Surah Bayyinah

Those of the people of scripture and the polytheists who scoffed would not stop until evidence came to them, [98:1]
a messenger from God, reciting immaculate scrolls [98:2]
in which are just decrees. [98:3]
And those to whom scripture was given did not become divided among themselves until after the evidence came to them. [98:4]
Yet they have only been enjoined to worship God sincerely in their way of life, devoted; and to practice regular prayer, and to give alms; that is true religion. [98:5]
As for those who scoffed, among both people of scripture and polytheists, they will be in hellfire, where they will remain. They are the worst of creation. [98:6]
As for those who have faith and do good works, they are the best of creation. [98:7]
Their reward is in the presence of their Lord: gardens of eternity with rivers flowing below, where they will abide forever, God being pleased with them and they being pleased with God. That is for those in awe of their Lord. [98:8]