10]
      ​overwhelming the people; this is a painful punishment. [44:11]
      ​“Our Lord! Remove the torment from us, for we are believers!” [44:12]
      ​How is the reminder theirs, when an articulate messenger has come to them [44:13]
      ​but they have turned away from him and said he has been coached, he is possessed! [44:14]
      We will remove the punishment a while, but you will revert. [44:15]
      ​One day We’ll attack with the overwhelming impact, for We will take revenge. [44:16]
      ​And We did indeed try the people of Pharaoh before them, as a noble messenger came to them, [44:17]
      ​saying, “Bring me the devotees of God, for I am a trustworthy messenger to you.” [44:18]
      ​And, “Do not think yourselves above God, for I come to you with clear authority.” [44:19]
      ​And, “I have taken refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me. [44:20]
      ​“And if you do not believe in me, then keep away from me.” [44:21]
      ​Then he cried to his Lord, “These are a villainous people!” [44:22]
      ​“Then set out until My devotees by night, for you will be pursued. [44:23]
      ​“And leave the sea parted; for they are an army to be drowned.” [44:24]
      ​How many gardens and springs did they leave behind, [44:25]
      ​and sown fields, and places of distinction, [44:26]
      ​and blessings they used to enjoy. [44:27]
      ​So it was; and We had other people inherit it. [44:28]
      ​And neither heaven nor earth wept for them, and they were not cared about. [44:29]
      ​And We did deliver the Israelites from the humiliating torment, [44:30]
      ​from Pharaoh, for he was outstanding among the intemperate. [44:31]
      ​And We did choose them, on account of knowledge, over all nations. [44:32]
      ​And We gave them signs, in which was an evidentiary test. [44:33]
      ​As for these here, they will surely say, [44:34]
      ​“There is only our first death; we will not be resurrected. [44:35]
      ​“Bring our ancestors back, then, if you are telling the truth!” [44:36]
      ​Are they better than the people of Tubba’ and those before them? We destroyed them, for they were sinners. [44:37]
      ​And We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between in jest; [44:38]
      ​We created them thoroughly soundly, but most of them do not know. [44:39]
      The day of judgment is the appointed time for everyone: [44:40]
      ​the day on which no partner can avail a partner anything, and they will not be helped, [44:41]
      ​except those on whom God has mercy; as God is the epitome of power and forgiveness. [44:42]
      ​The bitter almond of hell [44:43]
      is the food of evildoers, [44:44]
      ​like molten brass, boiling within them, [44:45]
      ​like the boiling of boiling water. [44:46]
      ​“Seize him and haul him into the midst of the blaze! [44:47]
      ​“Then pour the punishment of boiling water over his head! [44:48]
      ​“Taste! For you were mighty, honored; [44:49]
      ​“here’s what you were doubting!” [44:50]
      ​As for the conscientious, they will be in a secure abode, [44:51]
      ​amidst gardens and springs, [44:52]
      ​wearing silk and brocade, facing one another, [44:53]
      ​like so; and We will pair them with doe-eyed maidens. [44:54]
      ​There they can call for every fruit in peace; [44:55]
      ​they will not taste death there, except the first death. And God will preserve them from the torment of the blaze, [44:56]
      ​as a blessing from your Lord. That is the great salvation. [44:57]
      ​So We have just made it easy by using your language, that they may be reminded. [44:58]
      ​So watch, for they are watching. [44:59]
