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  • ٱلذَّارِيَات
    Surah Dhariyat
    The Scatterers
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    Surah Number 51
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Wind That Scatter, The Winnowing Winds, The Dust-Scattering Winds
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 60
    Number of Rukus 2 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 265
    Total Number of Words 360
    Number of Letters 1546
    Page Number 520
    Juz Number 26 & 27
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    Surah Dhariyat

      ​By the scattering winds, [51:1]
      ​and those that bear burdens, [51:2]
      ​and those that blow gently, [51:3]
      ​and those that apportion their action, [51:4]
      ​what you are promised is true; [51:5]
      ​and judgment will come to pass. [51:6]
      ​By the sky, with its orbits, [51:7]
      ​you are involved in a contradictory doctrine [51:8]
      ​by which the deluded are deceived. [51:9]
      ​Doomed are those who conjecture, [51:10]
      ​those who wallow in emotion distracted, [51:11]
      ​asking when the day of requital will be: [51:12]
      ​a day when they will be tried over the fire: [51:13]
      ​“Taste your trial!—this is what you were trying to hurry!” [51:14]
      ​As for the conscientious, they will be in gardens with springs, [51:15]
      ​receiving what their Lord has given them; for they used to do good before that. [51:16]
      ​They used to sleep little at night [51:17]
      ​and pray for forgiveness in the early morning hours, [51:18]
      ​and with their goods were fair to the beggar and the deprived. [51:19]
      ​There are signs for the certain on earth, [51:20]
      ​and in your selves; so don’t you see? [51:21]
      ​And in the sky is sustenance for you, and what you are promised. [51:22]
      ​So by the Lord of the sky and the earth, this is truth, like the fact that you can speak. [51:23]
      ​Has the story of Abraham’s honored guests reached you? [51:24]
      ​They visited him and said, “Peace.” He said, “Peace.” They were unknown people. [51:25]
      ​Then he withdrew to his family then brought out a fatted calf; [51:26]
      ​setting it before the others, he said, “Won’t you eat?” [51:27]
      ​Then he had fearful foreboding of them. They said, “Don’t be afraid,” and announced good news to him of a very wise son. [51:28]
      ​Then his wife approached in an uproar; striking her forehead, she said, “A barren old woman?” [51:29]
      ​They said, “Thus has spoken your Lord, who is the epitome of wisdom, and knowledge.” [51:30]
      ​“So what is your mission, O messengers?” [51:31]
      ​They said, “We have been sent to a people guilty of sin [51:32]
      ​“to bring upon them stones of clay [51:33]
      ​“marked for transgressors in the presence of your Lord.” [51:34]
      ​Then We brought out any of the faithful who were there. [51:35]
      ​But We found only one household of people who submitted to God. [51:36]
      ​And We left a sign there for those who fear the agony. [51:37]
      ​In the case of Moses, We sent him to Pharaoh with manifest authority, [51:38]
      ​but the latter turned back to his chiefs and said, “This is a sorcerer, or a lunatic.” [51:39]
      So We seized him and his troops and threw them in the sea; and he was to blame. [51:40]
      ​In the case of the ‘Ad, We sent against them destructive wind [51:41]
      ​that left nothing it came up against, but made it disintegrate as if it were rotten. [51:42]
      ​And in the case of the Thamud, they were told, “Enjoy yourselves for a while. [51:43]
      Yet they defied the order of their Lord; so they were struck by a thunderbolt, before their very eyes, [51:44]
      ​whereat they couldn’t even stand, let alone save themselves; [51:45]
      ​and Noah’s people too, earlier on, for they were a dissolute people. [51:46]
      ​Even the sky We constructed through agencies, while it was We who made the space. [51:47]
      ​And the earth We cover, spreading it richly. [51:48]
      ​And We have made pairs of every thing, so that you would think. [51:49]
      ​“So flee to God, from Whom I am an open warner to you. [51:50]
      ​“And don’t set up another deity alongside God, from Whom I am an open warner to you.” [51:51]
      ​In the same way, no messenger ever came to those before them but they called him a sorcerer or a madman. [51:52]
      ​Have they handed this down through the generations? No, they are perverse people. [51:53]
      ​So turn away from them, and you are not to blame. [51:54]
      ​But admonish, for admonition profits the believers; [51:55]
      ​and I only created sprites and humans for them to serve Me. [51:56]
      ​I do not want sustenance from them, I do not want them to feed Me. [51:57]
      ​For it is God who is the Provider, endowed with solid power. [51:58]
      ​The lot of those who do wrong is like the lot of their counterparts, so let them not rush Me! [51:59]
      So woe to those who scoffed, on account of the day they are promised. [51:60]
